Posted on June 11, 2009
Mareli reports: "On the 20th we will play 36 holes match play - round one is singles and round two is foursomes. The foursomes will be interesting because we will have the advantage of playing off the ladies tees- some of the participating universities don't have any ladies in their team! This is the second year that TUKS is sending a team, but Gina and I are the first ladies to represent the university abroad. There are approximately 25 universities from all over the world that will be playing."
The tournament website is - this gives a better understanding of what the event is about, including the whole program, history etc.
She continues "On the program there is a short game competition scheduled which also includes 'trick & dirt' - we'll have to report back what exactly that is 'cause I don't have a clue!! The recommended dress code for the Friday evening is traditional costume (Bavarian Lederhosen, Dirndl, Scottish kilt etc.) - so it means we'll have to appear in springbok velletjies met koedoe horings and little drums with spiese...hehe, imagine - customs will love us!!"
The team leaves on the 14th June, flying to Frankfurt via Dubai where they will spend commences.
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