The Giant's Garden

Posted on January 20, 2011

UP DRAMA DEPARTMENT PROUDLY PRESENTS: THE GIANT’S GARDEN directed by Steven Schamrel and Enel Alberts 

Click here for the poster!

Think back to your childhood: Trees were houses, the garden a jungle, and your grandfather’s walking stick a magic wand. The giant’s Garden is an adventure experience that teaches one that goodness is an everlasting virtue. The play was inspired by Oscar Wilde’s short story The Selfish Giant. Mister Giant is so possessed by his garden that his priorities fall by the wayside. Fortunately his new friends, the fairies, teach him about love, singing and friendship – the most important compost to make his garden grow. But the witches and trolls are not impressed by this new turn of events.

Colourful characters, a wonder-world and magic music make this production a deliciously comic, but also moving experience. 

A definite must see and even if it is generally targeted at children both young an old will enjoy it. This production was a box-office hit at the Aardklop Festival 2010 held in Potchefstroom.
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Dates:  8 – 19th of February

Dates For English version of Production:  8;10;12;15;17 and 19
Dates For Afrikaans version of Production: 9;11;14;16 and 18
Times: Two shows a day – 9am and 11am
              Three shows Wednesdays and Fridays – 9am;11am and 3pm
Venue: University of Pretoria – Masker Theatre
Ticket Price: R 35 Adults
                       R 30 Students & Children
                       R 25 Block booking of more than 20
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BOOKINGS: Marielle: 012 420 3644 or [email protected] 

INFORMATION: Steven: 0722820953

                  OR Drama Department 012 420 2558 or [email protected]

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