Book Launch - 18 February 2011

Posted on February 14, 2011

The Department of Political Sciences and Bookmark

cordially invite you to the book launch of

Contemporary Diplomacy: Representation and Communication in a Globalized World

By Geoffrey Allen Pigman

Polity Press, 2010


Contemporary Diplomacy offers a comprehensive introduction to the changing actors, venues, processes and functions of diplomacy in the 21st Centruty. Aimed at student sand practitioners alike, this book explores the critical theoretical tools that can be employed to understand diplomacy and its evolution since the end of the Cold War. It also shows how the study of diplomacy can contribute to the analysis of 21st Century conflict and international relations more broadly


Venue              :           Postgraduate Centre, L1-76, UP main campus

Date                 :           18 February 2011

Time                :           15.30 – 16.30

RSVP               :           On or before 16 February. [email protected] / 012 420 2696

Speakers          :           Dr Yolanda Spies, programme director of the UP Master’s Programme in 
Studies, will introduce the author, Dr Geoff Pigman.


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