Tuks does it again in the 2010 qualifying examination of SAICA

Posted on June 01, 2010

The following are interesting facts about the recent examination:

· All three the joint top candidates in the exam were from UP.

· The three UP candidates in the joint first position were Chantelle Coetzer, Melissa Manley and Megan Marinus.

· Of the Top 10 candidates in QE 1, three are from UP.

· Apart from UP in 2010, no university has ever managed to have 3 candidates in the joint first position.

· All 10 candidates in the Top 10 qualifiers, passed with honours (75% or higher).

· UP delivered 24% of the candidates with honours, despite contributing only 8% of all candidates that passed the exam.

· The pass rate among first-time writers in 2010 was 73%.

· UP achieved a pass rate of 90% for African candidates in 2010.

The CA Programme of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences of the University of Pretoria achieved excellent results, maintaining its consistent performance over the years and making UP one of the top SA universities in respect of the education of chartered accountants.

The first-time writing candidates of the University of Pretoria achieved a pass rate of 92% which means 121 of the 131 candidates passed the examination. This is the highest pass percentage in the country and for this the university is extremely thankful.

The Faculty is also especially proud that three of its candidates, namely Chantelle Coetzer, Melissa Manley and Megan Marinus in the joint first position, were under the Top 10 candidates. At the same time all 10 academic trainees at UP passed the exam and apart from Chantelle mentioned earlier, Shabana Ebrahim, also an academic trainee, passed the exam with honours.

The following table provides an overview of the performance of UP candidates over the past 5 years:


Pass rate of first time candidates



Candidates in

Top 10



Placed 1st

3 (No 1 x 3)



Placed 3rd




Placed 3rd




Placed 2nd




Placed 5th


The Departments specialising in Financial Sciences at the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences are extremely proud of their outstanding record in Part 1 of the SAICA Qualifying Examination and will continue with their best endeavours in this regard.

A special word of thanks is hereby conveyed to the personnel of the above-mentioned departments for walking the extra mile to ensure that UP students are well-equipped to write this taxing exam.

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