Exciting soccer fun league culminates in one of the Veterinary Faculty's highlights for 2010 - update

Posted on June 08, 2010

Twelve teams competed in the six-week-long league. With its own special rules such as 8 minute games, no goalkeeper and two women on the field at all times, and teams such as the Anatomy Skeletons, the CACS Kings and the Young Brazilians, the league was destined to be a special fun-filled event. The outcome was beyond expectations. After fierce competition between the teams, one student team, one support services team and two academic department teams ensured the top spots in two groups.

The finals were preceded by an opening ceremony and a parade. The 2010 Soccer World Cup is a novel event for our country and the Faculty seized this opportunity to lend its voice and enthusiasm to the growing spirit within the country. This opening ceremony was designed so that everybody could contribute their personal energy to the tournament and showcase the close-knit family quality we are sharing at the Faculty of Veterinary Science. A welcoming speech by the Dean, Prof Gerry Swan and the hoisting of the South African flag, accompanied by recital of the South African National Anthem were also part of the opening ceremony. During the soccer matches, Diski-dancing took place while boerewors and sosaties were provided on a first come first served basis.

Every African country at the Soccer World Cup was represented during the parade as follows:

Phytomedicine represented Algeria
UPBRC represented Ghana
DVTD represented South Africa
DPAS represented Nigeria
DAP represented Cote d'Ivoire
CACS represented Cameroon


The final standings after the last round robin matches were as follows:



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