
Posted on June 03, 2009

“The environment is a fundemental core that needs to be nurtured, sustained and conserved. Creating awareness and sharing insight that can be of use to ordinary laymen is crucial. There are many ways one can add value. One unique way where the University has contributed to this core is through the Amalulwane Bat Conservation Project,” says Rudi Horak, curator of Sci-Enza Science Centre.

Since the inception of this project in 2004, several bat houses have been erected on campus and in 7 schools in the Mpumalanga Lowveld Area. According to Horak, 5 new bat houses will be erected at the University of Pretoria’s Groenkloof Campus on World Environment Day (05 June 2009).

“A large colony of Egyptian Free-tailed Bats lives in the buildings. We will be evicting the bats into the new man made bat houses through environmentally friendly methods. This is just one way one can save the environment,” concludes Horak.
OPEN UP YOUR WINGS: Rudi Horak explains to learners from Komatidraai Primary school how their new bat house works


HOUSE OF SAFETY: Bathouse in the Botanical Garden at the University of Pretoria's Hatfield Campus

LOVING NATURE: Learners from Tenbosh Primary School in Komatipoort

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