PULP's latest publication: Constitutional Court Review (2009)2

Posted on March 10, 2011

To this end, each issue of the Review contains two lead essays exploring broad themes arising from a given year’s jurisprudence (each ± 20 000 words), each with its own response (± 5 000 words); a number of shorter subject-specific articles (each ± 10 000 words); and several case comments that engage more narrowly with a given decision of the Constitutional Court (each ± 5 000 words). Lead essays are solicited by the editors, as are some of the subjectspecific articles and case notes, but for the remainder unsolicited contributions are invited. Such contributions must be sent to the editors at [email protected] in MS Word format on or before 31 May of the year following that on which a contribution focuses.

Contributions will only be considered if they follow the house style.

Download the Constitutional Court Review (2009)2


  • Stu Woolman, Associate Professor, University of Pretoria
  • Theunis Roux, Professor, University of New South Wales
  • Danie Brand, Senior Lecturer, University of Pretoria

Editorial Board

  • Laurie Ackermann, Constitutional Court Justice Emeritus
  • Mary Arden, Lady Justice, Court of Appeal of England & Wales
  • Danwood Chirwa, Associate Professor, University of Cape Town
  • Sujit Choudhry, Professor, University of Toronto
  • Christian Courtis, Human Rights Officer, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Javier Couso, Professor, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
  • Charles Fombad, Professor, University of Botswana
  • Nicole Fritz, Director, Southern Africa Litigation Centre
  • Karthy Govender, Professor, University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Michelo Hansungule, Professor, University of Pretoria
  • Karl Klare, Professor, Northeastern University
  • Heinz Klug, Professor, University of Wisconsin
  • Sandy Liebenberg, Professor, Stellenbosch University
  • Frank Michelman, Professor, Harvard Law School
  • John Mubangizi, Professor, University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Christina Murray, Professor, University of Cape Town
  • Charles Ngwena, Professor, University of the Free State
  • Enyinna Nwauche, Associate Professor, Rivers State University
  • Cheryl Saunders, Professor, University of Melbourne
  • Dire Tladi, Legal Counsel, South Africa, United Nations
  • AJ van der Walt, Professor, Stellenbosch University

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PULP - Pretoria University Law Press
Faculty of Law
University of Pretoria
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