Fourth World Human Rights Moot Court Competition

Posted on March 26, 2012

Every university in the world is invited to send a team of two students – preferably one woman and one man – to the competition. The first selection of universities will be based on the submission of written memorials on the hypothetical case.

The memorials will be evaluated by a team of eminent human rights experts. The best 15 teams from the five UN regions will be selected to attend the final rounds in Pretoria in December.

The hypothetical problem focuses on human rights issues and is based on the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other applicable human rights instruments. The official language of the competition is English.

The competition is open to undergraduate students from all tertiary education institutions in the world. Participation in the competition is not restricted to law students, but it is expected that most of the teams participating in this event will be comprised of students who study law.

The final will be held on 10 December to coincide with the worldwide celebration of Human Rights Day. The World Human Rights Moot Court Competition is organised in partnership with the Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA) of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

For more information, please contact Mr Armand Tanoh, coordinator of the World Human Rights Moot Court, at [email protected].


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