Program: PhD Anthropology

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty Department
01264393 Faculty of Humanities Department: Anthropology and Archaeology
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 360 NQF level:  10

Admission requirements

  1. Relevant master’s degree
  2. A weighted average of at least 65% for the research component of the master’s degree
  3. Students with a weighted average of 70% or more for the research component of the master’s degree will receive preference
  4. An admissions essay/examination may be required

Note: Additional work/modules may be required in order to reach the desired level of competency

Additional requirements

  • Prospective students may have to submit an admissions essay or sit for an examination or do additional modules to enable them to reach the desired level of study.
  • An acceptable level of language proficiency in English or Afrikaans is required.
  • An approved research proposal is also required.

Core modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    A comprehensive and advanced report on an approved project. Expert, highly specialized and advanced research, both across the major discipline and interdisciplinary. Planning, resourcing, managing, and optimising all aspects of processes engaged in, within complex and unpredictable contexts. Complete accountability for determining, achieving, evaluating, and applying all personal and/or group output. Academic leadership and senior managerial occupations.

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Core modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    A comprehensive and advanced report on an approved project. Expert, highly specialized and advanced research, both across the major discipline and interdisciplinary. Planning, resourcing, managing, and optimising all aspects of processes engaged in, within complex and unpredictable contexts. Complete accountability for determining, achieving, evaluating, and applying all personal and/or group output. Academic leadership and senior managerial occupations.

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