Structural geology 365

Module code GLY 365
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Module content

Integrated theoretical and practical course dealing with the princples of rock deformation and analysis of deformed rocks. Stress, strain and rheology, joints, experimental rock deformation, fault systems and Anderson's theory of faulting. Folds and interference folding, tectonic fabrics, shear zone, prograssive deformation. Stereographic projection and structural analysis.

Module credits 18.00
Prerequisites Three of the second-year modules: GLY 255, GLY 261, GLY 262, GLY 253; special exemption is given to 4th-year Mining Engineering students who have completed their required 1st-year Geology modules
Contact time 4 lectures per week, 2 practicals per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Geology
Period of presentation Quarter 1

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