Code | Faculty |
02130015 | Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe |
Credits | Duration |
Duur van studie: 4 jaar | Totale krediete: 136 |
Kandidate wat nie aan die minimum toelatingsvereistes van die programme in die Departement Fisiese Wetenskappe voldoen nie, mag oorweeg word vir toelating tot die BSc – Verlengde program vir die Fisiese Wetenskappe. Die BSc – Verlengde program vind plaas oor ‘n periode van vier jaar in plaas van die normale drie jaar.
BSc – Verlengde program vir die Fisiese Wetenskappe:
Minimum vereistes vir 2017 | |||||||||||||
Prestasievlak | |||||||||||||
| Afrikaans of Engels | Wiskunde | Fisiese Wetenskap | TPT | |||||||||
NSC/IEB | HIGCSE | AS-Level | A-Level | NSC/IEB | HIGCSE | AS-Level | A-Level | NSC/IEB | HIGCSE | AS-Level | A-Level | ||
BSc – Verlengde program vir die Fisiese Wetenskappe | 4 | 3 | D | D | 4 | 3 | D | D | 4 | 3 | D | D | 26 |
Akademiese bevorderingsvereistes
Dit word van studente wat vir die eerste jaar van die BSc (Vierjaarprogram) registreer is, verwag om alle voorgeskrewe modules van die eerste jaar van die program te slaag.
Dit word van studente wat vir die BSc (Vierjaarprogram) toegelaat is, verwag om 'n volledige ooreenstemmende BSc eerste jaar binne twee jaar van registrasie te voltooi.
Studente wat nie vordering tydens die eerste semester van die eerste jaar toon nie, sal na die toelatingskomitee van die Fakulteit verwys word.
Minimum krediete: 88
Minimum krediete:
Fundamenteel = 24
Kern = 48
Keuse = 16
Addisionele inligting:
Studente registreer vir een van die volgende keuse kombinasies
NB: Studente mag slegs een maal vir 'n verlengde program module
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
In this module students learn how to interpret and use visual literacy conventions. Students write more advance paragraphs, and also learn how to structure academic writing, how to refine their use of discourse markers and referencing techniques and how to structure their own academic arguments. Students’ writing is expected to be rational, clear and concise. As a final assignment all aspects of the LST 133 and LST 143 modules are combined in a research assignment. In this project, students work in writing teams to produce a chapter on a career and to present an oral presentation of aspects of the chapter. The work is set in the context of the students’ field of study.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
In this module students use different information and time management strategies, build academic vocabulary, revise basic grammar concepts and dictionary skills, examine learning styles, memory and note-taking techniques, practise academic reading skills and explore basic research and referencing techniques, learn how to use discourse markers and construct definitions, and are introduced to paragraph writing. The work is set in the context of the students’ field of study.
Vind, evalueer, prosesseer, bied inligtingbronne aan en bestuur hulle vir akademiese doeleindes deur die gepaste tegnologie te gebruik.Module-inhoud:
Pas effektiewe soekstrategieë toe in verskillende tegnologiese omgewings. Demonstreer die etiese en regverdige gebruik van inligtingsbronne. Integreer 21ste-eeuse kommunikasie met die bestuur van akademiese inligting.Module-inhoud:
Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied op die Mamelodi kampus. Op die Hatfield en Groenkloof kampusse word dit in Engels en Afrikaans aangebied.
Real numbers, elementary set notation, exponents and radicals. Algebraic expressions, fractional expressions, linear and quadratic equations, inequalities. Coordinate geometry: lines, circles. Functions: definition, notation, piecewise defined functions, domain and range, graphs, transformations of functions, symmetry, even and odd functions, combining functions, one-to-one functions and inverses, polynomial functions and zeros.
Sequences, summation notation, arithmetic, geometric sequences, infinite geometric series, annuities and instalments. Degrees and radians, unit circle, trigonometric functions, fundamental identities, trigonometric graphs, trigonometric identities, double-angle, half-angle formulae, trigonometric equations, applications.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The field of Chemistry – an overview; Mathematics in Chemistry; atomic theory: historical overview; atoms, molecules and ions; relative atomic mass; electronic structure of atoms; the periodic table; periodicity; chemical bonding.
*Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied.
Functions: exponential and logarithmic functions, natural exponential and logarithmic functions, exponential and logarithmic laws, exponential and logarithmic equations, compound interest. Limits: concept of a limit, finding limits numerically and graphically, finding limits algebraically, limit laws without proofs, squeeze theorem without proof, one-sided limits, infinite limits, limits at infinity, vertical, horizontal and slant asymptotes, substitution rule, continuity, laws for continuity without proofs. Differentiation: average and instantaneous change, definition of derivative, differentiation rules without proofs, derivatives of polynomials, chain rule for differentiation, derivatives of trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of differentiation: extreme values, critical numbers, monotone functions, first derivative test, optimisation.
Module word slegs in Engels aangebied Vectors. Kinematics of a point: relative motion, projectile, circular motion. Dynamics: Newton’s laws, friction. Work: point masses, ideal gas law, springs, power. Energy: kinetic energy, potential energy, conservative forces, spring, conservation of mechanical energy. Hydrostatics and dynamics: density, pressure, Archimedes' law, continuity, Bernouli.Module-inhoud:
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Bonding and molecular geometry: VSEPR theory; bonding and organic compounds (structural formulas, classification and nomenclature); matter and its properties; mole concept; reaction stoichiometry; reactions in aqueous solutions: precipitation, acidbase and redox.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Heat: temperature and scales, work, energy and heat, calorimetry, specific heat, expansion, heat transfer. Measurements: SI-units, measuring error and uncertainty, (graphs), significant figures, mathematical modelling.One-dimensional kinematics. Geometrical optics: reflection, refraction, dispersion, mirrors, thin lenses.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Chemistry of the cell, introduction to the structure, function and composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, energy and cellular metabolism, photosynthesis.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The scientific method, the meaning of life, principles of microscopy, introduction to taxonomy and systematics, introductory study of the structure, function and composition of akaryotes, HIV/ Aids, the immune system and other health issues, ecosystems and human interference.
Minimum krediete: 24
Minimum krediete:
Kern = 24
Keuse = Volgens BSc program van keuse
Addisionele inligting:
Moontlike derde semeste keuse modules: MLB 153, WST 153
NB: Studente mag slegs een maal vir 'n verlengde program module
Met verwysing na die res van die derdesemestermodules (tweede jaar, eerste semester) en die tweede semester, moet voorgeskrewe modules uit die normale BSc-program van jou keuse geselekteer word.
Ekwivalente modules:
Chemie verlengde modules: CMY 133, CMY 143 en CMY 154: Gelystaande aan BSc module CMY 117
Molekulêre en selbiologie verlengde modules: MLB 133, MLB 143 en MLB 153: Gelykstaande aan BSc module MLB 111
Fisiese verlengde modules: PHY 133, PHY 143 en PHY 153: Gelykstaande aan BSc module PHY 114
Wiskundige verlengde modules: WTW 133, WTW 143 en WTW 153: Gelykstaande aan BSc module WTW 114
Wiskundige Statisiek verlengde modules: WST 133, WST 143 en WST 153: Gelykstaande aan BSc modules WST 111
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Principles of reactivity: energy and chemical reactions. Physical behaviour of gasses, liquids, solids and solutions and the role of intermolecular forces. Rate of reactions: Introduction to Chemical kinetics. Introduction to chemical equilibrium. Introduction to organic chemistry: hybridisation, isomers (structural, geometrical and conformational), additions reactions and reaction mechanisms.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
System of particles: centre of mass, Newton's laws. Rotation: torque, conservation of momentum, impulse and collision, conservation of angular momentum, equilibrium, centre of gravity. Oscillations. Waves: sound, intensity, superposition, interference, standing waves, resonance, beats, Doppler effect. Physical optics: Young-interference, coherence, thin layers, diffraction, gratings, polarisation.
*Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied.
Differential calculus of a single variable with proofs and applications. The mean value theorem, the rule of L'Hospital. Upper and lower sums, definite and indefinite integrals, the fundamental theorem of Calculus, the mean value theorem for integrals, integration techniques, with some proofs.
Inleiding tot modellering van dinamiese prosesse met behulp van verskilvergelykings. Krommepassing. Inleiding tot lineêre programmering. Matlab programmering. Toepassings in die praktyk van onder andere finansies, ekonomie en ekologie.Module-inhoud:
Die studie van Suider-Afrikaanse landskappe en die plasing daarvan in ‘n teoretiese en globale konteks. Die geomorfologiese evolusie van suider-Afrika. Inleiding tot konsepte in Geomorfologie en die verwantskappe met ander fisiese wetenskappe (bv. meteorologie, klimatologie, geologie, hidrologie en biologie). Die prosesse en kontroles betrokke in landvorme en landvorm-evolusie. Praktiese oefeninge dek die basiese tegnieke in Geomorfologiese analise en aktuele kwessies in Geomorfologie.
Geskiedenis, hede en toekoms van Kartografie. Inleidende Geodesie: Vorm van die aarde, graadnet en riutnette, definisie van 'n datumvlak, elementêre kaart projeksie teorie, berekeninge op die sfeer. Voorstelling van geografiese data op kaarte: Kartografiese ontwerp, kartografiese abstraksie, vlakke van meting en visuele veranderlikes. Semiotiek vir kartografie: tekens, stelsels van tekens, kaart semantiek en sintaks, eksplisiete en implisiete betekenisse van kaarte (kaart pragmatiek).Module-inhoud:
Enkelvoudige statistiese analise: Data-insameling en -verwerking, Steekproewe, tabellering, grafiese voorstelling, beskrywing van lokaliteit, spreiding en skeefheid. Inleidende waarskynlikheid en distribusieleer. Steekproefverdelings en die sentrale limietstelling. Statistiese inferensie: Basiese beginsels, beraming en toetsing in die een- en tweesteekproefgevalle (parametries en nie-parametries). Inleiding tot eksperimentele ontwerp. Een-en tweerigting ontwerpe, ewekansige blokontwerp. Meervoudige statistiese analise: Tweeveranderlike datastelle, krommepassing (lineêr en nie-lineêr), groeikrommes. Statistiese inferensie in die enkelvoudige regressieverband. Kategoriese data-analise: Pasgehaltetoetsing en gebeurlikheidstabelle. Meervoudige regressie en korrelasie: Passing en toetsing van modelle. Residu-ontleding. Rekenaarvaardigheid: Gebruik van rekenaarpakkette by dataverwerking en verslagskrywing.
Inleiding tot inligtingstelsels; inligtingstelsels in ondernemings; apparatuur: invoer; verwerking; uitvoer; programmatuur: stelsels- en toepassingsprogrammatuur; organisering van data en inligting; telekommunikasie en netwerke; die internet en intranet. Transaksieverwerkingstelsels; bestuursinligtingstelsels; besluitnemingsteunstelsels; inligtingstelsels in besigheid en samelewing; stelselontleding; stelselontwerp; implementering; onderhoud en hersiening.
Enkelvoudige harmoniese beweging en pendulums. Coulomb se wet. Elektriese veld: dipole, Gauss se wet. Elektriese potensiaal. Kapasitansie. Elektriese strome: weerstande, resisitiwiteit, Ohm se wet, energie, arbeidstempo, emf, RC-bane. Magnetisme: Hall-effek, Biot-Savart se wet. Faraday en Lenz se wette. LR bane. Wisselstroom: RLC-bane, drywing, transformators. Inleidende konsepte van modern fisika. Kernfisika: radioaktiwiteit.Module-inhoud:
Algemene fisies-analitiese chemie: Chemiese ewewig, sure en basisse, buffers, oplosbaarheidsewewig, entropie en vrye energie, elektrochemie. Organiese chemie: struktuur (binding), nomenklatuur, isomerie, inleidende stereochemie, inleiding tot chemiese reaksies en chemiese eienskappe van organiese verbindings en biologiese verbindings, nl. koolhidrate en aminosure.
Hierdie module begin met die begryping van menslike geografie. Daarna word volg die politieke verdeling van ruimte: kulturele diversiteit asook etniese geografie globaal en plaaslik; bevolkingsgeografie van die wêreld en Suid-Afrika; en vier ekonomiese vlakke en ontwikkeling. Die doel is om Suid-Afrika in die wêreld te plaas en die toekoms te verstaan.Module-inhoud:
Gevorderde programmering; gebruik van 'n rekenaargesteunde programmatuuringenieurswesehulpmiddel.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Solar system; structure of solid matter; minerals and rocks; introduction to symmetry and crystallography; important minerals and solid solutions; rock cycle; classification of rocks. External geological processes (gravity, water, wind, sea, ice) and their products (including geomorphology). Internal structure of the earth. The dynamic earth – volcanism, earthquakes, mountain building – the theory of plate tectonics. Geological processes (magmatism, metamorphism, sedimentology, structural geology) in a plate tectonic context. Geological maps and mineral and rock specimens.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module will give an overview of earth history, from the Archaean to the present. Important concepts such as the principles of stratigraphy and stratigraphic nomenclature, geological dating and international and South African time scales will be introduced. A brief introduction to the principles of palaeontology will be given, along with short descriptions of major fossil groups, fossil forms, ecology and geological meaning. In the South African context, the major stratigraphic units, intrusions and tectonic/metamorphic events will be detailed, along with related rock types, fossil contents, genesis and economic commodities. Practical work will focus on the interpretation of geological maps and profiles.
Algemene stelselteorie; kreatiewe probleemoplossing; sagtestelselmetodologie. Die stelselontleder; stelselontwikkelingsboublokke; stelselontwikkeling; stelselontledingsmetodes; prosesmodellering.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Students from all faculties are welcome to join us in our exploration of the universe from an earth-bound perspective. We reflect on the whole universe from the sub microscopic to the vast macroscopic and mankind’s modest position therein. To what degree is our happiness determined by stars? Echoes from ancient firmaments - the astronomy of old civilisations. The universe is born with a bang. Stars, milky ways and planets are formed. Life is breathed into the landscape on earth, but is there life elsewhere? The architecture of the universe – distance measurements, structure of our solar system and systems of stars. How does it look like on neighbouring planets? Comets and meteorites. Life cycles of stars. Spectacular exploding stars! Exotica like pulsars and black holes.
*Studente word nie toegelaat om krediete te verdien vir WKD 155 en WKD 164 nie.
Inleiding tot weer en klimaat. Klimaat van Suid-Afrika. Stedelike en plattelandse klimaat. Weerkundige instrumente. Beweging van die aarde. Atmosferiese massa en druk. Energie- en hittebalans. Vog in die atmosfeer. Ontwikkeling van wolke. Klimaatsverandering. ENSO. Elektromagnetiese spektrum en afstandswaarneming. Sinoptiese weerstelsels van Suid-Afrika.
Nie-lineêre vergelykings, numeriese integrasie, beginwaardeprobleme vir differensiaalvergelykings, stelsels lineêre vergelykings. Vir elementêre numeriese tegnieke word algoritmes afgelei en geprogrammeer. Foutskattings en konvergensieresultate word behandel.Module-inhoud:
Inleiding tot die basiese konsepte en verwantskappe wat nodig is vir insig in die kompleksiteit van natuurlike omgewingsprobleme, fisiese en menslike omgewings, mensgeïnduseerde omgewingsprobleme, die wyses waarop die natuurlike omgewing menslike gemeenskappe en biodiversiteit beïnvloed, oorsig van belangrike omgewingsvraagstukke in Suidelike Afrika en volhoubare ontwikkeling binne hierdie konteks.Module-inhoud:
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Cell growth and cell division, Mendelian and human genetics, principles of molecular genetics, principles of recombinant DNA technology and its application.
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