
Drama and film studies 310

Module code DFK 310
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Humanities
Module content

Reading cultural representation
Against the framework of post-colonialism, issues of signification, representation and meaning in performance will be considered in relation to selected theoretical approaches to performance and their concern with gender in theatre and film. Representation and subjectivity and how they are revealed as gendered fictions rather than „natural?, inevitable realities will be explored through various drama and film texts. The student will explore how the body, as codified cultural product, can become a symbolic battleground for cultural supremacy in and through performance.

A & B: For students who enrolled for the BA Drama programme prior to 2016, as well as for students entering the BDram programme in 2016. 

Module credits 30.00
Prerequisites DFK 220
Contact time 3 lectures per week
Language of tuition Double Medium
Academic organisation Drama
Period of presentation Semester 1

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