
Programme: DAdmin Municipal Administration

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07261141 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Credits Duration
Duration of study: 2 years Total credits: 480
Prof MR Chitiga-Mabugu
[email protected]
+27 (0)124202425

Programme information

All postgraduate programmes are not offered every year. Please consult the relevant faculty concerning the presentation of this programme.

Admission requirements

  •  Subject to the provisions of General Regulations G.45 G.1.3 and G.62 a candidate is admitted to the DAdmin degree only if he or she is in possession of an MAdmin or equivalent degree majoring in Public Administration Public Management or Municipal Administration.
  • A candidate should provide proof of research competence eg published articles or reports.
  • A graduate from another university may be granted status that is equivalent to the status the student has at such university.
  • A person may be admitted to doctoral studies if he/she has passed examinations at another university or institution which the Senate of the University deems equivalent to or higher than the examinations prescribed for a degree (in this case the master’s degree) at the University of Pretoria which are prerequisites for admission to doctoral studies.
  • The head of department/director concerned may however set additional admission requirements.
  • The requirement of an exemption assessment on preparatory work as determined by the head of department/director concerned must be complied with.





Additional requirements

The Dean has the right of authorisation regarding matters not provided for in the General Regulations or in the Faculty Regulations.

Research information

A student must submit a thesis on a topic that has been recommended by the Director of the School and approved by the Faculty’s Postgraduate Committee.

Article for publication
A student, before or on submission of a thesis, must submit proof of submission of an article issued by an accredited journal, to the Head: Student Administration. The submitted article should be based on the research that the student has conducted for the thesis and be approved by the supervisor. The supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring that the paper is taken through all the processes of revision and resubmission, as may be necessary.

Submission of thesis
A thesis is submitted to the Head: Student Administration, before the closing date for the various graduation ceremonies as announced annually.

In addition to the copies mentioned, each successful student must submit a bound paper copy as well as two electronic copies of the approved dissertation to the Head: Student Administration in the format specified by the faculty and in accordance with the minimum standards set by the Department of Library Services, before 15 February for the Autumn graduation ceremonies and before 15 July for the Spring graduation ceremonies, failing which the degree will only be conferred during a subsequent series of graduation ceremonies.

The information published here is subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information. The General Regulations (G Regulations) apply to all faculties of the University of Pretoria. It is expected of students to familiarise themselves well with these regulations as well as with the information contained in the General Rules section. Ignorance concerning these regulations and rules will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.

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