
Programme: MA Counselling, Exercise and Sports Psychology (Coursework)

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Code Faculty
01250214 Faculty of Humanities
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 2 years Total credits: 180

Programme information

The programme is based on the researcher-practitioner training model and must be completed in one year.

  • Researcher training

Researcher training entails 50% of the Counselling, Exercise and Sports Psychology programme. During the one-year period a research process is facilitated by supervisors whereby the research competencies of (i) reflective practice, (ii) contextual practice, (iii) writing a research proposal, (iv) conducting a research project and (v) reporting the research findings in an independent research project of limited scope/mini-dissertation are developed and assessed.

  • Practitioner training

Practitioner training entails 50% of the Counselling, Exercise and Sports Psychology programme. During the one-year period a training process is facilitated by facilitators whereby the practice competencies of (i) reflective practice, (ii) contextual practice, (iii) psychological assessments, (iv) psychological conceptualisation, (v) psychological interventions and (vi) professional communication are developed and assessed.

The training is focussed on developing an integrative approach to the practice competencies as set out above, within the Department of Psychology (on-site) and at organisations as determined by the Department of Psychology (off-site).

After successfully completing the programme, students can apply for registration as an intern counselling psychologist with the Professional Board for Psychology at the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) to do a one-year full-time internship in Counselling Psychology.

Students can opt for internship programmes that are accredited with the Professional Board of Psychology at the HPCSA, or follow a tailor-made internship approved by the Professional Board of Psychology at the HPCSA. In consultation with students, the Department of Psychology takes the final decision as to the internship placements of students.

Examinations and pass requirements

Students need to pass all the research competencies (CES 895), as well as all the practice competencies (CES 801-CES 806), to successfully complete the programme.

Core modules

  • Module content:

    This module focuses on developing the competency of self-reflection, which is an integral part of constructing a professional identity as a psychologist. The self-reflection process will be done through appropriate theoretical perspectives pertaining to self-reflection.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on developing the competency of professional practice with the context of the Constitution of South Africa, relevant legislative frameworks of South Africa, and the ethical codes for research and practice of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on developing the competency of psychological assessments through observations, interviewing, psychometric testing and other appropriate activities that will assist in assessing the psychological functioning of people with various contexts.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on developing the competency of psychological conceptualization based on psychological assessments, and will be done through various psychological theoretical perspectives of people in various contexts.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on developing the competency of psychological interventions such as therapeutic counselling, career counselling, performance enhancement and sport for development. Interventions will not be limited to the “talking cure” but will include the use of physical activities (e.g., adventure, exercise and sport) as complementary interventions.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on developing the competency of professional communication, be it verbal communication within a multidisciplinary team, or written communication in the form of process notes and psychological reports.

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Core modules

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