
Programme: MSW Employee Assistance Programmes (Coursework)

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
01251075 Faculty of Humanities
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 1 year Total credits: 180 NQF level:  09
Prof LS Terblanche
[email protected]
+27 (0)124203292

Programme information

NB Temporarily suspended as from January 2018

Closing date for applications: 31 July annually.

Admission requirements

  • BSW degree in Social Work with an average of at least 65% or an equivalent qualification.
  • Successful completion of the departmental short course in Employee Assistance Programmes.
  • At least four years appropriate practice experience.
  • A compulsory module in research methodology, namely MWT 864, must be passed.

Additional requirements

  • Successful completion of the departmental short course in Employee Assistance Programmes.
  • At least four years appropriate practice experience.
  • A compulsory module in research methodology, namely MWT 864, must be passed.

Pass with distinction

A student passes with distinction when an average mark of 75% is achieved for the core modules and the mini-dissertation, subject to a minimum of 70% for the mini-dissertation.

MWT 864 is a non-credit-bearing module and must be attended satisfactorily as prerequisite for MWT 895.

Core modules

  • Module content:

    *Departmental selection
    Research ethics, research approaches, types of research, research designs and research process as applicable to social work.

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  • Module content:

    *Departmental selection
    Conceptualisation of the EAP, wellness, work/life and occupational social work. Historical development of occupational social work and EAPs. Models of employee assistance programmes. EAPs and the law. EAPs and organisational development.

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  • Module content:

    *Departmental selection
    EAP standards: Design and implementation of standards of EAPs with specific reference to advisory committee, needs assessment, service delivery systems; policy and implementation. Management and administration of employee assistance programmes with specific focus on procedures, staff provision; record systems; professional indemnity, confidentiality and ethical aspects. Direct services within the EAP: management training and marketing. Networking in and evaluation of the EAP.

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  • Module content:

    *Departmental selection
    Direct services within the EAP. Assessment and therapeutic services Post-traumatic stress debriefing, crisis intervention, short-term therapy, referral, monitoring and aftercare. HIV and Aids in the workplace. Occupational social work programmes.

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  • Module content:

    A comprehensive report (80-100 pages) on an approved research project based on independent research in a specialist field in social work selected in consultation with a supervisor. Scholastic and advanced research of selected specialist area including the planning, resourcing and managing of processes. Accountability for achieving and evaluating personal and/or group output.

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