PGDip State Veterinary Medicine

This programme is offered by the Faculty of Veterinary Science,  Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases..

The curriculum consists of two compulsory core modules as well as two elective modules of 30 credits each to the value of 120 credits. 

Core Modules

CND 701 Controlled and notifiable diseases 701

VLP 702  Veterinary legislation and policy 702

Elective Modules

Students must choose 2 modules from the list of elective modules.  (Refer to online Yearbook

Registration for clinical modules are restricted to qualified veterinarians.

For more information, please consult the Faculty webpage.

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Career Opportunities

  • With the introduction of compulsory “Continual Professional Development”, many registered veterinarians require further education towards their continued registration as professionals with the South African Veterinary Council. The PG Diploma will offer these professionals another means to obtaining their CPD requirements.
  • Numerous veterinarians are in single person practices. While they do not intend to be specialists due to the time commitments of specialist training, the PG Diploma will allow them to gain advanced veterinary knowledge, at level above that of an undergraduate while they are still resident at their practices.

Programme Code


Closing Dates

  • SA – 30/11/2020
  • Non-SA – 31/08/2020

Admission Requirements

1.    Relevant bachelor’s degree or Bachelor of Technology degree or relevant diploma (NQF level 7)
2.    An admissions examination may be required


Duration of study

1 year, full-time.

Faculty Notes

As the only Faculty of Veterinary Science in the country, we play a distinctive role in the training of veterinarians and veterinary nurses who are indispensable for the country’s farming and animal welfare needs. We are also the leading Faculty of Veterinary Science in Africa and enjoy wide-ranging international recognition.

In 2018 the Faculty was ranked 37th among the top 50 veterinary schools globally by the Shanghai ranking system.

Our graduates and research programmes are vital to enhancing public and animal health, promoting biosecurity and welfare, and ensuring that our pets are safe and sound. The quality of its training is such that graduates from this Faculty have no difficulty competing for and entering postgraduate programmes at universities in countries around the world.



Enquiries about the programme

Name: Mrs L Johnson
Tel:  012 529 8375
E-Mail: [email protected]
How to apply

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