BCom Econometrics

BCom (Econometrics) is a three-year full-time programme in which students are introduced to economic theory, economic policy and the statistical theory underpinning empirical analysis which is more commonly referred to as econometrics. The core modules for specialisation in econometrics are economics, mathematical statistics and mathematics. Econometrics is the measurement and quantitative analysis of actual economic and business phenomena. For the professional, econometrics is a fascinating subject that provides for the measurement and analysis of economic phenomena and the forecasting of future economic trends. Econometrics is primarily applied in the quantification and validation of economic theory as well as the analysis of real-world transactions associated with human behaviour. 

Econometrics is concerned with the measurement of economic behaviour, economic outcomes and the impact of economic policies. This is done using economic theory, data and statistical techniques. Econometricians are statistically and mathematically inclined.

Fields of specialisation include banking, public finance, international trade and investment, and economic development. Econometricians are employed by government, the South African Reserve Bank, National Treasury, private and commercial banks, stock brokerage firms and consultancies, both locally and internationally. Positions include analysts, consultants, researchers, traders and academics.

Visit www.up.ac.za/economics for more information.


Career Opportunities

Econometricians are employed by government, the central bank, private and commercial banks, leading stockbrokers and consultancies, both locally and internationally. Positions include analysts, consultants, researchers, traders or brokers, and academics. The work mostly entails statistical analysis (forecasting, structural and policy analysis) of economic and financial markets and interrelationships.

Programme Code


Closing Dates

  • SA – 10/05/2022
  • Non-SA – 10/05/2022

Admission Requirements

Important information for all prospective students for 2023

The admission requirements below apply to all who apply for admission to the University of Pretoria with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examination Board (IEB) qualifications. Click here for this Faculty Brochure.

Minimum requirements

Achievement level

English Home Language or English First Additional Language








Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS. 

You will be considered for final admission to degree studies if space allows, and if you have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent qualification with admission to bachelor’s degree studies, and comply with the minimum subject requirements as well as the APS requirements of your chosen programme.

Applicants with qualifications other than the abovementioned should refer to the Brochure: Undergraduate Programme Information 2023: Qualifications other than the NSC and IEB, available at click here.

International students: Click here.

Transferring students

A transferring student is a student who, at the time of applying at the University of Pretoria (UP) is/was a registered student at another tertiary institution. A transferring student will be considered for admission based on NSC or equivalent qualification and previous academic performance. Students who have been dismissed from other institutions due to poor academic performance will not be considered for admission to UP.

Closing dates: Same as above.

Returning students

A returning student is a student who, at the time of application for a degree programme is/was a registered student at UP, and wants to transfer to another degree at UP. A returning student will be considered for admission based on NSC or equivalent qualification and previous academic performance.


  • Students who have been excluded/dismissed from a faculty due to poor academic performance may be considered for admission to another programme at UP, as per faculty-specific requirements.
  • Only ONE transfer between UP faculties and TWO transfers within a faculty will be allowed.
  • Admission of returning students will always depend on the faculty concerned and the availability of space in the programmes for which they apply.

Closing date for applications from returning students

Unless capacity allows for an extension of the closing date, applications from returning students must be submitted before the end of August via your UP Student Centre.

Minimum duration of study

3 years, full-time

Faculty Notes

All modules will only be presented in English, as English is the language of tuition, communication and correspondence at the University of Pretoria.

Faculty Yearbooks: click here

The University of Pretoria has decided not to set a specific closing date for applications to non-selection programmes for 2023. Applications will close when the available study spaces are filled (close on availability of space). Once the available number of study places for a specific programme are filled, no further applications for that particular programme will be considered. All applicants are therefore strongly advised and encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible after 1 April 2022 and to check the application site (UP Student Portal) regularly.  

The Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences aspires to be at the cutting edge of economic, financial and management education, as well as research and community engagement within the national, African and global context. Our mission is to advance relevant knowledge and develop employable, innovative and diverse graduates to co-create value for society.

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Enquiries about the programme

Click Here
How to apply

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