Update: Deferral of Remote Work and Alternative Policy Implementation

Posted on February 05, 2024

I am writing to provide an update on the deferral of the implementation of the University’s Remote and Alternative Work Policy (RAWP) in order to attend to fresh developments in this regard.

As you may recall, during August 2023 the University communicated through the Director of Human Resources that the implementation of the policy would be deferred to January 2024. This decision was made to allow time for the socialisation of the policy, finalisation of the system requirements, and the conclusion of the 2023 performance assessment process, the outcomes of which are crucial for line manager decision-making regarding assessment for eligibility of staff members for remote and/or flexible work.

At its meeting of 16 October 2023, the Human Resources Committee of Council (HRCC) was duly apprised of the above readiness process. After considering the matter carefully the HRCC recommended that a survey be conducted among the student community to understand the impact of remote and alternative work on students, and its possible implications for the learning environment, as UP is a contact university. This is particularly important given that the previous survey conducted by the Centre for the Future of Work as part of the policy development process was narrow, and it was conducted during the COVID-19 lockdown period when student activities were taking place virtually. It is important to note that the results of the previous survey may thus not fully reflect the current (post-COVID-19) reality as it relates to students and staff alike.

To address this, the Executive Committee has tasked the Department of Institutional Planning with conducting a survey among the student community to elicit their views on remote and alternative work for staff. The results will be shared with the Human Resources Committee of Council in due course in order to inform the next steps in the implementation of the Remote and Alternative Work Policy.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation throughout this process.

We will keep you updated regarding further developments.

Thank you for your continued commitment to our university.



- Author Mr Sandile Mthiyane, Chief Operating Officer

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