MEET: Sophy Bhuda, General Assistant, Faculty of Education at Groenkloof Campus

Posted on October 15, 2021

Tukkivaria caught up with Sophy Bhuda, based at the Faculty of Education at Groenkloof Campus, who shared a bit about her role as a general assistant and what motivates her in life.

Can you share your background and what brought you to UP?

I worked at House of Beads in Kingwood Pretoria as a general assistant for five years before joining Global Cleaning as a contractor assistant at Groenkloof Campus. In 2019 I was insourced into the University of Pretoria (UP) as a permanent staff member.

What is your least favourite part of the job?

In my early days, some colleagues used to get unhappy about some things, for instance when I had to remove books or objects from their desks to create cleaning space, and this was upsetting. I learnt that we are diverse and decided to rejoice and be happy regardless of negative responses.

What do you enjoy most about your job and why?

Most of my responsibilities are repetitive, which means that I am on the final steps towards mastering my workplace. I’ve discovered easy methods to handle assigned duties, which leads to success. I address everyday with purpose and set myself up to perform optimally, which is rewarding.

What are your personal likes?

I like inspiring words from various great minds, which instill self-belief. Memorising quotes like ‘You are braver than you think, more talented than you know and capable of more than you imagine’ motivates me to excellence.

Quick quiz:

Sport: Tennis and netball

Food: I enjoy any type of food!

Movies: I prefer drama: Imbewu and Uzalo

Actors:  Ma-Ndlovu and Ma-Khumalo in Imbewu

Musician: Dolly Parton



- Author Jimmy Masombuka

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