Reminder: Vehicle access to campuses 2021 through obtaining a parking disc

Posted on February 05, 2021

Reminder: Safety protocols when visiting UP campuses

Dear UP community

Thank you all for your cooperation and for continuing to partner with us to ensure your safety and well-being as we fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus together.

As Gauteng has become a hotspot of infections, we ask you to continue to work with us to ensure we keep everyone safe. To this end and as a reminder, we ask that prior to your visit to any of our campuses or residences, you do a pre-screening by using the HealthCheck tool. Once you have completed the assessment you will be provided with a certificate which you will be asked to present, either in print or on your phone, alongside your permission letter from your Dean/ Director, before you will be allowed to enter the campus.  

You can access the tool on the following platforms:

  • Web:
  • WhatsApp: 060 011 0000
  • Mobile phone USSD: *134*832*2#

Once on campus, please remember to wear a mask, wash your hands regularly and adhere to the social distancing rules.

Also remember to stay home and contact a medical practitioner if you have any of the possible COVID-19 symptoms, which include:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath

If you have been in contact with a person who might be positive and who has gone for testing, please self-isolate until the tests results are known. If the results are positive, please go into quarantine for at least 14 days. If they are negative, you may resume your normal activities immediately.

Thank you again for continuing to partner with us as we try to keep everyone safe. Your health and well-being are our priority, and together we will see this through as we prevent the spread of the virus.

Please visit the UP COVID-19 webpage regularly and follow us on our social media platforms for updates.

Best regards,

Prof Caroline Nicholson

Chairperson: UP Workplace Safety Committee


Communication of deadlines for subsistence, travel claims, services rendered claims and overtime for the 2021 tax year

Dear colleagues,

The 2021 tax year comes to an end on 28 February 2021.

Please take note of the following:

Subsistence and travel claims

Subsistence and travel claims received, processed and paid out on or before 15 February 2021 will be included in the 2021 tax year for tax assessment purposes.
Subsistence and travel claims received, processed, and paid after 15 February 2021 will be included in the 2022 tax year, and will be taxed at the 2022 tax year rates as applicable.


Claims for services rendered that are processed and approved in the payroll on or before 15 February 2021 will be included in the 2021 tax year for tax assessment purposes. Claims for services rendered that are processed and approved in the payroll after 15 February 2021 will be included in the 2022 tax year, and will be taxed at the 2022 tax year rates where applicable.


All overtime payments must be approved by close of business on 10 February 2021 for payment in February 2021 and inclusion in the 2021 tax year. Overtime payments approved after 10 February 2021 will be paid in March 2021, and included in the 2022 tax year.

To ensure the accuracy of your 2021 tax submission, kindly make sure that the above transactions are submitted in time to meet the above-mentioned deadline dates.

If you have any questions regarding this, kindly discuss it with your faculty accountant.

Mr MN Moolla

Director: Finance


2021 vehicle access to campuses

To all campus members,

Please be reminded that all vehicle access rights on staff access cards expired at the end of 2020.

You are requested to apply online for the 2021 parking disc. Once the disc has been collected and receipt is acknowledged, access rights will be reinstated automatically.

The security staff at the motor entrances are aware of this arrangement and will not deny any staff member access during the first few weeks of the new academic year. This process will ensure that staff members have the opportunity to obtain discs before the peak period of the Student Service Centre.

Once the majority of staff have obtained their discs, a follow-up campus communication will be sent to remind everyone that access will be allowed for staff with 2021 parking discs only. Once this is done, the security staff at the gates will enforce this arrangement.

Your cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated.


PK Mmushi

Acting Director: Security Services




- Author PK Mmushi, Acting Director of Security Services

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