Gender-Based Violence Workshops in UP training

Posted on March 04, 2019

Gender-based violence (GBV) impacts almost every aspect of our lives: it exists in our own home environments, our wider society, and infiltrates work and study spaces. The University of Pretoria (UP) is committed to providing a non-sexist, non-discriminatory working, living and study environment for staff and students; one in which every person will be able to achieve his/ her full potential. UP also acknowledges that sexual harassment is an unacceptable infringement of the core values of integrity, human dignity, privacy, equity and mutual respect, and is a form of unfair discrimination.

GBV can manifest itself in physical, verbal, non-verbal, sexual favouritism and quid pro quo harassment.

Through awareness campaigns it is possible to reach more people and sensitise them about the possible behaviours that constitute sexual violence.

Anti-GBV training available:

UP has developed a course available to all staff in order to educate ourselves on possible sexually offensive behaviours, as well as the available processes and procedures to be followed for reporting sexual harassment, violence or rape. The course will be run on the following dates:

  • 13 March 2019: Graduate Centre, Hatfield Campus
  • 5 June 2019: Graduate Centre, Hatfield Campus
  • 1 October 2019: Graduate Centre, Hatfield Campus
  • 19 Nov 2019: Graduate Centre, Hatfield Campus

Please follow these steps for easy booking on the UP Portal: 

Step 1: .

Step 2:

Click on the ‘Perform/Develop’ tab >> click ‘Request development approval’ >> Click on the drop-down menu on ‘Learning Strategy’ and choose ‘In-house free of charge’.

Step 3:

Click ‘Search by name’ (Gender-based violence) or ‘Search by course number’ (90007).

Then select the date of your choice.

Support resources available:

The following services are available within UP:

  • First-time reporting: Security Investigative Unit: Admin Building: Room
  • The case will be escalated to the Transformation Office for legal assessment

Psychological and trauma counselling are offered to all within any of the stages of reporting mentioned above.

Contact details:

In the quest to preserve human dignity and to discourage offensive behaviours within the UP environment, staff are encouraged to learn more about sexually offensive behaviours so that they may have the knowledge to protect themselves and can avoid becoming perpetrators themselves.

Should you need any more information relating to GBV, do not hesitate to contact the Transformation Office by contacting Sarah Matseke via [email protected] or 012 420 6797; or Stembiso Magagula via [email protected] or 012 420 2730.


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