Posted on July 04, 2018
To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria (UP), is launching the UDHRat70 Multimedia Competition, with four creative categories, and a total amount of R32 000 in cash prizes.
The aim of the competition is to contextualise the UDHR into a post-war, post-colonial and post-apartheid world and to demonstrate its relevance to our quest for peace, equality and dignity on a global scale, 70 years after its adoption.
There are four creative categories with a total of eight cash prizes:
The Centre for Human Rights invites members of the UP community to submit a piece of work that deals with any one of the 30 rights enshrined in the UDHR. Works could deal with issues that are personal to them and should look critically at the rights that have had a direct impact on their lives. UP members are encouraged to tell the story of who they are and where they are in the context of the rights enshrined in the UDHR. For full details, resources, submission procedure and the rules of the UDHRat70 Multimedia competition, please go to:
This competition is open to UP staff excluding those at the Centre for Human Rights (and their immediate family).
UP staff and students are invited to think creatively and submit a visual or oral representation that captures one of the UDHR rights. Prizes will be awarded to the winner and runner-up in each category. Winner per category: An amount of R5 000 in cash. Runner-up per category: An amount of R3 000 in cash. A total of eight prizes will be awarded. Shortlisted submissions will receive a special mention.
Submissions must be made online through the competition website before 30 September 2018. The winners will be announced at the Centre’s Human Rights Graduation Ceremony, on Friday 7 December 2018.
Go to: Audio-visual Oral / Audio Written entry Example: photo, painting Example: video, play Example: song. recital Example: short story, poem #UDHRat70
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