Preparing budgets for grants

Posted on June 20, 2017


Compiling and updating a budget for a grant application can be unnecessarily time consuming. A comprehensive budget may require a researcher to track down rates and quotations, updating currencies and indirect costs according to different funders' requirements. These are only a few of the hurdles faced by researchers.

BudgetUP is a budget resource tool that assists UP researchers to compile line-item budgets according to UP policies.

The Department of Research and Innovation (DRI) will host a two-hour session that will cover the following: 

  1. The basics of compiling a line-item budget
  2. Tips on writing budget justifications
  3. When and how to include VAT
  4. Calculating indirect/institutional cost

Researchers who attend this session will be able to:

  1. Save time by requesting DRI to assist with quotations/rates
  2. Adjust currency with the touch of a button
  3. Adjust indirect and annual escalation rates
  4. Access UP rates for campus accommodation, UP car fleet, etc
  5. Save, copy and modify grant budgets easily


Date: Thurday, 29 June 2017 

Venue: Library Training Room 1, Hatfield Campus

Time: 10:00–12:00

RSVP by clicking on the link below to reserve a seat. Seat reservation is mandatory.


Reservations will close on 27 June.


For more information, please contact:

Keneiloe Kganane
Tel: 012 420 5087



- Author Ninette Mouton

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