Public lecture series: Trepidation, longing, and belonging:Liberating the curriculum at universities in South Africa

Posted on April 05, 2017


Prof Norman Duncan, Vice-Principal: Academic at the University of Pretoria, cordially invites you to a public lecture on  transformation presented by Dr Saleem Badat, Program Director of International Higher Education and Strategic Projects at the Andrew W Mellon Foundation in New York.


Date: Monday, 10 April 2017

Time: 17:00–18:30

Venue: Senate Hall, Administration Building, Hatfield Campus

Dress: Daywear

Enquiries: Ms Maliga Govender, 012 420 2444

RSVP: to by Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Persons with disabilities are kindly requested to contact Neo Maseko on 012 420 2631 if assistance is required.


The call for decolonisation of the curriculum arouses, on the one hand, trepidation. On the other hand, it
expresses a longing for fundamental change in higher education and beyond. This longing is conjoined with a  yearning for belonging and social connectedness based on different logics than the prevailing mimicry, and assimilative and isomorphic rationalities rooted in ideas of western modernity as the apogee of human development.

The lecture, and the paper on which it is based, traverses five issues, namely the structural and conjunctural conditions under which the call for decolonisation of the curriculum has arisen, the discourse of coloniality, the question of curriculum, the idea of decolonisation, and the programme of research, theorising, and practice that these questions potentially constitute.

Dr Saleem Badat is Program Director of International Higher Education and Strategic Projects at the Andrew W Mellon Foundation in New York. He has served as the Director of the Education Policy Unit at the University of Western Cape, as the first CEO of the Council on Higher Education, and as vice-chancellor of Rhodes University.

Dr Badat is the author of The Forgotten People: Political Banishment under Apartheid (2013), Black Man,
You are on Your Own (2010), and Black Student Politics, Higher Education, and Apartheid: From SASO to SANSCO (2002). He is co-author of National Policy and a Regional Response in South African Higher Education (2004), and co-editor of Apartheid Education and Popular Struggles in South Africa (1990).

He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of York (UK), and honorary doctorates from the University of the Free State, the University of York, and Rhodes University. He was Chairperson of Higher Education South Africa, and is a board member of the Centre for Higher Education Trust, a trustee of the Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust, and a member of the Mandela Initiative on Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality Think Tank.


- Author Ms Maliga Govender

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