EWP@UP Workshop: Keeping fit and staying healthy at the office

Posted on October 06, 2016

It is increasingly recognised that the workplace itself has a significant effect on people's health. If you want to survive and succeed in the instability of a constantly changing world it is important to develop the necessary skills to better cope with life's challenges. Since most office environments are arranged in ways that require little movement, it is easy for office workers to become sedentary, which increases the possibility of weight gain and the risks associated with it. Desk jobs are also likely to increase strain on your back, wrist, neck and eyes, resulting in general loss of muscle tone.

This workshop will give an overview of the different facets of health and wellness and explain how the environment and personal and work habits can influence an individual's physical and mental well-being. The focus will also be to educate staff on proper office ergonomics and fitness in the workplace. Participants will be guided in identifying risk areas in their environment related to ergonomics and will be advised on how to address those risks.

Staff will also be educated in exercise principles, the anatomy of a workout and various types of exercise programs and their specific benefits. Various stretching and other exercises that can be done in the office, and even at desks, will be demonstrated. Participants will also gain a basic understanding of the dynamics of the brain with the environment, physical activity, nutrition and stress.

Please note that we can unfortunately accommodate only 15 people and that applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. The first applications will be accepted. Do not delay in making your reservation for our brand new 2016 health and wellness workshops on various topics.


Activity: Wellness workshop – 'Keeping fit and staying healthy at the office'

Date: Friday, 14 October 2016 

Venue: Room 2-2.7, Natural Sciences Building 1, Hatfield Campus 

Time: 08:00 - 12:00

Presenter: EWP@UP 

RSVP: by Wednesday, 12 October 2016 at 12:00 (Susan Joubert, [email protected])


Please note to obtain prior approval to attend the workshop from your line manager. Without such approval we cannot accept your booking. (Please direct all queries with regards to the workshop to Susan Joubert).


Register online as follows:

  • Log on to the UP portal (www.up.ac.za). The UP Staff Intranet news page will appear. Click on the Staff Systems Portlet button.
  • Scroll to the Human Capital Management (HCM) System portlet and click on Human Resources Self-Service link (leave, claims, personal info, etc) 
  • Click on the Employee Work Centre link. 
  • Click on the Performance Development tab. 
  • Click on Development Request. (You have previously entered your development needs and you have selected the programme(s) that you would like to attend.) 
  • Click on In-house (Free of charge) programmes
  • Click on Search by Course name,(1985- 'Fit & Healthy at the office') type the name of the workshop and click on the Search button, or simply  leave the space blank and press enter. 
  • A list of all the selected courses will be displayed. Click on View available sessions next to the course you would 06/03/like to attend and select a session by clicking the Session number
  • On the Request Training Enrolment – Session Detail screen, read the applicable information and click on the Continue button. 
  • Complete the comments field if necessary and click on Submit.



- Author EWP@UP

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