Wellness workshop: Get the picture - your health related physical fitness

Posted on July 18, 2016

In order to make smart choices regarding your own health it is important to be well informed and have a well-developed picture of their current health status.

The purpose of this workshop is to give staff members deeper insight into Health Related Physical Fitness (HRPF) and help them understand why the 5 components that make up HRFP are so important to their own health.

During the workshop staff will also do an InBody body composition analysis, and assess their heart health and blood pressure. An optional fitness assessment can also be done. The assessment results will be thoroughly explained and discussed. At the end of the workshop staff should have a clear picture of their own HRPF profile and make informed lifestyle choices.

Staff who wish to partake in the optional fitness assessment must please wear comfortable clothes and shoes that do not restrict movement.

Please note that there are limited spaces available and we can only accommodate 12 people. We need to work on a first come first serve basis.  The first applications will be accepted. Make sure your place is reserved for our brand new 2016 health workshops.


Activity: Wellness workshop – Get the picture: your health related physical fitness

Date: Friday, 22 July 2016 

Venue: Lecture Hall 2-2.7, Natural Science Building 1, Hatfield Campus 

Time: 08:00 - 12:00

Presented: EWP@UP

RSVP: Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 12:00 (Susan Joubert, [email protected])


Please obtain prior approval to attend the workshop from your line manager. Without such approval we cannot accept your booking. (Please direct all queries with regards to the workshop to Susan Joubert).


Register online, as follows:

  • Log on to the UP portal (www.up.ac.za). The UP Staff Intranet news page will appear. Click on the Staff Systems Portlet button.
  • Scroll to the Human Capital Management (HCM) System portlet and click on Human Resources Self-Service link (leave, claims, personal info, etc) 
  • Click on the Employee Work Centre link.
  • Click on the Performance Development tab. 
  • Click on Development Request. (You have previously entered your development needs and you have selected the programme(s) that you would like to attend.) 
  • Click on In-house (Free of charge) programmes
  • Click on Search by Course name, (EAP: Your Health Picture –1984) type the name of the workshop and click on the Search button, or simply  leave the space blank and press enter. 
  • A list of all the selected courses will be displayed. Click on View available sessions next to the course you would 06/03/like to attend and select a session by clicking the Session number
  • On the Request Training Enrolment – Session Detail screen, read the applicable information and click on the Continue button. 
  • Complete the comments field if necessary and click on Submit.


- Author EWP@UP

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