Distance education course: Gender in Everyday Life

Posted on September 08, 2009

The following comments were made by some of the participants:

“I must admit I have learned a lot from this course. It made me realize that there are things we take for granted which have serious gender repercussion. This course has made me aware of these. Marinda and colleagues, thank you for all the support you rendered. Although I did not have a chance to meet you personally, I sometimes felt we have actually met”. - Erica Shilongo

“I learned a lot from the course and I have now got a better insight about many issues and concepts concerning gender”. - Ms Saara S Aveshe Mungungu (Programme Developer – NAMCOL)

 “It has been very enriching to work on this course and with SADC/UP. Thank you for your continuous support”. - Mohun Satish (Mauritius Institute of Education)





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