Code | Faculty |
10250112 | Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe |
Credits | Duration |
Minimum duur van studie: 4 jaar | Totale krediete: 624 |
Prof PMS Makunyane [email protected] | +27 (0)123541619 |
Let wel:
Kliniese assisentskappe:
Elke student moet die Universiteit tevrede stel dat hy of sy
’n Voornemende student vir die MMed-graadprogram moet vir minstens twee jaar in besit wees van die graad MBChB van die Universiteit of ’n kwalifikasie wat deur die Universiteit as gelykwaardig erken word. Daarbenewens moet sodanige student vir minstens een jaar by die Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe van Suid-Afrika as geneesheer geregistreer wees.
Onder hoofvak word verstaan daardie erkende spesialiseringsgebied van die Geneeskunde waarop die student hom of haar in die besonder toelê. Die studie van die hoofvak strek oor vier of vyf jaar, soos deur die betrokke departement voorgeskryf.
Aantekening: Sertifikate van bevredigende voorbereiding en vordering word verlang t.o.v. die vierde jaar van vierjarige programme waarin eksamen aan die einde van die derde jaar afgeneem word.
Tweede eksamengeleentheid
Tweede eksamens vir MMed-studente vind eers plaas nadat minstens ses maande verloop het na die eksamen waarin die student gedruip het.
Reëls wat die skryf van die eksamens van die Kollege van Geneeskunde van Suid-Afrika [KGSA] bepaal
Die graad word toegeken aan die einde van die voorgeskrewe opleidingstydperk (d.w.s. drie, vier of vyf jaar, soos die geval mag wees). Die graad word met lof toegeken aan 'n student wat 'n finale punt van minstens 75% in sy of haar hoofvak behaal het.
Kliniese assistente
Departemente verwag deurgaans dat kliniese assistente in toenemende mate sal deelneem aan die ondersoek en behandeling van pasiënte in die hospitaal, sowel binne- as buitepasiënte, asook die uitvoer en interpretaise van toetse in laboratoriums (waar van toepassing); eers onder toesig en later toenemend op eie verant-woordelikheid. Referate/simposia met aanverwante departemente word gereël, asook literatuurbesprekings, ensovoorts.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Mathematical description of waves; Light as an electromagnetic wave; Nature of sources of light; Wave fronts (Huygens principle); Snell’s Law; Index of refraction; Exploration of the laws of reflection and refraction at planar and curved surfaces; Ray tracing methodology to find position, Nature of images and magnification; Thin lens formula; Conjugate foci formula; Lensmaker’s formula; Ophthalmic prisms: characteristics, classification and refractive power; Thin lenses: types, image formation; Cylindrical lenses: Introduction; Optical Systems: Lens combinations (notation, toric lenses); Thick lenses (cardinal points, system power); The Eye: structure and function, reduced eye; Aberrations in general; Eye defects: myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism; Optical apparatus for ophthalmology: invasive / non-invasive, ophthalmic laser, ophthalmoscope, fundus camera, light coagulator.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Mathematical description of waves; Light as an electromagnetic wave; Nature of sources of light; Wave fronts (Huygens principle); Snell’s Law; Index of refraction; Exploration of the laws of reflection and refraction at planar and curved surfaces; Ray tracing methodology to find position, Nature of images and magnification; Thin lens formula; Conjugate foci formula; Lensmaker’s formula; Ophthalmic prisms: characteristics, classification and refractive power; Thin lenses: types, image formation; Cylindrical lenses: Introduction; Optical Systems: Lens combinations (notation, toric lenses); Thick lenses (cardinal points, system power); The Eye: structure and function, reduced eye; Aberrations in general; Eye defects: myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism; Optical apparatus for ophthalmology: invasive / non-invasive, ophthalmic laser, ophthalmoscope, fundus camera, light coagulator.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Mathematical description of waves; Light as an electromagnetic wave; Nature of sources of light; Wave fronts (Huygens principle); Snell’s Law; Index of refraction; Exploration of the laws of reflection and refraction at planar and curved surfaces; Ray tracing methodology to find position, Nature of images and magnification; Thin lens formula; Conjugate foci formula; Lensmaker’s formula; Ophthalmic prisms: characteristics, classification and refractive power; Thin lenses: types, image formation; Cylindrical lenses: Introduction; Optical Systems: Lens combinations (notation, toric lenses); Thick lenses (cardinal points, system power); The Eye: structure and function, reduced eye; Aberrations in general; Eye defects: myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism; Optical apparatus for ophthalmology: invasive / non-invasive, ophthalmic laser, ophthalmoscope, fundus camera, light coagulator.
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