
Entrepreneurship 852

Modulekode GIB 852
Kwalifikasie Nagraads
Fakulteit Gordon Institute of Business Science

*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This course is based on the premise that everyone has the capacity to succeed in an entrepreneurial setting, although some people may have a greater propensity to succeed than others. The intention of this course is to demystify the phenomenon broadly referred to as entrepreneurship; to make it easily understood as a business concept, readily accessible as a career option and practically applicable as a style of management. The course provides a broad perspective on entrepreneurship and its strategic importance and social relevance. It also provides an understanding of and approach to managing the issues involved in pursuing an entrepreneurial career path. It integrates different aspects of the MBA in developing a business plan for a potential entrepreneurial idea, and thus provides a practical application of concepts dealt with in other MBA courses.

Modulekrediete 5.00
Kontaktyd 12 kontakure per 3 weke siklus
Onderrigtaal Module word in Engels aangebied
Departement Gordon Institute of Business Science
Aanbiedingstydperk Semester 2

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