
Program: PhD Bedrogrisikobestuur

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07267332 Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe
Credits Duration
Duur van studie: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 360
Prof K Barac
[email protected]
+27 (0)124205439


Sommige van hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

The PhD with the option in Fraud Risk Management is a research degree, requiring the completion of supervised as well as independent research resulting in a thesis.

Alle nagraadse programme word nie elke jaar aangebied nie. Kontak asseblief die betrokke fakulteit oor die aanbieding van hierdie program.

Addisionele vereistes

  1. MPhil in Fraud Risk Management University of Pretoria, or a similar degree
  2. Master’s degree in the Financial Sciences
  3. Master’s degree in associated disciplines such as Criminology, Computer Sciences and Law

The Dean has the right of authorisation regarding matters not provided for in the General Regulations or the Faculty regulations.

Due to capacity constraints, there are not an intake of new students every year. It remains the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the degree they wish to apply for, will indeed be offered.


The research component comprises a thesis from which a research article for publication follows. A candidate will work under the guidance of a supervisor to develop a detailed research proposal in accordance with departmental guidelines and regulations. The proposal must be presented to the departmental PhD committee and must be officially approved by all relevant committees before the candidate can commence with his/her research. The candidate will continue his/her research under the guidance of his/her supervisor until the research is completed according to the rules and regulations of the University. A public defence of the final thesis is compulsory and forms part of the final examination. A research article, approved by the study leader, based on the candidate's research must be submitted for publication to a recognised accredited journal. The submission of an article is a compulsory pre-condition for the degree to be conferred.

Minimum krediete: 360


Minimum krediete: 360


Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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