Collaborative Research | Albert Luthuli Leadership Inst. | UP

Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin and the Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute
The ALLI collaborates with the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ) at Zeppelin University
in Southern Germany on several projects.

The first, most significant project is a joint research project entitled “Relational Leadership and the
SDGs: Implications for a Developed and a Developing Economy,” which investigates leadership in
multi-sector partnerships that aim to address the SDGs. With four inter-institutional visits (2019-
2020) and a panel discussion by the research team at the Academy of Management Specialised
Conference on Responsible Leadership in Slovenia (2019), the two partner universities made
significant progress on the conceptualisation of the project. The initial phase of the research was
completed and published (Springer book chapter) in 2021.

ALLI also participates in the Relational Economics project of Prof. Wieland, which is an
interdisciplinary collaboration aimed at rethinking the foundations of economic theory. A conference
presentation and book chapter (Springer) has already been born from this collaboration, along with
a manifesto on Relational Economics.

The ALLI has also been involved in the Transcultural Caravan project since 2018. Each year, LEIZ
organizes a Transcultural Leadership Summit and a Transcultural Winter School and the ALLI has
participated in both. In November 2021, the ALLI joined the Trancultural Caravan Network,
consisting of a number of partner universities from Europe, the Americas, and Africa. Following from
these engagements, the ALLI and LEIZ is discussing the possibility of hosting a future Transcultural
Leadership Summit at the Future Africa Campus of the University of Pretoria.

Finally, LEIZ and the ALLI collaborate on student exchange, and have signed a Memorandum of
Understanding in this regard. In 2019, two of our top-performing Masters students visited Zeppelin
University on a semester scholarship arranged by the LEIZ and the International Office at Zeppelin
University. A similar exchange was set to take place in 2021, with two students selected from each of
our Master’s programmes at the ALLI, however due to COVID-19 restrictions these students were
not able to travel to Germany, but instead has collaborated with ZU online.

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