Our libraries offer you a world of knowledge at your fingertips with a wide range of virtual library resources which can be accessed anywhere, at any time. Read any of the thousands of journals and eBooks for your studies, assignments or research via our library web, and download our library app for easy access.
Visit our libraries to use one of the many computers or to find a quiet place to study (individual spaces or discussion rooms). Our friendly librarians can support you with your studies and help you to excel as a student. If you need assistance or want to know how to get the most out of our valuable resources, use ‘Ask’ or ‘Chat to a librarian’, or personally consult one of the information specialists (expert librarians) at our information desks. All campuses and faculties have their own libraries and librarians dedicated to their fields of study.
Libraries offer training and tutorials on anti-plagiarism, the acknowledgement of resources, assignment writing, the use of databases, EndNote and subject-specific training on how to use the library efficiently. It is strongly recommended that you attend this training as soon as possible in your first year because you will require these skills throughout your studies, from as soon as your third week on campus.
The Merensky 2 Library on the Hatfield Campus also houses the only MakerSpace in the country. The MakerSpace allows you to explore a host of hobbies and interests and learn new skills. It offers 3D printers and scanners, guidance on 3D designs and modelling, training on 3D principles for rapid prototyping, circuity and robotics and much more.
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