Partnerships and Collaborations


50+20 Implementation Projects

Global Doctoral Consortium in Sustainability and Responsibility Project

50+20 in partnership with the Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute launched a Global Doctoral Consortium in Sustainability and Responsibility Programme and Innovation Cohort for Programme Directors in Turkey at the 2013 European Foundation for Management and Development (EFMD) Deans and Directors General Conference. The Global Doctoral Consortium in Sustainability and Responsibility Programme’s aim is to develop future faculty for those who seek to integrate their pursuit of academic excellence, in its multiple manifestations, with commitment to sustainability and responsibility. Read more at /

Innovation Cohort for Programme Directors

This programme will enable business school leaders to work in a facilitated peer environment. The insights developed through the 50+20 project will help them to develop the capacity of their programmes to deliver the three dimensions of the 50+20 vision: educating globally responsible leaders, enabling sustainable business and engaging with societal transformation. The focus will be on taking the practical steps required to deliver renewed and innovative curricula, programme content and learning methodologies. Read more at /

Uongozi Institute       Finish Government       UNDP                      NEPAD

The Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute in partnership with Uongozi institute, the Finish Government, UNDP and Nepad are embarking on the leadership for Africa project which seek to inspire leaders and promote the recognition of the important role of leadership in sustainable development.

Corporate Governance Review Partners

Ernst & Young are sponsoring the Corporate Governance and its Consequences: A South African Case Study research initiative as an investment in responsible leadership and sustainable development research capacity.

Professor Bob Eccles and Assistant Professor George Serafeim, specialising in social and corporate sustainability at Harvard Business School, are partnering on this extensive research initiative.


Prof. Derick de Jongh is an expert on the Global Network for Corporate Citizenship (GNCC).The Global Network for Corporate Citizenship is an international alliance of leading corporate responsibility experts and "close to market" academic centres around the world, working together to advance research, advocacy and education on the changing role of business in society and to help build the capacity of businesses worldwide for sustainable value creation.


Prof. Derick de Jongh was a member of the Institute of Directors’ Sustainable Development Forum (IOD SDF). The IOD SDF publishes a number of position papers on contemporary topics in the broader field of sustainable development aiming at Directors of Companies in SA. The ALLI was the main author of a paper on Business and Biodiversity that was launched in 2012.


Prof. Derick de Jongh was a member of the JSE SRI Advisory Committee. The SRI Index Advisory Committee is responsible for considering and advising on principles and operational matters relating to the SRI Index. It also proposes amendments to the Ground Rules governing the management of the SRI Index and to ensure that, as far as possible, best practice is used in the construction and management of the SRI Index.



Graham Terry (Executive at SAICA) was a member of the ALLI Advisory Committee. SAICA is also a partner of the Harvard Business School/Ernst &Young research project on corporate governance in South Africa.The ALLI has also written a chapter in Graham Terry’s new book, Green II, which will be released imminently.


The ALLI is an organisational member of EthicSA. EthicSA is a NPO committed to promoting a responsible society. This membership makes the ALLI part of a growing network of public and private sector organisations committed to promoting responsible business through ensuring it operates according to the highest ethical standards.  

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