Modulekode | FIL 155 |
Kwalifikasie | Undergraduate |
Fakulteit | Faculty of Humanities |
Module-inhoud | This is a broad introduction to the philosophy and history of science. Examples of themes and historical periods which are covered include: world views in ancient Greece; Socrates; Plato – the founder of Western thought; Aristotle – the foundation of a new tradition; Leonardo da Vinci; the foundation of modern science; the wonder years of the seventeenth century – the flourishing of the sciences and philosophy; the rising of mechanization; a drastic turn in man's vision – the rise of psychology; how the theory of relativity changed our view of the cosmos; quantum theory and its implications for the modern world view; the biological sciences and the secrets of life; the rise and role of psychology; the neuro-sciences; the place, role and benefit of philosophical thought in the sciences. |
Modulekrediete | 6.00 |
Programme | |
Service modules | Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences |
Prerequisites | No prerequisites. |
Contact time | 1 lecture per week |
Language of tuition | Module is presented in English |
Department | Philosophy |
Period of presentation | Semester 1 |
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