
Academic competency in oral health 171

Modulekode ACO 171
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Health Sciences

This module will introduce the new oral hygiene student to the dental and university environment. It will also serve as the foundation for the total oral hygiene programme and will assist the student to feel more comfortable and settled in the new environment. This module entails the following:
• Professionalism and ethics
• Group work and communication
• Use of the library and correct referencing in assignments
• Academic skills such as academic writing and reading, effective studying and
  how to do assignments
• Dental terminology
• Dental specialities
• Dental instruments, equipment and materials
• Dental charting
• Infection control
• Occupational health and safety
• Brushing and flossing

Modulekrediete 12.00
NQF Level 05
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 4 practicals per week, 5 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Community Dentistry
Period of presentation Semester 1

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