Seasonal forecast for January 2022 available

Posted on January 18, 2022

The January Seasonal Forecast Worx predicts weak La Niña conditions during summer, with ENSO-neutral conditions after that. The probability of above normal rainfall totals across the region during the second half of the summer season has decreased considerably from last month’s forecast. Enhanced probabilities for wet conditions, however, increase again towards late autumn over the central and north eastern parts. For the South and SW Cape, drier than normal conditions are probable in autumn and early winter.

The forecasts further predict cooler and near normal maximum temperatures are expected over the larger part of the region at first. Warmer than average conditions are likely to set in and remain for the forecast period into early winter.

The forecast can be accessed here. Have a look at our archive of forecasts here.

- Author Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology

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