Research News

  • Alien invasion - the threat is real

    Posted on May 18, 2017

    Dr Katelyn Faulkner and Prof Mark Robertson, from the Centre for Invasion Biology at the University of Pretoria, looked at the risks posed by alien species transported as stowaways on ships traveling to South Africa.

  • Leading UP food security expert appointed to international panel

    Posted on May 16, 2017

    Prof Sheryl Hendriks, Director of the University of Pretoria's Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being has been appointed to serve on the new Malabo Montpellier Panel.

  • New single-molecule spectroscopy facility in the UP Department of Physics

    Posted on May 15, 2017

    A new cutting-edge experimental setup developed by Dr Tjaart Krüger and his talented students from the Biophysics and Photonics Research Group in the Department of Physics at the University of Pretoria (UP), is the first of its kind in Africa.

  • Electric fences and small animals - a deadly combination

    Posted on May 15, 2017

    Electric fencing, although economical and effective, often result in the electrocution of non-target species. Among them are tortoises, and they are rapidly moving up on the Cites list of endangered animals.

  • Lethal dehydration - a ticking clock for desert birds

    Posted on May 08, 2017

    Prof Andrew McKechnie is part of an international study looking at the effects of climate change on birds, particularly those living in deserts. Their findings reveal that these birds are going to be under great strain in the future.

  • Genome of prostate cancer tumour mapped for the first time

    Posted on May 03, 2017

    A collaborative study by researchers from UP, the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and the University of Sydney in Australia, have mapped the entire genome of a prostate cancer tumour for the first time.

  • Lecture on Curriculum Transformation in African Universities hosted at UP

    Posted on May 03, 2017

    The Mathematical Sciences cluster in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences cluster recently hosted a general lecture on curriculum transformation, with Prof Overtoun Jenda from the Auburm University, USA, as guest speaker. The venue was the Plant Sciences Auditorium at the University...

  • Death is temporary - the resurrection of the naked mole rat

    Posted on April 24, 2017

    Prof Nigel Bennett and Dr Heike Lutermann, of the University of Pretoria's Department of Zoology and Entomology, are involved in an exciting study on the naked mole rat that has been featured in Science.

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