Master's and Doctoral Research

Master's and Doctoral Research since 2012

Many doctoral and Master’s students complete their studies successfully in the Department of Information Science. The following list provides the names of these students since 2012, together with the title of their theses / dissertations, the year they completed their studies and the names of their supervisors. There are more in earlier years that we will not list here. The abstract provides an overview of the research. A link is added to the full text of each thesis / dissertation in the University’s open access repository. It is therefore feasible to download the full thesis or dissertation without any costs. Mini-dissertations are not included in the list.
The list serves a number of purposes:
  • We would like to showcase the achievements of our students, because we are justifiably proud of their successes, and we would like to highlight these milestones in their lives.
  • It provides a good overview of recent postgraduate research and research topics in the Department.
  • It could form a useful source of information for prospective Master’s and Doctoral students:
    • Prospective students can see what the research foci of different supervisors are, to enable them to approach a potential supervisor.
    • Prospective students are encouraged to download and read the full text of theses or dissertations within their own field of interest and specialisation, in order to obtain an overview of the nature of such research:
      • the typical structure, content and length of a thesis or dissertation;
      • the nature of literature reviews and analyses;
      • formulation of research questions and sub-questions;
      • details about research methodologies and their application;
      • data collection and analyses;
      • how research questions and sub-questions can typically be answered;
      • contributions to theory and the creation of models and frameworks;
      • formal aspects such as layout and referencing techniques.
The following information is also available on UPSpace. The link from the student’s name links to the student’s thesis/dissertation:

Doctoral Theses

Date uploaded onto UPSpace
Name of student
Title of thesis
DPhil Information Science
Enhancing digital text collections with detailed metadata to improve retrieval
DPhil Information Science
Information behaviour of doctors in Malawi: an evidence-based medicine perspective
DPhil Information Science
The development of a curriculum model for the teaching and training of information ethics at different educational levels in a multi-cultural Southern Africa
Prof Hannes Britz
DPhil Information Science
The roles of social media in disseminating HIV/AIDS information to young people aged 18-24 in Harare Zimbabwe
DPhil Information Science
Factors affecting the use of electronic information resources at university by post-graduate students and academic staff in Zimbabwe.
Prof Hans Boon (co)
DPhil Information Science
The relationship between research data management and virtual research environments
DPhil Information Science
The design of a model for the acquisition, reuse and creation of knowledge in a civil engineering environment
DPhil Information Science
Towards a framework for the integration of data and data sources in the automation and dematerialisation of land administration systems
Prof Adeline du Toit
DPhil Information Science
School pupils’ perceptions of information channel credibility
DPhil Information Science
Library consortia and Zimbabwe's national development agenda: Librarians’ views on constructing a suitable model
DPhil Information Science
Enriching knowledge networks - considering synergies between social network analysis, communities of practice and knowledge
Prof Adeline du Toit
DPhil Information Science
Preparing engineering postgraduates through a research focused advanced information literacy program
DPhil Information Science
Digital divide: the role of libraries and information services in bridging the digital divide
DPhil Information Science
An exploration into the role of public libraries in the alleviation of information inequality and poverty in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Prof Hannes Britz
DPhil Information Science
Trends in digital scholarship curation in public and private higher education in Southern Africa: a sociotechnical approach towards sustainability
Prof Adeline du Toit
DPhil Information Science
New power dynamics in academic libraries: developing a critical evaluation strategy to improve user satisfaction with Web 2.0/3.0 services
DPhil Information Science
An evaluation of the performance of Zimbabwe’s Parliamentary Constituency Information Centres (PCICS) and their future improvement
DPhil Information Science
The information needs and information-seeking patterns of secondary level geography teachers in Lesotho: implications for information service
PhD Development Communication
Establishing the role of branding in social enterprises
Prof Maritha Snyman
The design and evaluation of an integrated enterprise architecture metamodel
Prof JA Pretorius (co)
Towards a framework for executive dashboard design in a tertiary education institution
Prof Carina de Villiers (co)
PhD Publishing
’n Sisteemteoretiese kartering van die Afrikaanse literatuur vir die tydperk 2000–2009: kanonisering in die Afrikaanse literatuur
Prof Maritha Snyman
Prof Henning Pieterse (co)
PhD Publishing
Between complicity and resistance: a social history of the university presses in apartheid South Africa


Master's dissertations

Date uploaded onto UPSpace
Name of student
Title of dissertation
MIS Information Science
Factors that influence effective knowledge sharing between experts and novices in a South African financial services organisation
Ms Marietjie Schutte
MIS Information Science
The academic library in society’s knowledge system: a case study of Tshwane University of Technology
MIS Information Science
Distance students’ readiness for an online information literacy programme: Unisa School of Accountancy as a case study
MIS Information Science
Social media and the empowerment of businesswomen in Kampala, Uganda
MIS Information Science
Cum Laude
Information monitoring and current awareness services supporting the information behaviour of pregnant women
MIS Information Science
Cum Laude
An evaluative study to determine to what extent technology can be used in e-dictionaries to provide relevant information on demand
MIS Information Science
Cum Laude
Dieet- en voedings inligtingbehoeftes en
 -soekgedrag in ’n kankerkonteks / Dietary information needs and search behaviour in a cancer context
MIS Information Science
Cum Laude
Competitive intelligence failures from the perspective of information behaviour
MIS Information Science
Cum Laude
Research data management practices of emerging researchers at a South African research council
Research Data Management Practices of Emerging Researchers at a South African Research Institute
Dr Martie van Deventer
MIS Information Science
Competitive intelligence in a multinational consulting engineering company: A case study
Prof Adeline du Toit
MIS Information Science
Game-based learning and library instruction
MIS Information Science
Designing a knowledge creation model using a problem-based learning approach to enhance innovation in a high-technology production environment
Prof Adeline du Toit
MIS Information Science
Changing role of the research library in an agricultural environment
MIS Information Science
Cum Laude
Information needs, information seeking behaviour and information use behaviour of researchers at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria and how these needs are being met by the information support delivered by the Jotello F Soga Library
MIS Information Science
Developing guidelines for implementing cooperation between school and public libraries in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
MIS Information Science
A framework to promote workplace information literacy in academic settings: Central University of Technology, Free State as a case study
MIS Information Science
Integrating knowledge seeking into knowledge management models, frameworks, and strategies
MIS Library Science
Fasilitering van die voortgesette opleidingsbehoeftes vir professionele katalogiseerders in Suid-Afrika: 'n raamwerk vir selfgerigte leer
MIS Multimedia
Cum Laude
Using binaural audio for inducing intersensory illusions to create illusory tactile feedback in virtual reality
Mr Koos de Beer
MIS Multimedia
Cum Laude
Facilitating intrinsic motivation in tertiary education through gameful design
Mr Koos de Beer
MIS Multimedia
Cum Laude
Heuristic evaluation of the information architecture of academic library websites
Mr Koos de Beer (co)
MIS Multimedia
Cum Laude
Using an alternate reality game to teach information literacy
Mr Koos de Beer
MIS Multimedia
Cum Laude
Analysing alternate reality games based on game design theory to propose a conceptual framework
MIS Publishing
Cum Laude
Redefining ‘chick-lit’ and women’s publishing within trade publishing in South Africa
MIS Publishing
Propaganda as used in the official South African Defence Force magazine - Paratus, 1970-1988
Ms L Cassells (co)
MIS Publishing
Cum Laude
Selling translation rights in trade publishing: case studies of Dutch translations of Afrikaans fiction in the Netherlands and Belgium
MIS Publishing
Between a book and a soft place: an investigation into the contemporary teaching of typography and book design at South African Higher Education Institutions
MIS Publishing
Magic to manic: the evolution of the zombie figure in fiction and its basis In moral panic dissemination
MIS Publishing
Towards a sustainable open access scholarly publishing model in the South African context
MIS Publishing
Multilingual publishing: an investigation into access to trade books through the eleven official languages in South Africa
MIS Publishing
Digital publishing in the South African trade sub-sector: lessons to learn from disruptive technology
MA Development Communication (Research)
Cum Laude
Applying audience research to public dialogue about science: an evaluation of commissioned research for the public understanding of biotechnology programme
Dr Cecilia Penzhorn (co)

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