Associate Professor
Office: IT Building 6-34, Hatfield Campus
Tel: +27 12 420 2426
BA (Hons), MIS Publishing, PhD Publishing (Pretoria), Postgraduate Diploma in Translation (UNISA)
- Book and publishing history in Southern Africa
- Independent and activist publishing
- Women and print culture
- The culture of books and reading in African countries
Researcher ID profile:
NRF rating: Y1
Modules offered
Programme coordinator:
- BIS Publishing
- BIS (Hons) Publishing
- MIS Publishing
- PhD Publishing
Module coordinator and lecturer:
- PUB 220 – Publishing: The visual and production dimensions of publishing
- PUB 310 – Publishing in the digital environment
- PUB 732 – Book history
- INY 711 – Research methodology
- MIT 892 – IT Research
Postgraduate supervisor
- Doctoral theses
- Master’s dissertations
- Honours research reports
Prof. le Roux joined the Department in 2009. She was formerly employed in the scholarly publishing sector, most recently as Director of Unisa Press. She coordinates the Publishing Studies degrees, and supervises master’s and doctoral students. Her research focuses on the history of publishing and print culture in Southern Africa, and she coordinates the industry research for the Publishers’ Association of South Africa. She is a member of the Advisory Board for Wits University Press and an Honorary Member of the Academic and Non-Fiction Authors’ Association of South Africa.
Recent publications and presentations
- 2021. E. le Roux. ‘The myth of the “book famine” in African publishing’, 48(168). Review of African Political Economy. 1–19. DOI: 10.1080/03056244.2020.1792872.
- 2021: E. le Roux, ‘Crime and the Censor: the production and reception of crime fiction in apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa’, in K. Sarkowsky and M. Stein (eds), Ideology in Postcolonial Texts and Contexts, GAPS vol. CC213. Leiden: Brill, pp. 182–203.
- 2020: Elizabeth le Roux, Publishing against Apartheid South Africa: A case study of Ravan Press, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Elements in Publishing and Culture. DOI:
- 2020: E. le Roux, ‘Africa’, in Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose (eds), A New Companion to the History of the Book. 2nd edition. New Jersey: Wiley, pp. 349–361.
- 2019: E. le Roux, ‘Publishing and Society,’ in Angus Phillips and Michael Bhaskar (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Publishing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 85–98.
- 2019: E. le Roux. ‘Publishing in South Africa.’ In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Oxford University Press. DOI:
- 2018: Guest editor, with Caroline Davis and Archie Dick, of special issue of Journal of Southern African Studies 44 (3) on ‘Print Culture in Southern Africa’.
- 2018. E. le Roux. ‘Miriam Tlali and Ravan Press: Politics and Power in Literary Publishing during the Apartheid Period’, Journal of Southern African Studies, 44(3): 431–446. DOI: 10.1080/03057070.2018.1450007.
- 2018. S. Buitendach and E. le Roux. ‘Travelling stories: Selling translation rights of Afrikaans fiction to Dutch publishers’, Publishing Research Quarterly, 34: 288–303. DOI: 10.1007/s12109-018-9574-3.
- 2018. E. le Roux. ‘Repressive tolerance in a political context: Academic freedom in apartheid South Africa’, History of Education Quarterly, 58(3): 461–466. DOI: 10.1017/heq.2018.24.
- 2018: E. le Roux, ‘Freedom fighters and freedom writers: publishing and reading before and after apartheid’, in S. Geoffroy (ed.), Artisans de la paix et passeurs - Peacemakers and Bridgebuilders. Paris: Michele Houdiard Publishers.
- 2017: Sam Naidu & Elizabeth le Roux, A Survey of South African Crime Fiction, Pietermaritzburg: UKZN Press. Winner of the Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award, Rhodes University, 2019.
- 2017. E. le Roux, ‘Concepts of reading in South African reading promotion campaigns’, Mousaion, 35(3): 1–17. DOI: 10.25159/0027-2639/2987.
- 2017. J. Möller and E. le Roux. ‘Implementing constitutional language provisions through the Indigenous Language Publishing Programme’, South African Journal of African Languages, 37(2): 203–209, DOI: 10.1080/02572117.2017.1378274.
- 2016: Elizabeth le Roux, A social history of the university presses in apartheid South Africa: Between complicity and resistance, Leiden: Brill.
2021 Recipient of t
he annual Peter Underwood book prize for academic research achievement for publishing a book titled
Publishing against Apartheid South Africa: A Case Study of Ravan Press and co-edited another titled
Print Culture in Southern Africa
Co-editor of Book History, the official journal of SHARP
Y1 rating from the National Research Foundation, 2016–2021
Fellow of the Future Africa programme, since 2016
Funding awards from the Newton Mobility Grant and the British Academy International Partnership and Mobility Scheme
Convenor of annual Book History seminars at the University of Pretoria, since 2013
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