Contact Us

Department/section Contact number Alternative contact number
Student Administration and Enrolment - for all student and prospective student-related issues and queries 012 529 8132 012 529 8202
Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital 0861 00 VETS (8387)  
Anatomy and Physiology 012 529 8262 012 529 8267
Anatomy 012 529 8267 012 529 8262
Physiology 012 529 8262 012 529 8267
Electron Microscope Unit 012 529 8212 012 529 8497
Endocrine Research Laboratory 012 529 8188 012 529 8033
Plastination Unit 012 529 8267 012 529 8247
Companion Animal Clinical Studies 012 529 8260 012 529 8139
Paraclinical Sciences 012 529 8239 012 529 8057
Pharmacology and Toxicology 012 529 8239 012 529 8057
Phytomedicine 012 529 8525 012 529 8239
Pathology 012 529 8057 012 529 8239
Veterinary Public Health 012 529 8181 012 529 8239
Production Animal Studies 012 529 8013 012 529 8170
Epidemiology 012 529 8013 012 529 8170
Milk Laboratory 012 529 8405 012 529 8461
Poultry 012 529 8334 012 529 8224
Reproduction 012 529 8218 012 529 8216
Ruminant Health and Production  012 529 8241 012 529 8013
Production Animal Clinical 012 529 8013 012 529 8218
Veterinary Tropical Diseases 012 529 8269 012 529 8384
Centre for Veterinary Wildlife Studies 012 529 8508 012 529 8558
Equine Research Centre 012 529 8068 012 529 8508
Exotic Leather Research Centre 012 529 8542 012 529 8522
UP Biomedical Research Centre 012 529 8194 012 529 8337
Veterinary Genetics Laboratory 012 529 8240 012 529 8179
Dean 012 529 8082 012 529 8185
Deputy Dean: Teaching and Learning 012 529 8439 012 529 8185
Deputy Dean: Research and Postgraduate Studies 012 529 8185 012 529 8439
Faculty Manager 012 529 8473 012 529 8185
Communications and Media 012 529 8436 012 529 8201
Human Resources  012 529 8394 012 529 8500
Jotello F Soga Library 012 529 8009 012 529 8007
Education Innovation 012 529 8251 012 529 8232
Creative Studios 012 529 8195 012 529 8097
Click on the links below to view departmental staff pages    
Department of Anatomy and Physiology    
Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies    
Department of Paraclinical Sciences    
Department of Production Animal Studies    
Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases    

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