Research Visits, Conferences and Workshops by Principal Investigators


20-22 Aug

J Banasiak 

S Tchoumi

Research visit to NWU Mahikeng campus to further nurture their ongoing collaboration on the use of Transmission Blocking Drugs in Malaria Control.
11-15 Jul J Banasiak Give a talk entitled “On spectral gaps in population dynamics equations" at the 9th European Congress of Mathematics in Sevilla.
    He will also attend the joint annual meeting of the Korean Society for Mathematical Biology (KSMB) and the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB) that will be held from 30 June to 5 July 2024 at Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
16-21 Jun

R Anguelov

J Banasiak

M Chapwanya 

Organise and attend the international conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences Biomath in the Cutty Sark Resort, Scottburgh, South Africa.
30 June to 5 July 2024  Y Dumont Attends the joint annual meeting of the Korean Society for Mathematical Biology (KSMB) and the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB) at Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
26-28 Jun J Banasiak Give a talk entitled “Asymptotic analysis and monotone systems in malaria analysis" at the Dynamical Systems and Applications VI, DSA 2024 in honour of Prof. Avner Friedman on his 90th birthday, held at Łódź, Poland. 
26 May-14 July MChapwanya Research visit to the Mathematical Institute under the Erasmus+ ICM Programme at Leiden university, Netherlands. Gave a seminar talk entitled “Crop vector-borne diseases" at the Mathematical Institute, Leiden University on 3 June.
24 May  J Banasiak Give a talk entitled “Direct Lyapunov method- known and less known" at the CoE-MaSS Weekly Seminar Series, 
31 March-7 Apr j Banasiak Give a course entitled “Waves and Diffusions" at the 32nd Chris Engelbrecht Summer School 2024 on Recent trends in gravitation at the Alpine Heath Resort and Conference Centre in Drakensberg.
29 Jan-9 Feb:   J Banasiak Visit Łódź University of Technology, Poland.
17–22 March J Banasiak Give an invited lecture and panel on Pure and Applied Mathematics at the 10 Anniversary of CoE–MaSS entitled “Siyakhula: Growing Mathematics in Africa" which was held at AIMS South Africa.
19-27 Feb J Banasiak Give a mini-course entitled “Partial differential equations– classic and modern" at the 3MC African Mathematical School on Quantitative Biology: Applications in Epidemiology, Ecology and Cancer 
19 Feb-1 March

J Banasiak

B M. Ghakanyuy

Give a plenary talk on “Direct Lyapunov method- known and less known" at the 3MC school from 19-27 Feb and the 3MC International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Biology and Life Sciences

Dr Bime M. Ghakanyuy, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Pretoria,and the team led by him received the first prize for the project at the 3MC African Mathematical School on Quantitative Biology: Applications in Epidemiology, Ecology and Cancer. 


11--15 Sept A Ramanantoanina Attend the Stellenbosch Biomath workshop and gave a talk on the title "Modelling trait evolution using evolutionary distributions".
13 Sept Jacek Banasiak Attended the annual award celebtration to receive the award as Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa (FRSSAf).To become a FRSSAf, one has to be nominated by a committee formed from the Council of the RSSAf and the prime criterion for being elected a FRSSAf is scientific standing.
30 Aug Jacek Banasiak Attend Mathematical Models in Science, NAS Research Symposium, Pretoria
5 Sept Jacek Banasiak  mathematical modelling and biomathematics, research-led farewell workshop honouring Prof PeterWitbooi, (keynote)
25-28 Aug Jacek Banasiak Invited talk on How well do mathematical models reflect the real world - successes and failures of mathematical modelling,  66th School of Visual Mathematics, Siedlce, Poland

2 - 8 Jul

Jacek Banasiak

Attend workshop on differential equations and their applications (WDETA) in Będlewo, Poland: Explicit solutions to a class of integro-differential equations arising in fragmentation theory.

 7 - 13 Jul  Michael Chapwanya  Research visit to the Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry (MACSI), University of Limerick, Ireland.
2 – 7 July Michael Chapwanya Talk on “Drumlin, the movie" at the international symposium on the Edges of Glaciology in Limerick, Ireland organised by the international Glaciological Society MACSI. 
28 Jun Roumen Anguelov Talk entitled “Dynamical systems modelling approach to quantitative analysis of biological experimental data" at the PJS University in Košice.
28 Jun. Michael Chapwanya Talk entitled “Boom-and-bust dynamics in microbial populations under environmental stress" at the PJS University in Košice.
25 Jun -1 Jul

Roumen Anguelov

Michael Chapwanya

Visit to the Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik (PJS) University in Košice, Slovakia. 
18 - 23 Jun Jacek Banasiak Speaker at the Biomath 2023 International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists in Pomorie, Bulgaria. Title: Impact of demography on the dynamics of malaria.
18-23 June Michael Chapwanya Talk on “Pattern formation in the Holling-Tanner predator-prey model with prey-taxis" at the Annual international conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences - Biomath2023 in Pomorie, Bulgaria.
2 -15 May Jacek Banasiak Research visit to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Strathclyde. Lecture on 4 May to mark the retirement of Prof. Iain W, Stewart.Takes part from 8–12 May, in Edinburgh in a Research in Groups event in the area of coagulation–fragmentation equations.
26 Apr - 1 May Jacek Banasiak Presented at the Emerging Perspectives in Mathematics II meeting at Zinkwazi, Kwa-Zulu Natal.
19 – 23 Apr Jacek Banasiak Supervisor visit for Student Casimiro Alfredo Mavanga, at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Muizenberg, South Africa.
12–14 Apr

Jacek Banasiak

Michael Chapwanya

Delivered a plenary lecture titled “Effect of demography on the dynamics of malaria with transmission blocking drugs" at the Modelling in the context of African Health 2023, a joint conference of UKZN and the CoE-MaSS.

Delivered a plenary lecture titled “Existence of traveling waves in crop vectorborne diseases"

29–31 Mar 

Jacek Banasiak

Michael Chapwanya

Delivered a plenary lecture titled “Multiple time scales and long-term dynamics in epidemiological modelling" at the 3MC International Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematical Modeling in Biology at NWU, Potchefstroom.

Delivered a plenary lecture titled “Design of Mickens’ schemes for models in mathematical biology.Application to Ebola Virus Disease" at the same conference as above.

20–28 Mar Jacek Banasiak Delivered a mini-course titled “Age-structured population models–from Fibonacci to McKendrick-von Foerster models" at the 3MC School on Biomathematics at the African Mathematical School on Mathematical Modeling in Biology held at NWU, Potchefstroom.
19-25 Feb Jacek Banasiak Mini-project coordinator in the Workshop/Training School of the Networking in Applied Network Theory (NANT) at the Mathematical Research and Conference Centre in Będlewo, Poland.


Dec Abdullahi Yusuf International guest speaker for the Ahmadu Bello University Nigeria’s, Faculty of Science symposium.
20-23 Nov
Jacek Banasiak
Michael Chapwanya (organiser)
Yves Dumont

MALS2022 Workshop, Tshikwalo Game Lodge.

Yves Dumont and Jacek Banasiak as plenary speakers

30 Sep-3 Oct Jacek Banasaik
Talk titled On spectral gaps of growth-fragmentation semigroups in higher moment spaces" at the Functional Analysis and Operator Theory South Africa (FAOTSA) 2022 Workshop at Berg-en-Dal conference centre, Kruger National Park
27-28 Sep Jacek Banasiak
Talk at the Symposium on Machine Learning and Data Modelling in the Biomedical Sciences (MLDMBioMed-2022) at York University Canada, titled Multiple time scales and long-term dynamics in malaria modelling".
18-23 Sep Wetsi Poka, postgradute under supervision of Jacek Banasiak
Talk titled "Global solvability of fragmentation-coagulation equations with growth"  at the ADEANS IV Conference in Scottburgh, South Africa.
18-23 Sep A Matusse, postgrad under the supervision of Michael Chapwanya
Talk titled Traveling waves in co-infection model: The case of maize lethal necrosis" at the ADEANS IV Conference in Scottburgh, South Africa.
18-23 Sep N Majozi, postgradute under supervision of Jacek Banasiak
Talk titled A semigroup approach to a transport-fragmentation equation" at the ADEANS IV Conference in Scottburgh, South Africa.
18-23 Sep Yves Dumont
Talk titled "On the usefulness of mathematics in crop protection" at the 2022 ADEANS IV Conference in Scottburgh, South Africa.
18-23 Sep Jacek Banasiak 
Co-organiser of the conference Analysis and Differerential Equations with Applications IV (ADEANS IV)" in Scottburgh, South Africa.
18-23 Sep Michael Chapwanya 
Invited lecture "Spatio-temporal dynamics of microbial population under environmental stress"  at the ADEANS IV Conference in Scottburgh, South Africa.
11-16 Sep Jacek Banasiak
Plenary speaker at the 12th Euro-Maghrebian workshop on Evolution Equations at Agadir, Morocco, with title "Hyperbolic Systems and Equations on Networks
- Recent Results and Open Problems".
20 Aug Roumen Anguelov
Talk titled Quantifying assays: A Modeling tale of variability in cancer therapeutics assessed on cancer cells" at the University of Pretoria .
20-24 July Jacek Banasiak
Talk titled Beyond the tanh method - looking for explicit travelling wave solutions" at the Sym Physical Workshop at the Premier Resort Sani Pass Hotel, South Africa.
4-6 July Jacek Banasiak and Stéphane Tchoumi Research visit to The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, North-West University, Mafikeng, to continue the work on our paper: “Transmission-Blocking Drugs as a Control Measure for Undetected and Detected Malaria Infections: A Mathematical Modelling Approach”
5 May-1 Jun Jacek Banasiak Research visit to the Institute of Mathematics of 
the Technical University to give a series of lectures on advanced topics of dynamical systems and applied functional analysis to PhD students, to supervise several seminars with senior students, providing guidance on current research methods in the field, and to continue 
research collaboration with the Division of Mathematical Modelling of the Institute. 
8-13 May
Jacek Banasiak
Yves Dumont
Keynote speaker DSALSS in Bedlewo, Poland.
1 April-15 May Michael Chapwanya Research visit to University of Zimbabwe,.
6-9 April Salisu Garba Presented a paper at the 2022 Virtual Joint Mathematics Meeting, Seattle, USA (JMM2022). 
28 March  Jacek Banasiak Presented at the NITheCS Colloquium. The title of his
talk was Fads and fallacies of mathematical modelling and applications of mathematics.
14-18 February  Jacek Banasiak  Participate in the International Conference One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO) 2022, Nizny Novgorod, Russia (on-line).The talks presented were: Explicit solutions of fragmentation models with growth or decay (plenary), and On spectral gaps of growth-fragmentation semigroups in higher moment spaces (regular).
17-28 January  Jacek Banasiak Participate in a Mathematics conference and workshop for emerging researchers in Infectious Disease Modelling through Mathematics and Machine Learning (IDML) held at the University of Johannesburg.
9-14 January Jacek Banasiak Participate in a Mathematics conference and workshop for emerging researchers at Cathedral Peak Hotel.


9-10 Dec Jacek Banasiak Participate in Modelling in the context of African Health 2021, A Joint conference of UKZN and the CoE-MaSS, virtually.
29 Nov-1 Dec  Jacek Banasiak The 64th Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society took place virtually.
30 Oct-7 November Jacek Banasiak Guest researcher at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS).
19 to 25 September  Yves Dumont  Attended the NEMBICA workshop in Fréjus (France):
NEMBICA is a French South American network gathering researchers working on Vector-borne
diseases control.Yves presented a work (done
with Valaire Yatat) about the impact of accidental releases of sterile females during SIT control when
a mosquito-vector-borne disease is circulating.
19-23 September Jacek Banasiak Presented Stability of perturbed dynamical systems – past and present, at Gravitex lat the Premier Cutty Sark Hotel, Scottburgh, UKZN.
1 July 2021-30 June 2023 Salisu Garba Research in Mathematical Biology with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
20-25 June  Keynote presentations: Yves Dumont. Presentations: Jacek Banasiak, Michael Chapwanya, Yatat Djeumen, Phindile Dumani, Salisu Garba, Americo Matusse, Rachid Ouifki, Segun Oke, Edwin Phiri, Woldegebriel Assefa Woldegerima. The BIOMATH 2021 International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences was hosted by the Mathematics department and the DSI/NRF SARChI Chair M3B2 University of Pretoria at the Protea Hotel, Pretoria Loftus Park, South Africa.  Local Organising Committee: Chair, Jacek Banasiak. Members: Roumen Anguelov, Michael Chapwanya, Yves Dumont, Salisu Garba, Rachid Ouifki.
13 to 17 June  Jacek Banasiak Gave a talk at the Society of Mathematical Biology 21 Virtual Annual Meeting, Celebrating Dr. Ngwa's 55th birthday, Beyond the Next Generation Matrix Method.


 3 April  Jacek Banasiak Speaker at the 6th Seminar on Mathematics for Challenges in Technology and Society Round table on maths and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
10 -12 March  Jacek Banasiak AIMS Muizenberg.
4 to 5 March  Jacek Banasiak University of Warsaw.
1-13 March  Yves Dumont
Field work, committee meetings, and collaboration in Colombia.
18 Feb-3 March
Jacek Banasiak
Łódź University of Technology.
2-12 February Yves Dumont
Field work, committee meetings, and
Reunion island. 
5-15 January Yves Dumont
Field work, committee meetings, and collaboration in Indonesia.


20 Nov-6 Dec Yves Dumont Visit in Rio de Janeiro at the Gustavo Varga Foundation. Joined collaboration with Dr. Maria Soledad Aronna (FGV, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) on SIT.
2-12 April Yves Dumont Visit in Bangun Bandar (Indonesia): field experiments on oil palm tree pollinator.
13-14 June  Yves Dumont

Plenary speaker On the usefulness of Mathematics for food and health security: control strategies for pests and disease vectors,
Perpignan's day of Applied Mathematics: (Perpignan, France).

11-17 November  Yves Dumont

Plenary speaker on the usefulness of Mathematical Modeling for Vector/Pest control. WTAEM 2019 (Asunçion, Paraguay).

 25-27 September Salisu Garba Co-organized a Special Session on Epidemiology and Biomathematics at the Epidemiology and Biomathematics at International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, St George Hotel, Pretoria, SA (hosted by UNISA).
25-27 November Jean Lubuma Talk at MADEV19 Dakar, Senegal.
12-14 October Jean Lubuma Talk at the Seventh International Conference on
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Populations in Biological Systems, Tempe, Arizona.
17-23 November Michael Chapwanya Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
1-3 November  Jacek Banasiak Plenary speaker at the 2nd October Workshop on
Research Trends in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis in Life Sciences, Pretoria.
17-30 October  Jacek Banasiak  Visit Lodz Technical University, Lublin Technical University.
14-16 October Prof Chapwanya

Plenary speaker at the Modeling in the context of African health (MOCAH), UKZN TItle: On crop vector borne diseases: modelling, analysis and simulations.

14-16 October  Jacek Banasiak Plenary speaker at the Modelling in the Context of African Health MoCAH Workshop, Durban.
25-27 September  Jacek Banasiak NWU Mathematics Workshop on Functional Analysis and its Applications, Potchefstroom.
20-24 September  Jacek Banasiak  International Symmetries Conference, Sani Pass, South Africa.
8-2 July Jacek Banasiak Positivity X at Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at UP.
16-22 June  Roumen Anguelov, Jacek Banasiak, Salisu Garba, Jean Lubuma, Rachid
Ouifki, Valaire Yatat,
Biomath 2019, Bedlevo, Poland,  Roumen Anguelov and Jacek Banasiak form part of the organizing committee.
19-25 May  Yves Dumont CPMD5 conference (The Fifth International
Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics) at Fort Lauderdale (USA) from the  He presented a joined work with Roumen Anguelov and
Valaire Yatat on the Sterile Insect Technique.
1-10 May Jacek Banasiak  South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
23-25 January Yves Dumont Part of the ANR evaluation panel in Pathogens, Re‐emerging Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance. This evaluations of the first round of applications took place in Paris.
27-29 March
Koffi Agbavon, Jacek Banasiak (special session chair), Michael Chapwanya (organizing committee), Rudi du Toit, Phindile Dumani, Yves Dumont, Constance Tikane, Valaire Yatat
4 Feb-15 March
Jacek Banasiak
Institute of Mathematics, Technical University of Łódź, Poland.
10 - 31 Jan
Michael Chapwanya
University of Limerick, MACSI, Ireland.


12 - 20  December
Jacek Banasiak
Institute of Mathematics of the Technical University of Łódź - give a series of lectures on advanced topic of dynamical systems and applied functional analysis to PhD students, supervise several seminars with senior students 
18-30 November
Jacek Banasiak
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India,  (course delivery: Population Balance Equations in the framework of the Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN))
30 Sept - 5 Oct
Jacek Banasiak
Formed part of the scientific committee for the Third
Conference Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 
12 - 16 October 
Jacek Banasiak 
Invited speaker at the 14th African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2018), at STIAS, Stellenbosch
17 - 20  Sept
Jacek Banasiak
Presented work entitled: 1) Some limit behaviors of
dynamical systems on networks 2)Some singularly perturbed models in ecology and epidemiology  and 3)  Fragmentation and fragmentation-coagulation processes with growth and decay well-posedness and long term asymptotics at the Joint meeting of the Italian Mathematical Union, the Italian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the Polish Mathematical Society, Wroclaw, Poland
1 - 3 November
Jacek Banasiak
Perspectives in Mathematics workshop in Durban
10 -12 October
Jacek Banasiak 
Acted as plenary speaker at the KTE 2018 Kinetic and
Transport equations: Mathematical advances and Applications Conference, Universita di Parma, Italy
4 - 6 October
Michael Chapwanya, Salisu Garba, Rachid Ouifki, Jean Lubuma, Roumen Anguelov
October Workshop on Research Trends in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis in Life Sciences
The Department organizes a workshop that aims at bringing together researchers (faculty, postdocs,
postgraduate students, etc.) in Biomathematics to discuss current topics and share emerging research
questions in the area. The workshop intends to provide a forum for interactions between mathematicians
and researchers in biology and life sciences. See for further information.
22-27 July
Jacek Banasiak
Plenary speaker at the 2nd BRICS Mathematics Conference, at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
4-9 July 
Jacek Banasiak
12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential
Equations and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan
15 Jun -15 July
Roumen Anguelov
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of  Sciences
24 - 29 June 
Koffi Agbavon, Roumen Anguelov, Rao Appadu, Rebecca Bekker,
Michael Chapwanya, Usman Danbaba, Kenneth Dukuza, Phindile Dumani, Yves Dumont, Salisu Garba, Jean M‐S Lubuma, Joseph Malinzi, and Rachid Ouifki.
BIOMATH 2018 Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria
31 May - 20 June 
Salisu Garba
Arizona State University,USA
12- 20 May
Michael Chapwanya
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada 
21 May - 13 June 
Michael Chapwanya
MACSI, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
28 May - 8 June
Jacek Banasiak
Technical University of Lodz to give a series of lectures on advanced topic of dynamical systems and applied functional analysis to PhD students
21-25 May  
Jacek Banasiak
Invited speaker at the Coagulation‐Fragmentation Equations and Semigroups: A meeting in Honour of
Wilson Lamb in Glasgow.
 21 May - 28 May
Rao Appadu
Research visit: University of Technology,
Pointe aux Sables, Mauritius
11 May - 20 May
Michael Chapwanya
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
29 May - 5 Jun
Rao Appadu 
Research visit: Centrale Nantes ICSIA Campus, Pierrefonds, Mauritius, 
27 April - 1 May
Jacek Banasiak, Roumen Anguelov, Eder Kikianty, Miek Messerschmidt and
Rachid Ouifki.
Jacek Banasiak was the co‐organizer for the Analysis and Differential Equations with Applications to
Natural Sciences (ADEANS II) conference at Salt Rock, He also be participated in the conference. 
20 - 24 March
Jacek Banasiak
Organizer of the DFG‐AIMS Workshop on Evolutionary Processes on Networks at AIMS Rwanda, in Kigali
12 -16 March 
Jacek Banasiak
Act as lecturer at the Simons Semester school: From individual-based models to structured population-level description Będlewo, Poland.
3 Jan - March 31
Michael Chapwanya
 University of Zimbabwe, Harare


23 November
Michael Chapwanya
Invited speaker SAMS Research Mentoring Workshop 
20 - 22 November
 Michael Chapwanya
Spoke at the 60th Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society (SAMS) at North‐West University, Potchefstroom,
11-24 June
Rachid Ouifki
Presented a plenary lecture (Trade‐offs between Oncolytic Potency and Reduced Virus Tumor‐specificity in Oncolytic Virotherapy. A Mathematical Modelling Approach
16 - 19 October
Racid Ouifki, Jean Lubuma, Michael Chapwanya
Oral presentations at the Mathématiques Appliquées à des questions de DEVeloppement (MADEV) in Rabat, Morocco. Rachid Ouifki, Jean Lubuma and Michael Chapwanya gave oral presentations at the Mathématiques Appliquées à des questions de DEVeloppement (MADEV) in Rabat, Morocco, 16 to 19 October 2017. Rachid Ouifki also presented a plenary lecture (Trade‐offs between Oncolytic Potency and Reduced Virus Tumor‐specificity in Oncolytic Virotherapy. A Mathematical Modelling Approach).
25 Sept - 3 Oct
Jacek Banasiak
Research visit University of Heidelberg
25 - 30 September
Rao Appadu
12th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer ‐ Numerical
Fluids as part of ICNAAM 2017 in Thessaloniki, Greece.
19 - 24 Sept
Jacek Banasiak
Visit the University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland
 21 - 25 Aug
Jacek Banasiak
1st BRICS Mathematics Conference, 22 to 25 August 2017, Beijing and colloquium talk
in the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science
25- 30 Sep 
Rao Appadu
12th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer ‐ Numerical Fluids as part of ICNAAM 2017  in Thessaloniki, Greece.
3 - 7 July
Jacek Banasiak
Pan African Congress of Mathematicians 2017 at Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco.
25 - 30 June
Roumen Anguelov, Rao Appadu, Michael Chapwanya, Salisu Garba, Jean Lubuma, Rachid Ouifki, Jacek Banasiak, Koffi Agbavon, Kenneth Dukuza, Phindile Dumani, Ayodeji Jejeniwa, Joseph Malinzi, Chibale Mumba, Marnus Stoltz, Yibeltal Terefe,
Annual International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (Biomath 2017) at Skukuza Camp in the Kruger National Park.
19 - 23 June
Rachid Ouifki
Acted as facilitator at the 4th Strathmore International Mathematics Conference, from  2017, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya. 
12 - 16 June
Rachid Ouifki
Acted as facilitator at the Second Kenyatta University Workshop on Mathematical Modeling. This event was held at the School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Kenyatta University, Kenya.
 29 May - 2 June
Jacek Banasiak 
Technical University of Lodz, Poland
20 - 22 April
Jacek Banasiak
XXX Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Conference, University of Warsaw.
27 March- 4 Apr
Jacek Banasiak
Research Visit: University of Warsaw
23 - 24 March
Jacek Banasiak
Invited participant to the workshop Coagulation and Fragmentation Equations in Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna.
13 - 22 Mar
Jacek Banasiak
Research visit: Strathclyde University
20 - 24 February
Jacek Banasiak
Acts as an invited participant at the DFG‐AIMS Workshop on Mathematics against malaria: A Holistic approach
30 Jan - 18 Feb
Jacek Banasiak
Give course at AIMS in Cameroon


28 Nov - 9 Dec
J Banasiak
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India and International Conference on Recent Advances in Theoretical and Computational Partial Differential Equations with Applications at the University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
21 - 24 Nov
R Anguelov, R Appadu, J Banasiak, M Chapwanya, S Garba, 
SAMSA, South-Africa
2 - 4 Nov
J Banasiak,G Manicom
SAMS, UWC, Cape Town, South Africa
24 - 25 Oct
Prof J Banasiak
Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of Limpopo, South Africa
15-16 Sept
J Banasiak
Annual workshop of NITheP (National Institute of Theoretical Physics) Research Associates in Stellenbosch, South Africa
19 - 25 Sep 
R Appadu
14th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2016), Rhodes, Greece
5 - 9 Sept
J Banasiak
Invited speaker at the international conference "SYSMICS 2016" (Syntax meets Semantics)XXII, University of Barcelona, Spain
11 -15 Jul 
J Banasiak
The10th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2016) at the University of Nottingham, UK
3 - 9 July
Y Ahmed
Conference and meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology in Brazil
15 – 17 Jun 
J Banasiak
19 - 25 June
R Anguelov, M Chapwanya, C Dufourd
International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (Biomath 2016) in Blagoevgrad from Bulgaria
3 - 4 June
Y Terefe
13th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics (FACM '16) which will be held at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in Newark, New Jersey
2 - 6 May
J Banasiak
DST Finance-Risk workshop: Global change impact on diseases and alien species expansion capacity building, Cape Town, South Africa
17 - 19 April
Y Ahmed
Continental workshop on pesticide legislation and regulation as it affects honey bees in Cairo Egyp
13 - 16 Mar 
J Banasiak
DFG-AIMS Workshop Senegal
9 - 11 Mar
J Banasiak
University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
27 Feb - 5 Mar 
M Chapwanya, J Lubuma, J Banasiak, S Garba, Y Terefe, R Anguelov, K Dukuza, J Malinzi
3rd Joint UNISA-UP Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa
23 – 25 Jan
J Banasiak, M Chapwanya
Kinetic Theory and Multiscale Phenomena Workshop, Stellenbosch, South Africa
11 - 15 Jan
H Gidey
Concepción, Chile


29 Sept - 5 Oct
R Appadu
University of Technology, Pointe aux Sables, Mauritius
24 - 29 Sep
R Appadu, M Chapwanya
22 - 27 Nov
M Chapwanya
SAMSA, Namibia
17 - Sep 
A Matusse
Maputo, Mozambique
4 - 6 Nov
A Matusse
4 - 6 Nov
 A Jejeniwa 
4 - 6 Nov
M Chapwanya
28 Jun - 7 Jul
R Anguelov
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
25 - 28 June
R Anguelov
AMITANS, Albena, Bulgaria
14 – 19 June
R Anguelov, N Hussaini, J Lubuma
International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (Biomath 2015), Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 

10 Mar-1 Apr

M Chapwanya
University of Zimbabwe
 2 – 7 March
R Anguelov, AR Appadu, M Chapwanya, MK Dukuza, S Garba, AS Hassan, N Hussaini, JM-S Lubuma, YA Terefe and B Tsanou 
2nd Joint UNISA-UP Workshop on Theoretical and Mathematical Epidemiology, Hatfield Campus, Pretoria
3-8 March
R Anguelov, M Chapwanya, MK Dukuza, S Garba, AS Hassan, N Hussaini, JM-S Lubuma, YA Terefe and B Tsanou, C Duffourd, Hagos Hailu Gidey, Mohamed Mbehou
1st Joint UNISA-UP Workshop on Theoretical and Mathematical Epidemiology, Science Campus, University of South Africa

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