SANUM 2019 - 27 to 29 March

Posted on April 15, 2019

The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics hosted the annual South African Symposium on Numerical and Applied Mathematics (SANUM) from 27 to 29 March 2019. The conference was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (UP), Prof Jean Lubuma.

The conference attracted participants from 10 institutions with six high profile plenary speakers: Prof Fatihcan Atay (Bilkent University, Turkey), Prof Bubacarr Bah (AIMS, Muizenberg), Prof Roger Deane (UP, Astrophysics Department), Prof Melina Freitag (Bath University, UK), Prof Niko Sauer (UP, Emeritus Professor) and Prof Nick Trefethen (Oxford University, UK). The conference talks were well attended by delegates and excellent networking opportunities arose at the various functions, teas and lunches. Even though SANUM is a small conference, it is always a positive experience to attend every year due to the close exposure to the plenary speakers and the high quality presentations by delegates. The plenary speakers covered topics ranging from PDEs for acousticsbalanced truncation model order reduction for stochastically controlled linear systems, network dynamics and delay equations,  restricted isometry constants of Gaussian matrices and new Laplace and Helmholtz solvers based on rational functions. Notably Prof Deane presented on Physics with the MeerKAT and square kilometre array radio telescopes, to initiate collaborations between Physicists, Mathematicians and Statisticians. In addition, two special sessions were organised: Data science and Biomathematics.

Of the 60 delegates, 20 were student participants. One of the highlights of the conference was the Young Mathematician Function with Prof Charis Harley as a Guest Speaker. We would like to congratulate the following winners in the student competition for best talks presented:

Best Masters Presentation: Ms Dipuo Tikane for her talk: Beam models for tap root systems in plants.







Best Doctoral Presentation: Mr Jacob Modiba for his talk: Multiscale spatio-temporal analysis of crime.







The Local Organising Committee, chaired by Dr Inger Fabris-Rotelli (from the Department of Statistics), is grateful to the sponsors: DST/NRF Centre of Excellency in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS), DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Mathematical Methods and Models in Bioengineering and Biosciences, Casio, Opti-Num and Pearson. The other committee members were Dr Madelein Labuschagne and Prof Michael Chapwanya, both from the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

- Author Madelein Labuschagne

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