Studying at UP | Faculty of Theology | University of Pretoria

Posted on July 12, 2023

Iwana Hartmann, a PhD student in UP’s Faculty of Theology and Religion, has recently taken part in the Erasmus+ Exchange programme between the University of Pretoria in South Africa, and the Protestante Theologische Universiteit in the Netherlands. She shares her experience of being abroad for three months, which surpassed all her expectations.  

“During my stay in the Netherlands, which formed part of my research area, I gained much-needed insights through the extensive sources, museums, and expertise personnel available to me. Among the activities I participated in during my stay were discussions with PThU professors regarding my research work that was completed and that will be taking place, colloquiums on different research projects, as well as the opportunity to present on my research topic.


However, apart from academics, the people that you meet in another country, the different foods that you get to enjoy, and the history that you get to explore definitely make the programme all the more rewarding. I would advise anyone visiting the Netherlands to know how to cycle (in any weather) and to be able to run very fast between transfer times at the train stations!”

- Author Iwana Hartmann

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