Centre for Contextual Ministry Graduation

Posted on May 17, 2018

On 11 May 2018, the Centre for Contextual Ministry hosted its annual certificate ceremony at the Universiteitsoord church in Hatfield, Pretoria.  Lasting throughout the morning, the ceremony included speeches delivered by numerous leaders from theological training institutions and social development organisations, as well as the much-anticipated presentation of those qualifications earned by Centre graduates.


The graduates themselves attended with family members and friends, such that the special occasion could be witnessed by everyone with a stake in the ministries God has given them for the advancement of His kingdom.  Several hundred guests therefore watched as several hundred certificates were issued for the completion of courses offered by the Centre throughout the 2017-2018 academic year.

These courses, with titles ranging from Pastoral Care to Faithful Witnesses, Leadership in Urban Transformation to Youth at Risk, are designed to equip Christian practitioners with the skills they require to answer whatever call the Lord has placed on their lives.  Having been duly trained, they return to townships, villages and inner-city neighbourhoods from whence they came, better prepared to invest in the schools, churches and projects entrusted to them.


In so doing, they turn the vision of the Centre for Contextual Ministry into a reality, namely helping people, “grow in love, understanding and competency, to make a difference where they are, being and doing good news in context, following and learning from Christ, committed to life-long learning, combining faith, action, spirituality and community, engaging with the very people they are seeking to serve.”

The ceremony ended with a time of fellowship, as lunch was served and many photos taken.  If you would like to know more about what opportunities might await you personally at the Centre, do not hesitate to contact its administrator, Mrs Hesmarie Bosman, on 012 420 4952.  She can provide all the details related to upcoming courses and research projects planned for the year ahead.  Your next level of effectiveness for the greater good is just a phone call away!

- Author Dana Mahan

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