Posted on November 15, 2011
To make further progress on these commitments the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (B&MGF) encourages Youth organizations, Socio-Cultural Organizations, Community organizations, Educators, Scholars, Researchers, Health Organizations, Professionals, Business Organizations, Decision makers in the public and private sector, Representatives of Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs), Religious organizations, Human Right Organizations & Women Groups, Institutions and Individuals to apply in various categories of the on going grant award scheme for the use of global health, poverty and development, education and information; and other special projects in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, North America and South America.
The foundation, based in Seattle, Washington, is controlled by its three trustees: Bill Gates, Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett. Other principal officers include Co-Chair William H. Gates, Sr. and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Raikes.
Interested applicants should contact us by email at our main office for further information on application procedure:
[email protected]
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