Historically, humanities subjects have been essential components of a university education—and yet, there is often disagreement on an exact definition of the term ‘humanities’. As so many different disciplines are taught under the broad umbrella of the humanities, questions arise: What constitutes a humanities subject? What are the critical learning outcomes of a humanities degree? In the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Humanities, we offer these answers: Scholars in the humanities study how humans behave and interact individually, in small and large communities, and across societies and cultures. We ask how and why people behave in the ways they do, analyze the products of their activities, and investigate their methods and modes of communication. Ultimately, we regard the study of humanities as the best way to understand ourselves, others, and our local and global environments.
Our Faculty offers 19 different undergraduate degree programmes, allowing you to tailor your coursework from 400 different course options. The extent of our offerings ranges from performing and creative arts through languages and literature to the classic and applied social sciences. In each department, you will find excellent teachers and vibrant opportunities for creative engagement, world-class facilities and resources. For instance, our Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is equipped with Africa’s only specialist Neuro-Otologic Test Centre, and our School of the Arts is home to Africa’s only art therapy programme.
Our programmes and courses blend academic and real-world experiences, preparing you to excel in an increasingly diverse, multilingual, interconnected, and technologically driven world. Moreover, we are dedicated to focusing our teaching, research, and community engagement on contemporary global challenges such as environmental crises, cultural conflicts, social justice, and ethical dilemmas in technology development. The intention is to ensure that our graduates are equipped with exceptional reading, writing, and critical thinking skills that are firmly grounded in ethical and empathic behaviour, and have the curiosity and creativity necessary to adapt, innovate, and drive change. For over 100 years, the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Humanities has been dedicated to producing students who add exceptional value to local and global communities. Join us today and become a leader who shapes a better, more thoughtful, inclusive, just, and sustainable society.
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