Code | Faculty |
12243034 | Fakulteit Ingenieurswese, Bou-omgewing en Inligtingtegnologie |
Credits | Duration |
Minimum duur van studie: 1 jaar | Totale krediete: 128 |
Die BScHons (Toegepaste Wetenskap)-graad word deur die volgende akademiese departemente toegeken:
Enige spesifieke module word aangebied op voorwaarde dat ’n sekere minimum getal studente daarvoor inskryf, soos bepaal deur die departementshoof en die Dekaan. Raadpleeg die betrokke departementshoof oor die samestelling van ’n sinvolle nagraadse studieprogram, asook oor die leerplanne van die modules. Raadpleeg ook die betrokke departementele nagraadse brosjures.
Die toelatingsvereiste is ‘n toepaslike baccalaureusgraad, ‘n BTech-graad of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie.
Die balans van die krediete moet gekies word uit die voorgeskrewe modules vir die BIngHons (Struktuuringenieurswese)-program, met goedkeuring van die departementshoof, en na afhandeling van die toepaslike modules uit die lys soos uiteengesit.
Die modules CPB 410, CBI 410, en CSS 420 vorm nie deel van die nagraadse blokaanbiedings nie. Individuele reëlings moet getref word met die betrokke dosent met betrekking tot die bywoning van lesings, studiemateriaal, toetse en opdragte.Minimum krediete: 128
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Virtual work and influence lines, analysis of statically indeterminate structures (two and three-dimensional), slope-deflection, superposition, stiffness and flexibility methods, matrix and computer methods, plastic analysis of portal frames.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This course comprises two sections: reinforced concrete design and structural steel design.
Reinforced concrete design covers the design of beams; behaviour and design of slabs; design of slender columns and columns subjected to bi-axial bending; design of simple and combined footings; staircase design; and an introduction to prestressed concrete.
Structural steel design covers the characteristics of steel; design of structural steel members including elements in bending, and bending combined with tension and compression; design of portal frames; composite construction and the bending resistance of composite sections; and plastic design.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
* Hierdie is 'n verpligte module.
The course will require all honours students to conduct research in an appropriate field of civil engineering, linked to the main discipline in which the student specializes for their honours degree.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
A research term paper will be prepared.
Continuum mechanics. Classical and numerical (finite difference and finite element) solutions for plane and plate structures. Plasticity and failure criteria. Elastic stability. Non-linear analysis.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
A research term paper will be prepared.
Material properties; prestressing systems; flexural design; losses; effects of continuity; shear; deflections; anchorage; cracking; prestressed concrete slabs and detailing.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
A research term paper will be prepared.
This module will cover the following topics: Asset Management principles, Maintenance Management principles, Maintenance strategies and philosophies, Condition based Maintenance, Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM), Resource Management, Maintenance Management Systems, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Risk Management. Maintenance management of the following disciplines will be studied in detail: Road infrastructure, Railway infrastructure, Airport infrastructure, Buildings and other structures, Water resources and water supply.
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