House Education


Who are we?

 House Education is a Faculty House that serves as a bridge between the Students and the Faculty management.


The Faculty House is governed by a committee of 12 Education students with diverse portfolios, ensuring a student-centered approach to decision-making and operations.

House Education offers students a variety of programs and events to help them improve academically, professionally, and personally. The group organizes social and educational activities that aim to empower, engage, and network students. In addition, the Faculty House supervises sports team administration and organizing, as well as community participation.

We, as House Education, are committed to creating a good and supportive environment for all Education students while also furthering the interests of the Education student community.




  • We as individuals that are motivated to change perception on the Faculty of Education, and through our leading they realize that Education is not only a course that builds you academically but changes your mindset on many aspects in life




  • To promote inclusivity on campus by bringing together both day and res students.
  • To provide academic excellence and the needed sessions to help our students develop both academically and professional.
  • To promote transformation in our faculty and meet with the vision 2025 of the University of Pretoria.
  • To have a good relationship with the Heads of Departments and the Office of our Dean.




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