Code | Faculty |
10138101 | Faculty of Health Sciences |
Credits | Duration |
Duration of study: 4 years | Total credits: 579 |
Prof DJ Mothabeng [email protected] | +27 (0)123563233 |
A revised curriculum is being phased in for the programme. The revised first year of study will be followed for the first time in 2015, the second year in 2016, the third year in 2017 and the fourth year in 2018.
The programme extends over four academic years, during which period a student receives clinical training as a student physiotherapist at an institution approved by the University.
Students may be allowed to extend the first two years of study over three years, in which case the modules per year must be selected in consultation with the head of department at the commencement of studies.
Minimum requirements for 2016 | ||||||||||||
Achievement Level | APS | |||||||||||
English | Mathematics | Physical Science | ||||||||||
NSC/IEB | HIGCSE | AS-Level | A-Level | NSC/IEB | HIGCSE | AS-Level | A-Level | NSC/IEB | HIGCSE | AS-Level | A-Level | |
4 | 3 | D | D | 4 | 3 | D | D | 4 | 3 | D | D | 30 |
Also consult the General Regulations.
(i) For students who registered for the BPhysT degree programme prior to 2015, the relevant regulations as they appear in the 2014 Yearbook will apply.
(ii)Each student in Physiotherapy must apply to the Registrar of the Health Professions Council of South Africa for registration as a student in Physiotherapy immediately after admission to the first year of study.
First year of study:
Practical nursing
Practical nursing for a continual period of 40 hours must be completed satisfactorily at an approved hospital/facility after the conclusion of the examination period in November. Documentary proof to this effect must be submitted.
A subminimum of 40% is required in the theoretical as well as in the practical examination in FTP 100.
Second year of study:
Basic Emergency Care (Code GNK 286)
- If students obtain 60% or more in Basic Emergency Care, this mark will be validated as the examination mark at the end of the year, and such students will be exempted from the examination in the module.
- Students who obtain between 40% and 49% in the calculated mark for the module, will be admitted to a second examination in November/ December of the same year, or in January of the following year. A minimum of 50% is required as a pass mark for the second examination.
- This examination will also serve as an aegrotat or extraordinary examination for students who could not write the initial examination due to health or other acceptable reasons. A student must, however, apply formally to be admitted to such an examination, and the application must be approved by the Dean, on the recommendation of the head of department, and in some cases, also by the Faculty Health Committee.
A subminimum of 40% is required in the theoretical and practical components in the examination in FTP 220 and 203 and in POL 251 IHL 210
Third year of study:
A subminimum of 40% is required in the theoretical and practical/clinical examination in (FTP) Physiotherapy 300, (FTP) Physiotherapy clinical practice 301 and (POL) Professional development and leadership 300.
Fourth year of study
A subminimum of 40% is required in clinical/practical as well as theoretical components of the examination of (FTP 400,402) Physiotherapy 400 and 402 and (IHL 414, 424) Integrated healthcare leadership 414, 424.
Exemption from the examination in (ANP) Anatomical Pathology 210
Exemption from the examination may be granted if a student who obtained a module mark of at least 60%, exercises the option to accept it as the final mark.
Exemption from the examination in (FAR) Pharmacology 381, 382
Exemption from the examination can be granted if a student who obtained a module mark of at least 60%, exercises the option to accept it as the final mark.
Students who fail a year in the existing curriculum will be managed on an individual basis in the Department of Physiotherapy.
Special examination: Fourth year of study
(aa) The student gets another opportunity to take part in the examination.
(bb) A special examination in (FTP 400) Physiotherapy 400, (FTP 402) Physiotherapy clinical practice 402 and (IHL 414, 424) Integrated healthcare leadership 414, 424, is conducted after six months have elapsed since the examination in which the student failed. If the student failed in (FTP 402) Physiotherapy clinical practice 402, he or she must undergo further clinical instruction in the clinical training areas and obtain at least 50% in the examination.
(cc) A student who has not obtained a pass mark in the research report of RHC 400, Research in healthcare sciences 400, must submit an amended research report at a later date determined by the head of department.
Ancillary examination: Fourth year of study
After the conclusion of the examination in (FTP 400) Physiotherapy 400 and (FTP 402) Physiotherapy clinical practice 402 and before the results are announced, the examiners may, with a view to awarding a final mark, summon a student for an ancillary examination in the theory and/or clinical component of (FTP 400) Physiotherapy 400 and (FTP 402) Physiotherapy clinical practice 402.
- If a student obtains a final mark of less than 50% in the relevant module at the first examination opportunity and thus fails.
- If a student does not obtain the subminimum in the examination, as required for a specific module.
- If a student does not sit the examination in a module at the first examination opportunity due to illness or extraordinary circumstances.
Selected first-year students who have passed in sufficient first-semester modules at 100 level will, according to the stipulations of the General Regulations, automatically be admitted to the second semester of the first year of study. During the second semester, students may follow the outstanding module(s) on an anti-semester basis and write the examination, on the condition that the modules in question are indeed presented on an anti-semester basis in the second semester by the relevant department and can be accommodated in the class and examination timetables.
If a student fails one or more first-year modules, he or she forfeits selection and must apply again for selection for the first year of study.
Modules/subjects with practical and clinical training credits cannot be passed, unless all prescribed clinical hours and practical skills have been completed to the satisfaction of the head of department.
The following fundamental modules are relevant:
The degree is conferred with distinction on a student who has obtained at least 75% in (FTP 400) Physiotherapy 400 and (FTP 402) Physiotherapy clinical practice 402 and a joint average of at least 75% in (RHC 400) Research in healthcare sciences 400 and (IHL 414, 424) Integrated healthcare leadership 414, 424.
Minimum credits: 127
Module content:
A systematic approach to Anatomy, including general terminology, embryology and osteology, with the use of wet specimens. Introductory histology includes cytology, the nucleus and cell division, epithelial tissue, general connective tissue, cartilage and bone.
Module content:
Anatomy of the appendicular skeleton
A systematic approach to the Anatomy of the muscles, blood vessels, nerve supply, lymph drainage and joints of the upper and lower limbs, as well as surface anatomy, with the use of wet specimens. Introductory histology includes muscle tissue, nerve tissue, and blood and haemopoietic tissue.
Module content:
A systematic approach to the anatomy of the thorax and its contents, the abdomen and its contents and the pelvis and its contents (organs, vascular systems, nerve supply, lymph drainage, muscles and joints), as well as surface anatomy, with the use of wet specimens. Introductory histology includes the histology of the lungs, liver and kidneys.
Module content:
Anatomy of the head and neck, and neuroanatomy
A systematic approach to the anatomy of the head and neck regions, the senses and the central and peripheral nervous system (cranial nerves, autonomic nervous system), as well as surface anatomy, with the use of wet specimens.
Module content:
Theory: Introduction to general chemistry: Measurement in chemistry, matter and energy, atomic theory and the periodic table, chemical compounds and chemical bonds; quantitative relationships in chemical reactions, states of matter and the kinetic theory; solutions and colloids, acids, bases and ionic compounds, chemical equilibria. Introduction to organic chemistry: Chemical bonding in organic compounds, nature, physical properties and nomenclature of simple organic molecules, isomerism, chemical properties of alkanes and cycloalkanes, alkenes, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and esters, amines and amides, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.
Module content:
Introduction and neurophysiology: homeostasis, eytology and histology, muscles and neurophysiology, cerebrospinal fluid, the special senses.
Module content:
Circulatory physiology: Body fluids, haematology, body defence mechanisms, cardio-vascular physiology, lymphatic system.
Module content:
Units, vectors, one dimensional kinematics, dynamics, work, equilibrium, sound, liquids, heat, thermodynamic processes, electric potential and capacitance, direct current and alternating current, optics, modern physics, radio activity.
Module content:
*For absolute beginners only.
*Only students from the School of Healthcare Sciences may take this module during semester 2. All other students must take this module during semester 1. Also note that students from the School of Healthcare Sciences, who already possess the language skills taught in this module, may write an exemption examination.
The acquisition of basic Sepedi communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific social situations.
Module content:
This module is a general orientation to Psychology. An introduction is given to various theoretical approaches in Psychology, and the development of Psychology as a science is discussed. Selected themes from everyday life are explored and integrated with psychological principles. This module focuses on major personality theories. An introduction is given to various paradigmatic approaches in Psychology.
Module content:
*For absolute beginners only
*Only students from the School of Healthcare Sciences may take this module during semester 2. All other students must take this module during semester 1. Students from the School of Healthcare Sciences, who already possess the language skills taught in this module, may write an exemption examination.
The acquisition of basic isiZulu communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific situations.
Module content:
Find, evaluate, process, manage and present information resources for academic purposes using appropriate technology. Apply effective search strategies in different technological environments. Demonstrate the ethical and fair use of information resources. Integrate 21st-century communications into the management of academic information.
Module content:
Academic reading as well as academic writing and presentation skills, based on the approach followed in the healthcare sciences. *Presented to students in Health Sciences only.
Module content:
Study of specific language skills required in the Health Care Sciences, including interviewing and report-writing skills. *Presented to students in Health Sciences only. (BCur, BDietetics, BOH, BOT, Brad, BPhysT)*
Module content:
Multidisciplinary team work. Healthcare systems and legislation. Determinants of health. Introduction to healthcare models (e.g. community-based care, family-centred care, etc.). Professionalism, Ethical principles. Management of diversity. NB: Only for School of Healthcare Sciences students.
Module content:
General introduction and orientation to physiotherapy, PBL skills and evidence-based approach to physiotherapy. Introduction to biomechanics, terminology, passive movements, measurement of the range of movement, clinical visits and patient-handling.
Kinetics: axis, planes, levers, effect of gravity on the human body.
Applied electro biomechanics: introduction to radiation, high-frequency, ultrasound, shortwave diathermy, laser, ultraviolet, infrared radiation.
Introduction to manual therapy: general introduction to massaging, evaluation of soft tissue, types applications and effects of massage techniques on various types of tissue, modalities application to the human body.
Human movement science: introduction to biomechanics, study of human movement, functional evaluation, muscle-testing, types of muscular activity, kinematics: analysis of movement, motor control and posture, characteristics of normal movement. Applied electrobiomechanics, introduction to medium frequency currents, Russian currents. Pulmonology.
Note: Physiotherapy is presented in a problem-based and integrated manner.
Minimum credits: 168
Module content:
General principles of pathology, including necroses, reversible cell damage, reparation and abnormalities of growth, circulation disturbances, acute and chronic infections, classification of the spreading of tumours and carcinogenesis. Directed course in systematic pathology, with specific reference to cardiovascular system, respiratory system, locomotor system and neurophathology.
Module content:
Structure, gas exchange and secretory functions of the lungs; build, excretory and non-urinary functions of the kidneys, acid-base balance, as well as the skin and body temperature control.
Practical work: lung functions/spirometry, kidney function tests – side-room urine examinations. Digestion. Metabolism. Pathophysiology.
Module content:
Nutrition, digestion and metabolism, hormonal control of body functions and the reproductive systems.
Practical work: endocrine system, reproductive system, pregnancy test.
Module content:
Infection, immunity and basic bacteriology.
Introduction and basic principles of infection, sterilisation and the immune system. Bacterial cells and the classification of disease-causing bacteria.
Module content:
Systemic bacteriology.
Commonly occurring bacterial infections and the bacteria that cause them.
Module content:
Fungi, parasitology and virology.
Commonly occurring fungal, viral and parasite infections and infestations, and the organisms that cause them.
Module content:
Theory and practical training in basic emergency care.Module content:
In this module human development from conception through adolescence to adulthood is discussed with reference to various psychological theories. Incorporated are the developmental changes related to cognitive, physical, emotional and social functioning of the individual and the context of work in adulthood. Traditional and contemporary theories of human development explaining and describing these stages are studied in order to address the key issues related to both childhood and adulthood.
Module content:
The problem-based learning approach to the principles of human movement science manual therapy for soft tissue and electro-biomechanics. This approach is applied by using selected clinical conditions of the thorax, pelvis and hip-joint over the total life spectrum.
The problem-based approach to the treatment of selected clinical conditions of the knee, ankle and foot complex, the pectoral girdle and gleno-humeral joint, the elbow, forearm and wrist and hand complex over the total life-cycle, through the application of the principles of human movement science manual therapy for soft tissue and electro-biomechanic.
Module content:
Study of the epidemiology, prevalence and incidence of selected clinical conditions. Students acquire clinical experience through the treatment of selected clinical conditions in various health care institutions, practices and clinics.
A theoretical and clinical examination will take place after conclusion of the module.
Module content:
Principles of project management. Communication principles. Health promotion and education, advocacy and literacy. Counselling for health behaviour change. NB: Only for School of Healthcare Sciences students.
Minimum credits: 172
Module content:
Introduction, receptors, antagonism, kinetic principles, drugs that impact upon the autonomic and central nervous system, pharmacotherapy of hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmias, and epilepsy. Diuretics, glucocorticosteroids, local anaesthetics, anaesthetic drugs, analgesics, iron and vitamins, oncostatics and immuno suppressants.
Module content:
Hormones, drugs that act on the histaminergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic receptors. Pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, depression, obesity, anxiety, insomnia, gastro-intestinal diseases. Anticoagulants, antimicrobial drugs.
Module content:
Research in healthcare sciences:
• Understanding the importance of evidence-based clinical practice.
• Understanding the research process and general approaches to research.
• Knowledge of the methodologies commonly used in healthcare sciences.
• Reading and critiquing published research.
• Writing a literature review.
• Understanding and respecting research ethics and the criteria for good quality
Module content:
Theory of comprehensive physiotherapeutic management (prevention, promotion, restoration, and rehabilitation) of notifiable, non-notifiable and infectious conditions.
Diseases of lifestyle, chronic disease, the impact of HIV on disability and on patients with trauma, mental health. Impact of physical/economic/political/
psychosocial environment on health and well-being, health promotion and development and sports science.
Comprehensive physiotherapy management is applied to infant health, during childhood, adolescent health, women's and men's health, health and disease in middle age and geriatrics.
Module content:
Comprehensive clinical management of patients with communicable and non-communicable diseases and conditions, patients with an impairment or disability as a result of the impact of physical/economic/political and psychosocial environment on health and well-being, health promotion, and development and sports science. Comprehensive clinical management is applied where relevant on infant health, during childhood, adolescence, in women's and men's health, and health and disease in middle age and geriatrics, diseases of lifestyle, chronic disease, impact of HIV on disability, victims of trauma, and/or a mental health condition.
Module content:
Evidence-based practice, ethics in physiotherapy practice, counselling skills, group dynamics, management of human behaviour, medico-legal documentation. Introduction to marketing, information management, principles of research in physiotherapy, single subject design. Problem-solving in a variety of health and healthcare situations.
Minimum credits: 157
Module content:
Advanced comprehensive physiotherapeutic management of communicable and non-communicable diseases and conditions. This includes diseases of lifestyle, chronic disease, impact of HIV on disability, victims of trauma, and mental health. Impact of physical/economic/political/psychosocial environment of health and well-being, health promotion and development, and sport science. The comprehensive physiotherapeutic management is applied to patients of all ages where relevant: in infant health, childhood, adolescent health, women's and men’s health, health and disease in middle age and geriatrics and is based on the epidemiology of disease. The module includes 800 hours clinical experience in a variety of health care scenarios.
Examination period: October/November.
Module content:
The theoretical and practical application of research principles in physiotherapy and submission of an article based on research.
Examination period: October/November.
Module content:
Comprehensive clinical management of patients with communicable, non-communicable diseases and conditions, patients who have an impairment or disability due to the impact of physical/economic/political/psychosocial environment on health and well-being. Health promotion, and development and sport science. Comprehensive clinical management is applied where relevant to infant health, during childhood, adolescence, in women's health and men’s health, and health and disease in middle age and geriatrics, diseases of lifestyle, chronic disease, impact of HIV on disability, victims of trauma, and/or a mental health condition, addressing the determinants of health over the total life span. The module includes 800 hours clinical experience in a variety of health care scenarios. Examination period: October/November.
Module content:
Theoretical and practical handling of marketing, management models, financial management, presentation of a scientific paper, diversity in the workplace, continuing professional development, quality assurance, management human behaviour, private practice management, labour relations.
Examination period: October/November.
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