
Programme: BA Languages Languages

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
01130013 Faculty of Humanities
Credits Duration
Duration of study: 3 years Total credits: 368
Prof HJ Bosman
[email protected]
+27 (0)124203111

Programme information

This programme is aimed at equipping the learner with communication skills as well as in-depth knowledge of the language, literature and culture of at least two languages. Through the study of language, students are guided towards critical reflection on and well grounded participation in (cultural) discourses, and they acquire perspectives on different aspects of people and their interaction with the world. By continuing with an honours degree in Translation and Professional Writing or an honours degree in Applied Language Studies on completion of the BA Languages programme, students are equipped to become researchers or practitioners (full-time or freelance) in any of the following professional domains: translation and interpreting, editing, lexicography, language planning and development, corporate communication, document design, advertising, creative writing, media work, community development, tourism and the diplomatic service. By continuing with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education on completion of the BA Languages programme, students are equipped to enter the teaching profession.

Admission requirements

  •  Candidates who achieved an APS of 30 in Grade 11 and comply with the minimum subject requirements and achievement levels of these study programmes will automatically be granted placement in the study programmes subject to the availability of space. The above-mentioned is not applicable to selection programmes.
  •  To retain admission learners will be expected to obtain an APS of at least 28 in Grade 12. Prospective students who have already been granted provisional admission in these study programmes but obtained at least an APS of 27 in Grade 12 will be considered by the Admission Committee should space be available. The Admission Committee of the Faculty of Humanities will consider these students once the results of the National Benchmark Test (NBT) are available and depending on the availability of space.
  •  The Faculty will assess satisfactory performance in the NBT in the light of its commitment to ensure that an appropriate proportion of the applicants will be drawn from the historically disadvantaged category of the population.
  • Applicants with an APS of 30 but who do not comply with the subject requirements must write the NBT.
  • Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS.


Minimum requirements for 2016

Achievement Level


Afrikaans or English












Other programme-specific information

Students who are deemed to be at risk of their level of academic literacy are compelled to take
ALL 110 and ALL 125.

Students who are deemed NOT to be at risk of their level of academic literacy are compelled to take language modules to the value of 12 credits from the list of language modules.

& (from any language taken at year level 2)

If a language is selected under ‘Elective modules’, the same language cannot also be selected under ‘Core modules’.

&(Languages: Afrikaans, English, IsiZulu, Sepedi, IsiNdebele, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Hebrew and Latin. See the language groups for selection in programmes.)

Students with a special interest in any of the following language areas may consult the particular lecturers for advice on structuring of the programme.


Dr N Bosman, HB 15-29, Tel: 012 420 4075; email: [email protected]

African Languages:

Dr HJ Bosman, HB 15-9, Tel: 012 420 2335, email: [email protected]

Prof E Taljard, HB 9-16, Tel: 012 420 2494, email: [email protected]

Ancient Languages and Cultures:

Prof GJ Swart, HB 22-22, Tel: 012 420 2762; email: [email protected]

Creative Writing:

Prof HJ Pieterse, HB 22-10, Tel: 012 420 4194/4862; email: [email protected]

Modern European Languages:

Prof S Mühr, HB 14-18, Tel: 012 420 2419; email: [email protected]


Note: You should consult the alphabetical list of modules for full information on all the language modules listed below, as some of these modules have specific requirements/prerequisites.

Module group 1 – Afrikaans
Year level 1
• As a first language: AFR 110,120
• For speakers of other languages (also for speakers of other languages who are registered for qualifications in education and law) AFR 114
• For law students (first language): AFR 110 Note: AFR 120 may be taken additionally.
• For students following a programme in education: AFR 110,120; (first language); AFR 114 (speakers of other languages)

Year level 2
• As a first language: AFR 214, AFR 210,220
• For students following a programme in education: AFR 214, AFR 220
• Language, culture, communication and media: LCC 210,220

Year level 3
• As a first language: AFR 311,321
• For students following a programme in education: Any modules with alpha codes AFR and LCC offered at year level 3.
• Language, culture, communication and media: LCC 312,320,322

Module group 2 – English
Year level 1
• For special purposes: ENG 118
• For academic purposes: ENG 110,120

Year level 2
ENG 210,220

Year level 3
• ENG 310,320
• ENG 311,322

Module group 3 – French
Year level 1
• For beginners: FRN 104,181 (LLM students)
• Cultural-professional (for students who have passed French in Grade 12): FRN 113,123

Year level 2
FRN 211,221

Year level 3
Cultural-professional: FRN 361,362,363,364

Module group 4 – German
Year level 1
• For beginners: DTS 104
• Cultural-professional (for students who have passed German in Grade 12): DTS 113,123

Year level 2
DTS 211,221

Year level 3
Cultural-professional: DTS 361,362,363,364

Module group 5 – Greek
Year level 1
GRK 110,120

Year level 2
GRK 210,220

Module group 6 – Hebrew
Year level 1
HEB 110,120

Year level 2
HEB 210,220

Module group 7 – Latin
Year level 1
LAT 110,120 (students who passed Latin in Grade 12 may start immediately with Latin at year level 2)

Year level 2
LAT 210,220

Year level 3
LAT 310,320

Module group 8 – IsiNdebele
Year level 1
For speakers of isiNdebele as home language or first or second additional language
NDE 110, AFT 121

Year level 2
NDE 210, AFT 220

Year level 3
NDE 310, AFT 320

Module group 9 – IsiZulu
Year level 1
• For beginners: ZUL 110,120
• For speakers of isiZulu as home language or first or second additional language: ZUL 111, AFT 121

Year level 2
• For students who did ZUL 110,120 at year level 1: ZUL 210,220
• For students who did AFT 121: ZUL 111 at year level 1: AFT 220, ZUL 211

Year level 3
ZUL 310, AFT 320

Module group 10 – Sepedi
Year level 1
• For beginners: SEP 110,120
• For speakers of Sepedi as home language or first or second additional language: SEP 111, AFT 121

Year level 2
• For students who did SEP 110,120 at year level 1: SEP 210,220
• For students who did AFT 121, SEP 111 at year level 1: AFT 220, SEP 211

Year level 3
SEP 310, AFT 320

Module group 11 – Spanish
Year level 1
For beginners: SPN 101,102

Year level 2
SPN 211,221

Year level 3
SPN 311,321

Module group 12 – Portuguese
Year level 1
• For beginners: PTG 101
• Portuguese language and culture (for students who have passed Portuguese in Gr 12): PTG 113,123

Year level 2
PTG 211,221

Year level 3
PTG 311,321

Academic literacy
The academic literacy of all students who enrol at the University of Pretoria for the first time and all new students enrolling with the Faculty of Humanities for the first time will be assessed at the start of the academic year by means of their NSC marks.

  1. Students following a degree programme in English: The NSC Grade 12 English mark will be used to determine whether students in the Faculty of Humanities should register for the academic literacy modules (ALL 110 and ALL 125 in English):
  • Home Language: Students with a 4 or lower register for ALL 110 and ALL 125.
  • First Additional Language: Students with a 5 or lower register for ALL 110 and ALL 125.
  1. Students following a degree programme in Afrikaans: The NSC Grade 12 Afrikaans mark will be used to determine whether students in the Faculty of Humanities should register for the academic literacy modules (VAG 110 and VAG 125 in Afrikaans):
  • Home Language: Students with a 4 or lower register for VAG 110 and VAG 125.

All students in the Faculty of Humanities who are identified as being at risk in terms of their level of academic literacy, are compelled to obtain at least 12 credits in the academic literacy modules ALL 110 or VAG 110 and ALL 125 or VAG 125.
All students in the Faculty of Humanities who are not at risk in terms of their level of academic literacy, are compelled to obtain at least 12 credits in language modules:

Department of English
ENG 110 Introduction to literature in English (I) 
ENG 120 Introduction to literature in English (II) 
ENG 118 English for specific purposes 

Departement Afrikaans
AFR 110 Afrikaanse taalkunde en letterkunde 
AFR 120 Afrikaanse taalkunde en letterkunde 
AFR 114 Afrikaans vir sprekers van ander tale (I) 

Department of African Languages
NDE 110 Introduction to isiNdebele grammar – Capita selecta 
* Students who want to take isiNdebele in the second semester, should also register for AFT 121 (African languages literature: Capita selecta)
ZUL 110 IsiZulu for beginners 
ZUL 111 Introduction to isiZulu grammar – Capita selecta 
* Students want to take isiZulu in the second semester, should also register for AFT 121 (African languages literature: Capita selecta)
SEP 110 Sepedi for beginners 
SEP 111 Introduction to Sepedi Grammar – Capita selecta
* Students who want to take Sepedi in the second semester, should also register for AFT 121 (African languages literature: Capita selecta)
STW 110 Setswana for beginners
STW 111 Introduction to Setswana Grammar  – Capita selecta
*Students who want to take Setswana in the second semester, should also register for AFT 121 (African languages literature: Capita selecta)

Department of Modern European Languages
DTS 104 German for beginners 
DTS 113 German: Cultural-professional (1) *Prerequisite: Grade 12 German
FRN 104 French for beginners 
FRN 113 French: Cultural-professional (1) *Prerequisite: Grade 12 French
SPN 101 Spanish for beginners 
SPN 102 Spanish for beginners 
PTG 101 Portuguese for beginners

Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures
HEB 110 Hebrew 
LAT 110 Latin 
GRK 110 Greek

Minimum credits: 126

Fundamental modules

Elective modules

  • Module content:

    Taalkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse taalkunde met klem op lees-en skryfvaardigheid. Letterkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse en Nederlandse letterkunde aan die hand van kortverhale en gedigte.

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  • Module content:

    Taalkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse sintaksis, fonetiek en taalgeskiedenis. Letterkundekomponent:Inleiding tot die Romankuns Inleiding tot die Drama

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  • Module content:

    *Optional Field school usually in April
    Introduction to Archaeology
    An introduction as to how archaeologists study the past via the artefacts left behind by our ancestors. Basic introduction to archaeological theory and how it has contributed to interpretation of the past is discussed. Topics range from the origins of the human family in Africa over three million years ago to the study of more recent times.  

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  • Module content:

    African and world archaeology
    Africa is the home of humanity in both a biological and cultural sense and we have the artefacts and sites to prove it. Topics range from the famous 3 million year-old Australopithecine ‘Lucy’ ancestor found in Ethiopia to the ‘Out of Africa’ dispersal of modern humans, and the emergence of human symbolism, rock art and the emergence of complex societies at society at Lake Chad (Daima) and southern Africa (Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe). The main aim is to situate events in Africa in global perspective. 

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  • Module content:

    An introduction to the ancient world I: the ancient Near East
    Various facets of the ancient Mesopotamian, Syria-Palestinian and Egyptian cultures are dealt with in broad outline. Examples that are dealt with can include the following, namely geography, worldviews, history, literature, daily life, customs, values, religion and mythology. Examples of ancient cultures whose characteristics can be investigated range from the Sumerians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Canaanites, the Israelites and the Egyptians from their origin Before the Common Era to the beginning of the Common Era.

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  • Module content:

    An introduction to the ancient world II: the Greek and Roman worlds
    Various facets of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures are dealt with in broad outline. Examples that are dealt with can include the following, namely geography, worldview, history, literature, daily life, customs, values, religion and mythology. These classical societies are investigated from their origin Before the Common Era into the Common Era.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to Anthropology
    This introduction to anthropology introduces basic themes of the discipline including ritual, religion, marriage and sex.  It combines classic studies with recent scholarship, and asks the 'big question' about human society and human cultures that offer challenging perspectives on the world we live in.

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  • Module content:

    Small places, Large issues
    This module builds on the ethnographic and theoretical themes introduced in APL 110, asking particular questions about how we may think about the relationship between the local and the global; indigenous and universal; public and private; the real and the possible.

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  • Module content:

    The languages of drama and film
    This module introduces the languages of drama and film as well as approaches to drama and film analysis. In addition, historical and contemporary drama and film theories will be used to read various drama and film texts.

    A & B: For students who enrolled for the BA Drama programme prior to 2016, as well as for students entering the BDram programme in 2016.

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  • Module content:

    Drama and film genresThis module introduces the notion of genre as part of a wider concept of narrative building and storytelling in both drama and film. Different types of genre are introduced and discussed with regard to film and drama and furthermore linked to the idea of emerging identities in contemporary storytelling. All these parts are conceptually introduced and provide an introduction to reading, interpretation and giving meaning to various discourses in film and drama narratives.

    A & B: For students who enrolled for the BA Drama programme prior to 2016, as well as for students entering the BDram programme in 2016

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  • Module content:

    *No previous knowledge of or experience in German required for admission. Students who passed grade 12 German are not allowed to register for this module
    An intensive introductory study of the German language focusing on the acquisition of basic communication skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. It also offers a brief introduction to the culture of German-speaking countries.  This module complies with the requirements for level A2 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Comprehensive review of German grammar; development of reading, writing, speaking and understanding skills; analysis and interpretation of tests.

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  • Module content:

    Continuation of comprehensive review of German; further development of reading, writing, speaking and understanding skills; analysis and interpretation of texts.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to the study of Heritage and Cultural Tourism; overview of South African resorts and nature conservation areas as tourist destinations within the broader context of heritage and cultural tourism. An introduction to the basic research skills in the HCT domain.

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  • Module content:

    Analysis of tourist and other visitations to archaeological sites. Topics cover international and local legislation, ethics and best practices debates on who interprets and who ‘owns’ the past and profits from it.  Also covered are site management plans, condition assessment and a consideration of the politics and ethics of ‘heritage’.  Case studies range from large UNESCO World Heritage Sites to small, almost forgotten ‘places of the past’ scattered across the globe.

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  • Module content:

    *Alternative evening classes - 2 discussion classes per week Introduction to Literature in English (1) This module introduces the study of literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, prose, drama). The texts studied here will be mainly from the pre-twentieth century era and may include texts written in English from both Africa and other parts of the world. The aim of this module is to equip students with the critical and analytical skills required for a perceptive reading of poetry, novels and plays.

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  • Module content:

    *Alternative evening classes: 2 discussion classes per week
    Introduction to Literature in English (2)
    This module introduces the study of post-nineteenth century literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, drama, prose). Texts will be from both Africa and other parts of the world. By the end of this module students should have the background and analytical skills to perceptively read modern and contemporary poetry, novels and plays.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to Philosophy
    The two semester modules at first-year level introduce students to the four main subfields of Philosophy, namely epistemology and metaphysics, ethics and political philosophy. This module introduces students to two of these subfields. Students must contact the Department of Philosophy to ascertain which two subfields are covered in each semester as the choice may change from time to time due to availability of teaching staff. Students will become acquainted with the nature of philosophical reflection by exploring a number of classical philosophical themes in each subfield. Throughout the module there is an emphasis on developing those critical thinking, reading and writing skills that are required in Philosophy, while students become acquainted with the power of critique as critical judgment and discernment.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to Philosophy
    The two semester modules at first-year level introduce students to the four main subfields of Philosophy, namely epistemology and metaphysics, ethics and political philosophy. This module introduces students to two of these subfields. Students must contact the Department of Philosophy to ascertain which two subfields are covered in each semester as the choice may change from time to time due to availability of teaching staff. Students will become acquainted with the nature of philosophical reflection by exploring a number of classical philosophical themes in each subfield. Throughout the module there is an emphasis on developing those critical thinking, reading and writing skills that are required in Philosophy, while students become acquainted with the power of critique as critical judgment and discernment.

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  • Module content:

    *No previous knowledge of or experience in French required for admission. Students who passed grade 12 French are not allowed to register for this module.
    An intensive introductory study of the French language focusing on the acquisition of basic communication skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. It also offers a brief introduction to the culture of French-speaking countries. This module complies with the requirements for level A2 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Comprehensive review of French grammar; development of reading, writing, speaking and understanding skills; analysis and interpretation of texts.

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  • Module content:

    Comprehensive review of French grammar; further development of reading, writing, speaking and understanding skills; analysis and interpretation of texts.

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  • Module content:

    The making of the Modern World: a survey
    A selection of themes on Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe and their contribution to the making of the Modern World.

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  • Module content:

    Africa and South Africa: a survey
    An overview focusing on the making of African and South African societies from the earliest times to the present with emphasis on the most significant historical forces, factors and events.

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  • Module content:

    This module begins by fostering an understanding of human geography. Then follows with the political ordering of space; cultural diversity as well as ethnic geography globally and locally; population geography of the world and South Africa: and four economic levels of development. The purpose is to place South Africa in a world setting and to understand the future of the country.

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  • Module content:

    Investigating southern African landscapes and placing them in a theoretical and global context. The geomorphological evolution of southern Africa. Introduction to the concepts of Geomorphology and its relationships with other physical sciences (e.g. meteorology, climatology, geology, hydrology and biology). The processes and controls of landform and landscape evolution. Tutorial exercises cover basic techniques of geomorphological analysis, and topical issues in Geomorphology.

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  • Module content:

    Greek grammar (1)
    The basic characteristics of Hellenistic Greek: the writing system and pronunciation, the Greek verb and noun systems, conjugation and declension, basic syntax and vocabulary. Passages from the Greek New Testament are adapted as exercises in order to facilitate linguistic proficiency. Continuous evaluation includes class tests and homework assignments.
    Greek grammar (2)
    Further study of the verb and noun systems of Hellenistic Greek, expansion of the basic vocabulary, and analysis of compound sentences. Adapted passages from the New Testament form the core of practical academic literacy exercises.

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  • Module content:

    Greek grammar (3)
    Further study of the verb and noun systems of Hellenistic Greek: middle and passive forms, the third declension, and analysis of compound sentences. Adapted passages from the New Testament form the core of practical academic literacy exercises.
    Greek texts: Read and comprehend
    Read selected texts from the NT and/or Apostolic Fathers, with emphasis on word analysis, basic translation, use of basic aids (dictionary, translations). Evaluation includes translation of unseen passages from the corpuses concerned.

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  • Module content:

    Hebrew grammar (1)
    Basic principles of the grammar of classical Hebrew: signs of writing and pronunciation, Hebrew morphology, the nominal and verbal system, basic syntax and vocabulary. Exercise basic competence by means of the analysis and translation of selected passages from the Hebrew Old Testament.
    Hebrew grammar (2)
    More advanced principles of the grammar of classical Hebrew: the function of nouns, verbs and particles, the derived formations of the verb. Passages from the Hebrew Old Testament from the basis for exercising academic literacy.

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  • Module content:

    Hebrew grammar (3)
    Continued study of the Hebrew verbal system: the irregular and weak verbs. Passages from the Hebrew Old Testament from the basis for students’ exercise in academic literacy.
    Hebrew texts: Read and comprehend
    Read selected texts from the OT, with emphasis on word analysis, basic translation, use of basic aids (dictionary, translations). Evaluation includes translation of unseen passages.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Fundamental criminology
    Introduction to criminology, definition of crime, crime tendencies, classical and positivistic explanations of crime.
    Part 2: Violent crime
    A brief analysis of causes, consequences and mechanisms to prevent and reduce violent crime within a South African context. Define violent crime in terms of interpersonal violence, homicide, violent crimes within the criminal justice system and property-related violent crimes.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Penology
    In Penology attention is given to the criminal justice system to emphasise the importance of using an integrated approach in the handling of offenders.  The impact of overpopulation in prisons is critically evaluated. Attention is also given to awaiting trial offenders, the importance of community-based sentences as well as the re-integration of offenders in the community.
    Part 2: Crime prevention and control
    Responsibilities of the police and the community in crime prevention and control. Primary, secondary and tertiary crime prevention, crime prevention and reduction strategies in South Africa.

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  • Module content:

    *Not for students who passed Latin in Gr 12
    Latin grammar and reading (1) and (2)
    Basic characteristics and use of classical Latin: the verb and noun in Latin (conjugation and declension), basic syntax, as well as vocabulary; exercises in grammar and reading; relevant social, political and historical background.
    Continued study of accidence and syntax; further basic vocabulary. More adapted Latin passages to facilitate academic literacy.

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  • Module content:

    *Not for students who passed Latin in Gr 12
    Latin grammar and reading (3) and (4)
    Continued study of accidence and syntax: further basic vocabulary. More adapted Latin passages to facilitate academic literacy.
    The student’s knowledge and understanding of Latin accidence, syntax and vocabulary is extended further. The emphasis is now more on reading passages and analysing them grammatically and syntactically.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Developmental social work
    The origin and nature, of social welfare and social work from a national and international perspective. Socio-economic problems, target groups, specialised fields, intervention levels (individual, family, group and community), service providers and role players in the South African context.  Developmental social welfare; principles, values, goal and functions of social work within a developmental perspective.  Cultural sensitive social work practice.
    Part 2: Social work intervention: Community
    Nature and characteristics of social work intervention with communities; exploration of the components of communities and community work; the value of ecosystems theory in community work; composition of a community profile and the principles of social work services to communities  to enhance community participation
    Part 3: Social work intervention: Community
    Nature and characteristics of social work intervention with communities; exploration of the components of communities and community work; the value of the ecosystems and strengths perspective theory in community work; composition of a community profile and the principles of social work services to communities to enhance community mobilisation and participation.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Social work intervention: Individual and group
    Characteristic features of the helping relationship; the communication process; basic interpersonal skills and exploring skills in social work intervention with individuals. Different types of groups; group dynamics; leadership and basic skills for group leaders in social work intervention with groups.
    Part 2: Family development and assistance
    Families: The life cycle of the family, tasks and behaviour of the members of the family. The focus is on the social, economic, religious and cultural diversity of families and causes of family disorganisation.

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  • Module content:

    For speakers of isiNdebele as home language or first or second additional language.
    Aspects of the grammar of isiNdebele such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.

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  • Module content:

    Basics of politics
    An introduction to the study of organised political society at national and international levels with specific reference to political concepts, approaches and methods. The emphasis is on state and governance as frameworks for analysis. This includes the development and comparison of related political entities, processes and regime types of a democratic and non-democratic nature, also considering the salient changes brought about by globalisation.

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  • Module content:

    Cooperation in the political world
    An introduction to cooperation at national and international levels with specific reference to the nature, foundations and politics of cooperation. This includes an analysis and comparison of the politicisation, localisation and internationalisation of issues and of the problems at national, regional and international levels related to cooperation in an increasingly interdependent world characterised by the absence of supranational institutions. Attention is also paid to the corresponding dynamics of regime development, performance and change.

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  • Module content:

    *For absolute beginners only.
    *Only students from the School of Healthcare Sciences may take this module during semester 2. All other students must  take this module during semester 1. Also note that students from the School of Healthcare Sciences, who already possess the language skills taught in this module, may write an exemption examination.
    The acquisition of basic Sepedi communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific social situations.

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  • Module content:

    Sepedi - communication and grammar
    The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts.

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  • Module content:

    This module is a general orientation to Psychology. An introduction is given to various theoretical approaches in Psychology, and the development of Psychology as a science is discussed. Selected themes from everyday life are explored and integrated with psychological principles. This module focuses on major personality theories. An introduction is given to various paradigmatic approaches in Psychology.

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  • Module content:

    This module introduces the student to a basic knowledge and understanding of the biological basis of human behaviour. The module addresses the key concepts and terminology related to the biological subsystem, the rules and principles guiding biological psychology, and identification of the interrelatedness of different biological systems and subsystems. In this module various cognitive processes are studied, including perception, memory, thinking, intelligence and creativity. Illustrations are given of various thinking processes, such as problem solving, critical, analytic and integrative thinking.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: The individual and society
    An introduction to sociology, the classical sociological paradigm and the principles of sociological research.

    Part 2: The making of the South African order

    This section explores key factors involved in the making and shaping of the contemporary South African social order and considers the sociological implications thereof. Students will be introduced to the political economy of South Africa, with an emphasis on the nature of South Africa’s industrialisation, the process of proletarianisation and the introduction of the migration labour system. In addition, the racial state, the foundations of its social project, and the spatial form of its 20th century racial modernity will be considered.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: The sociology of institutions

    An introduction to the social dynamics of institutions such as the family, the state, the economy, religion, education, and civil society, with specific focus on Southern Africa.

    Part 2: Social stratification: Race, class and gender
    The nature and dynamics of social stratification and inequality will be explored. Race, gender and class are the foci of the section. The South African reality in this regard is highlighted.


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  • Module content:

    *No previous knowledge of Spanish is required. Please note: Students with an advanced knowledge of Spanish (e.g. levels B1, B2 or higher) are not allowed to register for this module.
    An introductory study of the Spanish language focusing on the acquisition of basic communication skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. It also offers a brief introduction to the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. This module complies with the requirements for level A set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    * For absolute beginners only.

    The acquisition of basic Setswana communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary with specific social situations.

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  • Module content:

    Setswana – communication and grammar
    The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts.

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  • Module content:

    An introduction to the climate and general seasonal climatic circulation patterns of Southern Africa. Basic weather types and weather processes within the Southern African context. Interpretation of synoptic maps and synoptic station reports. Impacts of climate change and extreme climate events on society.
    *BSc (Geography) and BSc (Environmental Sciences) students may register for WKD 155. Students are not allowed to earn credits for both WKD 155 and WKD 164.

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  • Module content:

    *For absolute beginners only
    *Only students from the School of Healthcare Sciences may take this module during semester 2. All other students must take this module during semester 1. Students from the School of Healthcare Sciences, who already possess the language skills taught in this module, may write an exemption examination.
    The acquisition of basic isiZulu communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific situations.

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  • Module content:

    isiZulu - communication and grammar
    The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts

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  • Module content:

    In this module students are guided to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes with regard to the political, professional, historical and cultural complexities of teaching.  Selected themes in the history of South African education will be explored to enable students to think critically about their role as engaged professional educators today.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on child development and learning. In addition to the underlying principles of developmental psychology and theories of development, child development is discussed in terms of physical growth and motor development; development of perception, cognition and language; emotional development; social development and moral development. Developmental psychopathology is also introduced. In terms of child learning, the principles of learning, theories of learning and barriers to learning are discussed. In addition, school learning is explained in terms of learning, reading and study skills.

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  • Module content:

    Foundations of visual culture
    This module introduces art and visual culture theory using a wide range of texts and ideas. The module gives students wide exposure to visual discourses and includes a variety of visual culture examples e.g. artworks, advertisements. These discourses may include:  exploring what visual culture is; modes of analysis; introducing terminology such as ideology and myth; dealing with selected periods from history contextually; introducing cultural icons and themes from popular visual culture.

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  • Module content:

    Images across media: current issues

    This module presents an introduction into the ways in which images appear across media in contemporary visual culture from a specific African perspective within the global. This is done by means of exploring key modes, themes, genres, platforms and visual texts. Among the media and mediums that may be covered are photography, art, graphic design, advertising, film, documentaries, video, digital and social media. 


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  • Module content:

    Images across media: historical perspectives

    This module presents a historical overview of the ways in which images have appeared across media in visual culture from a specific African vantage point within the global. This is done by means of exploring key modes, themes and visual texts with the aim of fostering an understanding of how historical events and cultural and ideological trends underpin the visual. Among the topics that may be covered are the progression of graphic and industrial design from the Industrial Revolution, photography, art, fashion, dress, magazines, printed culture and postcards. The module also provides an introduction to research approaches and methods in the field of visual culture. 


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  • Module content:

    Introducing the basic concepts and interrelationships required to understand the complexity of natural environmental problems, physical and human environment, human induced environmental problems, the ways in which the natural environment affects human society and biodiversity, an introduction to major environmental issues in Southern Africa and sustainable development in the context of environmental issues.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the literature of isiNdebele/isiZulu/Sepedi such as an introduction to literary concepts such as literary text(s), topic, characters, events, time and place; the analysis of selected short stories.

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  • Module content:

    This module is intended to equip students with a thorough knowledge of English grammar and is particularly useful for those interested in a career in teaching, editing, document design or other forms of language practice.

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  • Module content:

    *For speakers of Sepedi as home language or first or second additional language.
    Aspects of the grammar of Sepedi such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.

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  • Module content:

    *For speakers of isiZulu as home language or first or second additional language.
    Aspects of the grammar of isiZulu such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.

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  • Module content:

    The world of religion
    What is religion? The functions of religion. Studying religion. Perspectives on religion. Common concepts and key terms in various religions will be dealt with - also generic dimensions and aspects.  The interdependence of religion, culture and society.

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  • Module content:

    Kaleidoscope of religions
    The occurrence of religion in societies. Types of religion. Primal religions. Christianity, Judaism, Islam.  A variety of religions will be addressed: capita selecta will be made from Christianity; Hinduism; Buddhism; New Religions; New Age; main developments in the world and South Africa.

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  • Module content:

    This module offers an intensive study of the Portuguese language focusing on the acquisition of basic communication skills: listening. reading, speaking and writing. It also offers a brief introduction to Lusophone culture. This module complies with the requirements for level A set by the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".

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  • Module content:

    This module involves a comprehensive review of Portuguese grammar, the development of reading, writing, speaking and understanding skills and the analysis and interpretation of texts.

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  • Module content:

    This module involves the continuation of the comprehensive review of Portuguese grammar begun in PTG 113 and further development of reading, writing, speaking and understanding skills as well as the analysis and interpretation of texts. This module offers an introduction to Portuguese literature from Portugal, Africa and Latin America.

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  • Module content:

    This module is a broad introduction to sport and recreation as products in the market. Students discover the nature of sport and recreation, the difference between the concepts and policies, plans, strategies and structures of sport and recreation in South Africa and Zone VI in Africa. The dynamic scope and nature of recreation and sports management are introduced and discussed. Emphasis is placed on basic management tasks and functions in sport and recreation contexts, interpersonal skills, leadership and control systems and techniques in sport and recreation. The module establishes a foundation of management knowledge and skills on which subsequent sport and recreation management modules are built.

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  • Module content:

    This module explores the difference between sports and recreation management and leadership and their application in sport and recreation. Selected classic and modern management and leadership theories are identified, described and compared in sport and recreation contexts. Students are guided towards selecting and demonstrating appropriate leadership styles and skills related to cross-cultural sport and recreation situations. Emphasis is placed on building leadership capacity through sport and recreation. This module establishes leadership competencies and confidence for subsequent academic service learning and community engagement activities.

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  • Module content:

    This module identifies, defines and examines the underlying theoretical dimensions and practical principles of scientific sports coaching to provide a platform for subsequent knowledge and application in sports coaching contexts.

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  • Module content:

    This module builds on the fundamental priciples of sports coaching. It focuses on the processes and techniques of learning and teaching of skills within a sports paradigm. Methodological techniques as implemented by the coach in teaching and learning of sports skills are identified, discussed and applied. In this module the student gets the opportunity to obtain a Level 0/1 Sports Coaching certificate in a sport of choice.

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  • Module content:

    This module provides a strong underpinning to the theoretical concepts of recreation and leisure in societies. Foundatios of recreation and leisure, the multifaceted delivery systems and diverse service areas of recreation are identified, characterised and discussed in contemporary contexts. The power, promise, potential and possibilities of recreation and leisure in society are explained and illustrated practically. In this module students obtain an accredited community recreation leadership certificate to provide a foundation for subsequent community engagement and academic service learning components.

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  • Module content:

    In this module the role and function of sport as a social phenomenon in society are discussed and explored from different perspectives. Contemporary issues and controversies within the world of sport are unpacked to equip students to recognise and contribute to discourses in the globalised world of sport. 

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  • Module content:

    In this module basic principles of sport, exercise and performance psychology are identified as basis for subsequent modules. Fundamental principles of motivation, activation, attention, personality and aggression and their role in sport, exercise and performance are identified, defined and discussed in divese sport contexts. 

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  • Module content:

    This module introduces the basic principles, dynamics and skills involved in the psychology of sport coaching. Different roles of the coach as leader, motivator, facilitator and communicator are identified and explained from a psychological perspective. In this module the psychological principles constituting the development of children through sport and coaching will be explored and interpreted. The growth principles will be integrated with all the different life phases.

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  • Module content:

    Please note: Students with an advanced knowledge of Spanish (e.g. levels B1, B2 or higher) are not allowed to register for this module.

    An intensive introductory study of the Spanish language focusing on the acquisition of basic communication skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. It also offers a brief introduction to the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. This module complies with the requirements for level A2 set by the "Common European Framework for Reference for Languages."

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  • Module content:

    *For speakers of Setswana as home language or first or second additional language. Aspects of the grammar of Setswana such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.

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Minimum credits: 120

Elective modules

  • Module content:

    Leer Nederlands
    Die module het as uitkoms die verwerwing van lees-, praat-, skryf- en luistervaardighede in Nederlands. 'n Goeie kennis van Afrikaans is 'n voorvereiste. Die module is kontrastief. Klem word gelê op die verskille tussen die Afrikaanse en Nederlandse grammatika, woordeskat en kultuur.

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  • Module content:

    Morfologie, sintaksis, leksikologie en semantiek
    Afrikaanse poësie

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  • Module content:

    Afrikaanse prosa
    Literatuurteorie en -kritiek

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  • Module content:

    Southern African Stone Age, Iron Age, Pastoralism, and Historical Archaeology are the main topics discussed. What types of people were making ESA, MSA, and LSA, when did hominids first left Africa, southern African rock art, the origins of livestock herding, the development and decline of complex societies in southern Africa, and postcolonial approaches in archaeology are some of the focus areas.

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  • Module content:

    *Compulsory veld school, usually in September.
    Archaeological field methods and interpretation
    Introduction to the history and application of key field techniques such as research design, field survey, mapping, GPS and GIS, Total Station, compass work, photography, excavation, rock art recording, basic curation of artefacts, data management- and heritage legislation. Practical instruction in artefact cleaning, curation, meta-data capture and exhibition.

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  • Module content:

    Interpretation of written remains
    A selection of ancient Near Eastern (namely Mesopotamian, Syria-Palestinian and Egyptian) and ancient Greek and Roman myths and typical mythological themes are studied against their proper cultural and historical background. Some of the different methods of interpretation for myths that will be dealt with include ancient and current approaches. This is done in order to indicate ancient myths’ influence on contemporary society.

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  • Module content:

    Interpretation of material remains
    The physical remains of the ancient Near East (namely Mesopotamia, Syria-Palestine and Egypt) and the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, namely artefacts and architecture, are examined within their socio-historical context to interpret the physical representations of their worldviews. Contemporary society’s interaction with material remains of the ancient world will also be examined.

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  • Module content:

    Sex, gender and healing This module explores sex, sexuality, gender, sickness and healing. It entails analysing the ways in which these concepts are understood in diverse social contexts and studies how anthropologists think about them in contemporary society.

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  • Module content:

    Power and wealth This module explores anthropological perspectives on politics, power and wealth in colonial and postcolonial contexts. Key concepts that are discussed include anthropological approaches to citizenship, cosmopolitanism, hegemony, human rights, neoliberalism, sovereignty, civil society, gender, race and class.

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  • Module content:

    Historical modes of Western performance
    The module involves a study of the socio-political contexts of Western Classical and Renaissance theatre, redirecting the focus to the notion of violence in performance during the age of Enlightenment.

    A & B: For students who enrolled for the BA Drama programme prior to 2016, as well as for students entering the BDram programme in 2016. 


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  • Module content:

    Realism and contemporary South African performance
    Concepts of naturalism and realism will be interrogated in relation to dramatic texts and performance values in both drama and film. Ways in which dramatic realism emerges from and reflects historical perspectives since the „Age of Reason? will be offered. Against this background, the concept of „realism? will be interrogated in relation to performance texts and performance values in the emergence of interdisciplinary framework of performance studies. Ways in which dramatic realism emerges from and reflects historical perspectives will be offered and discussed, so as to draw connections between realism, and contemporary South African performance.

    A & B: For students who enrolled for the BA Drama programme prior to 2016, as well as for students entering the BDram programme in 2016. 

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  • Module content:

    Utilisation of SA cultural historical heritage for tourism
    Remembrance and commemoration and its utilisation in the tourism industry. Introduction to the historical-constitutional development of South Africa and inter-group relations in the country in the context of the heritage and tourism sector. An introduction to field research in the HCT domain.

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  • Module content:

    Community-based tourism Development theories and tourism theory: relation between development and tourism. Pro-poor tourism: Opportunities for and constraints on tourism development. Case studies in sub-Saharan Africa.

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  • Module content:

    *Alternative evening classes - 3 discussion classes per week
    Modern English literature and English language studies
    This module focuses on post-nineteenth century literature in English as well as on historical and theoretical aspects of the English language.

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  • Module content:

    *Alternative evening classes - 3 discussion classes per week
    Twentieth-century, postcolonial and contemporary literature
    This module focuses on post-nineteenth century literature in English. Various genres are covered and particular attention is given to postcolonial writing.

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  • Module content:

    History of modern philosophy I and II

    A concise history of modern philosophy. The following are examples of themes that may be explored: The Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, the foundations of the modern worldview (in contrast to the premodern), the European Enlightenment, Romanticism, German Idealism (Kant and Hegel), Marx and Marxism, Kierkegaard and Existentialism, the philosophy of Nietzsche. A selection of contemporary critical responses to modern philosophy may be explored; these may include for example African philosophy, analytical (Anglo-American) philosophy, postmodernism, neo-Marxism, etc.

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  • Module content:

    Political philosophy and ethics
    In this module the ways in which human reality is reflected on in practical philosophy, are examined. Both the analytical, interpretative perspective and the normative perspective are covered. This is done with the aid of a selection of key themes and texts from the history of philosophy, but with special attention to their contemporary relevance. The first of the two foci of this semester module will be on political philosophy. Among the issues that may be covered are justice, power, ideology, authority, the social contract, law, legitimacy, recognition, etc. The second focus of this semester module will be on ethics. Among the issues that may be covered are the formation of rules, principles, ideal, dispositions and the capability to judge that regulate such diverse phenomena as freedom, equality, rights, distribution, oppression. pluralism, and others. The classical approaches to ethics - virtue ethics, deontology, consequentialism - will form the backdrop against which moral philosophy will be discussed. In this module, in general, the student can expect to be exposed to the work of Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Sidgwick, Nietzsche, Weber, Mead, Arendt, Habermas, Rawls, Ricoeur, Walzer, Young, Sen, Honneth, and others.

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  • Module content:

    Themes from African History A selection of themes on the history of Africa and its people during pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial times, focusing on the social, political and economic forces that helped shape the African historical experience.

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  • Module content:

    Rise and fall of segregation and apartheid Focuses on the origin and theoretical foundations of these policies and their entrenchment in SA legislation. The resistance against the institution of these respective policies and the subsequent dismantling of apartheid. The impact on social, cultural and economic terrain.

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  • Module content:

    Physical processes that influence the earth’s surface and management. Specific processes and their interaction in themes such as weathering; soil erosion; slope, mass movement and fluvial processes. Practical laboratory exercises are based on the themes covered in the module theory component.

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  • Module content:

    *The content of this module is the same as GGY 283 and students are not allowed to earn credits for both GGY 283 and GIS 221.
    Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), theoretical concepts and applications of GIS. The focus will be on the GIS process of data input, data analysis, data output and associated technologies.

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  • Module content:

    Greek texts – syntax
    Basic syntactical theory and application to selected Greek texts
    Greek prose – text analysis
    Basic theory of comprehensive text analysis and application of selected NT prose texts.

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  • Module content:

    Greek poetry – text analysis
    Basic theory of poetic text analysis and application of selected NT and related poetry texts.
    Greek texts – holistic analysis
    Students are guided towards reading and analysing independently chosen Greek texts by application of all knowledge and skills acquired in GRK modules on year level 1 as well as in GRK 210 and 220.

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  • Module content:

    Hebrew texts – syntax
    Basic syntactical theory and application to selected Hebrew texts.
    Hebrew prose – text analysis
    Basic theory of comprehensive text analysis and application to selected OT prose texts.

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  • Module content:

    Hebrew poetry – text analysis
    Basic theory of poetic text analysis and application to selected OT poetic texts. Hebrew texts – holistic analysis
    Students are guided towards reading and analysing independently chosen Hebrew texts by application of all knowledge and skills acquired in HEB modules on year level 1 as well as in HEB 210 and 220.

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  • Module content:

    International theory and organisation
    What cause war and peace? Can international order and justice be reconciled? Does the international structure matter? The answers depend on the theoretical lenses through which world politics are viewed. An overview is provided of competing theoretical perspectives of international relations. It includes mainstream and alternative perspectives, as well as the underlying ideas, theories and variants of each. These theories also propose different approaches to global peace, amongst others peace through international organisation. A comprehensive analysis is made of selected international organisations with a universal or regional scope, such as the United Nations, the African Union and the Southern African Development Community, and of international law that underpins these organisations and their activities.

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  • Module content:

    Foreign policy and diplomacy
    A short introduction to the study of foreign policy is followed by an explanation of the use of the comparative method and a framework for foreign policy analysis and evaluation. This allows for a comparative study of the foreign policies of selected states from the major regions of the world, amongst others of South African foreign policy. In each case study the policy environment, the formulation and implementation processes, as well as the substance of the particular state’s foreign policy are covered. Thereafter the focus narrows to diplomacy: the oldest, most versatile and universally used instrument of foreign policy. The nature, history, modes of diplomacy and legal framework of the institution are explored. Examples are drawn from global practice, with specific consideration of the evolution of diplomatic practice within the African and South African context.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Forensic criminalistics
    Crime investigation; obtaining information through communication; post-mortem examinations; serological examinations; fingerprints.
    Part 2: Youth misbehaviour
    Influence of the family, school and peer group; gang behaviour; use of drugs; theoretical explanations, as well as prevention and control of youth misbehaviour.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Victimology
    Scope of victimology, contemporary issues in victimology, position of the victim within the criminal justice system, victim-based legislation, restorative justice. 
    Part 2: Political offences
    The state as offender; crime directed at the state; formal and informal suppression; riots; terrorism; assassination; treason; sexual violence during war; children in organized armed violence and conflict.

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  • Module content:

    Latin literature, grammar and history (1) and (2) Selected passages from Latin literature, including legal and patristic texts; Latin grammar. An introduction to Roman history Selected passages of prose and poetry. Latin grammar. Roman history and constitution.

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  • Module content:

    Latin literature, grammar and history (3) and (4) Selected passages of prose and poetry. Latin grammar. Roman history and constitution. History of Latin literature.

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  • Module content:

    The politics of language and language planning The relationship between language and politics, language political issues, language and the construction of identity, the nature of language planning, language policy and the South African constitution, the sociolinguistic character of South Africa, language management and language maintenance.

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  • Module content:

    The distinction between literary and genre fiction. Literary “formulas” and bestsellers. Various approaches to the study of popular fiction (sociological, psychological, “cultural studies” and text-based approaches to popular literature).
    The focus is on various literary “types” or “formulas”: Adventure, Romance, Mystery, Science Fiction etc. as formulaic artistic constructions created for the purpose of enjoyment and pleasure against the background of larger socio-political circumstances.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the grammar of isiNdebele such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to isiNdebele speech sounds/phonetics.

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  • Module content:

    Focus on religion
    Part 1: Christianity
    Jesus as founder of Christianity; Images of Jesus; current research on the ‘historical Jesus’; core issues in the debate on the ‘historical Jesus’. Capita selecta from themes like: New Testament Christianity; Christian history in survey; Christian missions; After the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment; Christianity in a secularist age; The rise of Third World Christianity.
    Part 2: Traditional African religiosity
    Primal religion and traditional African religion; Traditional life and world view. Key elements like: Concept of time; Concept of God; Ancestral cult; Power doctors, healers and cultic leadership; Ethics: Examples of African religion; San religion; Zulu religion; Shona religion.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Myth, symbols and other phenomena
    Religion in diachronic and phenomenological perspective; Cosmologies and theologies; Myth and narrative; Ritual; Spirituality; Offices; Symbolism and communication. The module will focus primarily on mythical motives and thought patterns in the Old and New Testaments. By means of a capita selecta the chosen texts are analysed within the timeframe and world view of their own origin.
    Part 2: Ancient religions
    The content, characteristics and influence of religions in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean worlds will be studied: e.g. Egypt, Canaan, Mesopotamia, Greece etc. (A selection will be made every year.)

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Religion and ethics
    Sources of ethical decision making. Comparative survey of major ethical principles. Religion and ethics on: Politics, Economics, Justice, Human rights, freedom and responsibility, Society, Sexuality, etc.
    Part 2: African life issues
    The aim of this module is to acquaint the student with life issues from Africa regarding community life. The role of women in the community. The role and function of music as religious experience. Perspectives on time from a religious viewpoint. Aspects regarding evil. Perspectives on personal and community relationships as seen from religious texts. Initiation rites, rituals and religion. Patriarchs, ancestors and worship.

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  • Module content:

    Sepedi - communication and grammar The acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Sepedi - reading and writing Writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a selected range of communicative purposes. Writing entails creative writing as well as reduplication. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain reasonably extensive vocabularies and a relatively large variation of language structures. Commence with the reading of fairly simple literary works. Students are also further trained in the use of the dictionary.

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  • Module content:

    Sepedi - communication, grammar, reading and writing The further acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Continuation of the writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a range of communicative purposes. An introduction to Sepedi speech sounds / phonetics. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain more extensive vocabularies and a larger variation of language structures. Reading of further literary works.

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  • Module content:

    In this module human development from conception through adolescence to adulthood is discussed with reference to various psychological theories. Incorporated are the developmental changes related to cognitive, physical, emotional and social functioning of the individual and the context of work in adulthood. Traditional and contemporary theories of human development explaining and describing these stages are studied in order to address the key issues related to both childhood and adulthood.

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  • Module content:

    This module is a social-psychological perspective on interpersonal and group processes. Themes that are covered include communication, pro-social behaviour, social influence and persuasion, political transformation, violence, and group behaviour.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Sociology of work: Globalisation
    The contemporary process of globalisation at a world level impacts on the process of change and economic development. This section will discuss processes and debates associated with economic globalisation and the global dominance of finance capital in the late 20th and early 21st century. We will review contemporary debates associated with these issues.

    Part 2: Gender, family and households

    This section focuses on theories and issues relevant to the understanding of households, families and gender. It addresses thematics such as dynamic family structures, poverty, the survival strategies of poor households, gender-based violence and the ways in which the aforementioned affect family life and forms as well as children and youth in particular. A special emphasis is placed on exploring these issues in a Southern African context.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Demography, health and society
    This section explores the dynamic relationship between demography and health, with examples drawn from South African and international case studies. The substantial increase in world population during the past century compounds key issues faced by contemporary societies. Interplay between demographic processes, such as morbidity, mortality, fertility and mobility, impact on the size of a population. In turn, these are to an extent shaped by the structure of a population as well as the cultural context of a society. Central to this are concerns around health and disease. 

    Part 2: Cultural Sociology

    This section explores themes in cultural sociology, with an emphasis on the ways in which meaning is constructed in everyday life by individuals as well as collectives, on the one hand, and the intersection between culture and institutional forms and social structure on the other. Students will be introduced to the work of some of the key thinkers in the field, and will be provided with the opportunity to write an independent essay on a theme in cultural sociology.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on the further development of communicative skills with special emphasis on the receptive activities of the language, namely listening and reading. Careful attention is given to critical aspects of Spanish grammar. Short fictional and non-fictional texts are used for comprehension as well as for demonstrating cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking countries.  This module complies with the requirements for level B1.1 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    This module continues with the development of communicative skills of the language. Special attention is given to the comprehension of written texts, spoken and audio-visual inputs. This module complies with the requirements for level B1.2 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Political dynamics (Micro)
    The study of the theory and practice of behavioural phenomena in politics. With reference to appropriate examples, the emphasis is on the study of political culture, leadership, communication, interests groups, parties and party systems; on elections, electoral systems, voting behaviour; and on public opinion and direct popular control techniques.

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  • Module content:

    Political dynamics (Macro)
    A theoretical basis and framework is provided for the description, analysis and classification of political and policy problems. The emphasis is on the nature of the state, governance and conflict in Africa. Amongst others a study is made of the issues of colonialism and post-colonialism, democratisation, authoritarianism and the development of the state in Africa, in the context of a globalising world.

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  • Module content:

    isiZulu - communication and grammar The acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. isiZulu - reading and writing Writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a selected range of communicative purposes. Writing entails creative writing as well as reduplication. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain reasonably extensive vocabularies and a relatively large variation of language structures. Commence with the reading of fairly simple literary works. Students are also further trained in the use of the dictionary.

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  • Module content:

    An urbanising world. Urban structure and land use. Urban processes. The urban environment. Social structure and change in cities. Living in the city. Economy, society and politics in the city. Third-world cities and South African cities. Urban futures.

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  • Module content:

    isiZulu - communication, grammar, reading and writing
    The further acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Continuation of the writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a range of communicative purposes. An introduction to isiZulu speech sounds/phonetics.  Reading and comprehension of texts which contain more extensive vocabularies and a larger variation of language structures. Reading of further literary works.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on the further development of communication skills with special emphasis on the receptive activities of the language, namely listening and reading. Careful attention is given to critical aspects of German grammar. Short fictional and non-fictional texts are used for comprehension as well as for demonstrating cultural aspects of the German-speaking countries.  This module complies with the requirements for level B1.1 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    This module continues with the development of communicative skills of the language. Special attention is given to the comprehension of non-fictional and literary written texts, spoken and audio-visual inputs, as well as the application of knowledge of German grammar in oral and written production. This module complies with the requirements for level B1.2 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on the further development of communication skills with special emphasis on the receptive activities of the language, namely listening and reading. Careful attention is given to critical aspects of French grammar. Short fictional and non-fictional texts are used for comprehension as well as for demonstrating cultural aspects of the French-speaking countries.  This module complies with the requirements for level B1.1 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    This module continues with the development of communicative skills of the language. Special attention is given to the comprehension of non-fictional and literary written texts, spoken and audio-visual inputs, as well as the application of knowledge of French grammar in oral and written production. This module complies with the requirements for level B1.2 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Gender, sexuality and visual representation
    Introduction to the representation of sex, gender and sexuality in visual culture.  Gender theory and terminology related to feminism, masculinity studies and lbgtq theory (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgendered, queer) are unpacked. Themes and issues in gender and identity politics such as the male hero, the nude in late 19th century art, the femme fatale, hysteria, androgyny and transsexuality are dealt with. Sexuality and gender issues across a range of visual cultural such as soaps, sitcoms, artworks, advertisements, fashion, music videos and films are addressed.

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  • Module content:

    Visual (Post)colonialisms This module investigates aspects of Africanness, Afrocentrism, multiculturalism, transnationalism and the African diaspora and studies a cross section of work including traditional art, tourist art and the hybrid aesthetics of contemporary African art and visual culture. The module also focuses on the ideology of imperialism and colonialism and its influence on art and visual culture from the nineteenth century onwards. The influence of postcolonial thinking on the deconstruction of the ideology of colonialism is highlighted with reference to landscape and memory, the exotic and primitivism in South African visual culture.

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  • Module content:

    New media in visual culture
    This module highlights and investigates emerging new media technologies by emphasising and critically analysing the cultural, political, rhetorical and aesthetic possibilities of these tools. New media is considered in terms of archiving, the digitisation and display of visual cultures, branding and dissemination of visual cultures. Theorists may include: McLuhan, Kellner and Manovich.

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  • Module content:

    Curriculum in the classroom:
    This module addresses four components that are directly related to classroom teaching and learning. The first unit deals with the foundations of the curriculum covering the work done by Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Montessori, Gandhi, Steiner, Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Illich, Freire and Lakoff. Unit two discusses curriculum design and development and also focuses on the organisation of knowledge through educational taxonomies. The last two units cover teaching strategies as well as issues related to classroom testing and classroom assessment practices.

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  • Module content:

    Supportive learning environments:
    Theoretical approaches to learning environments (bio-ecological and asset-based approaches, indigenous knowledge systems, solution-oriented intervention; appreciative inquiry); school-based support in terms of Inclusive Education, whole-school approach, the supportive role of the teacher and the well-being of the child; community-based support in the form of community engagement and community education.

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  • Module content:

    The module introduces methods of inquiry in the social sciences and humanities. The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the research process in order to equip them with the necessary competence to:
    • identify social problems, formulate research questions and hypotheses;
    • have a basic understanding of writing the literature review and research proposal;
    • know and select relevant methods of inquiry;
    • be aware of the necessity of conducting ethically sound research; and
    • interpret and present data graphically.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the literature of isiNdebele/isiZulu/Sepedi such as the continuation of the study of concepts such as text, topic, characters, events, time and place; the study of plot and style; the critical analysis of a novel/novelette.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the grammar of Sepedi such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to Sepedi speech sounds/phonetics.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the grammar of isiZulu such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to isiZulu speech sounds/phonetics.

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  • Module content:

    This module further develops communicative skills with special emphasis on receptive activities, namely listening and reading. Careful attention will be given to critical aspects of Portuguese grammar. Short fictional and non-fictional texts are used for comprehension as well as for demonstrating cultural aspects of the Lusophone countries. This module complies with the requirements for level B1 set by the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".

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  • Module content:

    This module continues with the development of communicative skills in Portuguese. Special attention is given to the comprehension of written texts, spoken and audio-visual inputs. This module complies with the requirements for level B1.2 set by the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".

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Minimum credits: 120

Elective modules

  • Module content:

    Capita selecta uit die Afrikaanse taalkunde
    Afrikaanse prosa

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  • Module content:

    Afrikaanse poësie
    'n Keuse uit eietydse Nederlandstalige literatuur; analitiese teksondersoeke met aandag aan agtergrond- en resepsieaangeleenthede.
    Die Afrikaanse drama word binne die breër konteks van die Afrikaanse letterkunde geplaas.

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  • Module content:

    *Kwartaalmodule aangebied oor 14 weke
    Versorging van Afrikaanse tekste met betrekking tot korrekte taal- en leestekengebruik, feitelike korrektheid, bibliografiese versorging, teksstruktuur en skryf vir verskillende teikengroepe.

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  • Module content:

    *AGL 310 will be a prerequisite for a number of other modules (eg AGL 751 Advanced archaeological theory) and it is the responsibility of the students intending to continue archaeology to postgraduate level to do this module.

    Nature of archaeological theory; critique of various approaches to archaeological theory, debates over the relevance of theory, are some of the major topics to be presented.

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  • Module content:

    The module focuses on the following topics: designing and managing fieldwork projects; the relationship between commercial practice, academic research, and local communities; management of archaeological collections in repositories and debates on repatriation; ethics; cultural resource management; presentation of archaeological sites; heritage and related legislation, The main aim is to prepare students for post-degree work in both private and public sectors. 

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  • Module content:

    Social aspects of the ancient Near Eastern and the ancient Greek and Roman worlds
    A selection of ancient Near Eastern (namely Mesopotamian, Syria-Palestinian and Egyptian) and ancient Greek and Roman sources are studied within their socio-historical context to illustrate and interpret these culturesand#39; social practises and how they influenced contemporary institutions and social structures.

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  • Module content:

    Verbal and visual expression in the ancient world: looking for answers This module entails an overview of the research process in ancient culture studies, especially the identification of a research problem, formulating a research question, proposing a suitable hypothesis and applying suitable research strategies through the discussion of relevant themes on the ancient world. Students are then guided towards independent research on themes of their choice relating to departmental research interests by applying the knowledge and skills gained throughout the entire course of ancient culture studies.

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  • Module content:

    Africa: anthropological perspectives Contemporary ethnographic studies in the African continent, with particular reference to politics, war, resettlement and refugees, religion, identity formation and identity politics, ethnicity and class, and consumption.

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  • Module content:

    Fieldwork, ethnography and theory This module reviews themes such as conducting fieldwork, writing ethnography and developing theory in anthropology. The module allows the opportunity to gain experience with ethnographic field methods in order to develop insight into the implications of methodological choices and their relationship to research questions and settings.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1:Texts in context
    OT texts are read in their Ancient Near Eastern context with special reference to intra-, inter- and extratextual relations. NT and/or Patristic texts are read in their Jewish and Hellenistic context with special reference to intra-, inter- and extra-textual relations.
    Part 2: Between the Testaments
    Reading and interpreting of Hebrew and Greek inter-testamental literature, including Qumran literature, Ben Sira and Greek apocryphal books like Judit or Tobit.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Critical textual competence
    Students are exposed to diverging translations and interpretations of selected OT and NT texts. Through their own knowledge of and competence in intra-, inter-  and extratextual analysis they are guided towards critical assessment of diverging points of view and independent decision making in the reading, analysis and understanding of ancient literary texts.
    Part 2: Integration of analytical skills
    Students are guided towards independent reading and analysis of chosen Greek and Hebrew texts by integrated application of all knowledge and skills acquired in GRK and HEB modules on year levels 1 and 2, as well as in BYT 251, 310 and 320.

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  • Module content:

    Reading cultural representation
    Against the framework of post-colonialism, issues of signification, representation and meaning in performance will be considered in relation to selected theoretical approaches to performance and their concern with gender in theatre and film. Representation and subjectivity and how they are revealed as gendered fictions rather than „natural?, inevitable realities will be explored through various drama and film texts. The student will explore how the body, as codified cultural product, can become a symbolic battleground for cultural supremacy in and through performance.

    A & B: For students who enrolled for the BA Drama programme prior to 2016, as well as for students entering the BDram programme in 2016. 

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  • Module content:

    Counter discourses
    Social relations, material conditions, discursive practices, identity and representational structures will be studied in relation to Marxist Materialism, cross-cultural theatre, postmodern discourse and post-theory ideas. Key figures and ideas from relevant critical theory will guide an interrogation of popular performance and cinema as well as non-dominant cinemas and modes of performance.
    A & B: For students who enrolled for the BA Drama programme prior to 2016, as well as for students entering the BDram programme in 2016. 

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to German linguistics. This module complies with the requirements for level B2.1 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Analysis, interpretation and appropriation of relevant texts from different disciplines. This module complies with the requirements for level B2.1 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Principles of textual grammar of the German language.  This module complies with the requirements for level B2.2 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Analysis, interpretation and appropriation of literary texts in cultural-historical perspective.  This module complies with the requirements for level B2.2 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Cultural historical sites and activities in SA
    Introduction to the most important cultural historical sites and cultural activities in South Africa, with a specific focus on cultural tourism in practice. A research assignment with particular attention to literature analysis.

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  • Module content:

    Approaches to the study of cultural landscapes: characteristics of ethno-tourism. The problem of stereotyping in the tourist industry. Influence of tourism on host communities: tourism dependence and residents’ attitudes, authenticity and the presentation and commodification of culture. An assignment with particular attention to qualitative research methods.

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  • Module content:

    Mediaeval and Renaissance literature
    In this module students study the works of representative writers from Chaucer to Shakespeare and Milton. The general characteristics and techniques of these authors are discussed in relation to developments in aesthetic theory, generic conventions and socio-historical change.

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  • Module content:

    Editing principles and practice
    This module practises several basic language-editing skills on a variety of texts from different fields and of varying levels of complexity for specific target audiences. The principles of plain language editing are also introduced and strategies for overcoming textual complexity for given audiences are explored. Special attention is also given to the demands of editing South African English, client relations and the ethics of editing. Considerable practical work is required.

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  • Module content:

    Augustan, Romantic and 19th-century literature
    In this module students read a representative selection of 18th- and 19th-century texts in English. The general characteristics and techniques of these texts are discussed in relation to developments in aesthetic theory, generic conventions and socio-historical change.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to teaching English to speakers of other languages.
    This module introduces both the theoretical and practical dimensions of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Areas covered include (i) the nature of the foreign/second language learning process; (ii) the major approaches and methods of foreign/second language teaching and (iii) focused methodologies for teaching grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, speaking and listening.

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  • Module content:

    Philosophical anthropology and cognitive philosophy                                              In this module the focus is on the quest to understand humankind and its relations to reality and knowledge. Both the analytical, interpretative perspective and the normative perspective are covered. This is done with the aid of a selection of key themes and texts from the history of philosophy, but with special attention to their contemporary relevance. The first of the two foci of this semester module is philosophical anthropology or contemporary metaphysics. Themes covered may include: Is a human more than the sum total of its properties?; the relation between consciousness, self-consciousness and the human unconscious; the meaning of life; the nature of personal identity; the issue of free will, and others. The second focus of the semester module is the congnitive disciplines of philosophy, such as philosophy of science, philosophy of mind and epistemology. In philosophy of science, themes covered may include the types of reasoning in science, the nature and role of explanations in science, the scientific realism debate, the nature of scientific progress, justification of scientific theories, the role of truth in science, and others. In philosophy of mind, themes covered may include the relation between spriit, psyche and body - the mind-body problem, the nature of consciousness and qualia, dualism, materialism, functionalism, physicalism, supervenience, intentionality, and others. In epistemology themes covered may include rationalism, empiricism, transcendental, idealism and Kant foundationalism coherentism, epistemic internalism and externalism, radical scepticism, and others.

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  • Module content:

    Philosophical hermeneutics and social philosophy
    The first of the two foci of this semester module is a discussion and analysis of philosophical perspectives on the hermeneutical problem (the problem of understanding and interpretation), with particular attention to contemporary thinkers such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer and Derrida. The second focus of the semester module is social philosophy where philosophical questions on social forms, structures, institutions, practices, habitus and ethos will be raised. A range of themes may be investigated, such as structure and agency, social imaginaries, new social formations, institutional cultures, gender and sexuality, subject constitution, and others. Furthermore, the framing of these themes in a spectrum of approaches including Critical Theory, Theory of Ideology, Constractariansim, Social Action Theory, Metaphorology, Critical Race Theory, Genealogy, and others will be analysed and explored.

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  • Module content:

    Principles of textual grammar of the French language. This module complies with the requirements for level B2.1 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Analysis, interpretation and appropriation of relevant audio-visual material and texts from non-fictional and fictional sources.
    This module complies with the requirements for level B2.1 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    Principles of grammar of the French language. Introduction to professional translation and interpreting for the purpose of learning French as a foreign language.

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  • Module content:

    Analysis, interpretation and appropriation of literary texts in cultural-historical perspective.

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  • Module content:

    Historical trends in the modern world A selection of political, economic and social themes.

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  • Module content:

    Globalisation, diversity and change Theories and interpretation on the process of change. Globalisation and its significance for, inter alia, the global economy, the nation-state, nationalism, ethnicity and culture.

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  • Module content:

    *Note: The module is available for BSc (Geography) and BSc (Environmental Sciences) students only. The theory content of this module is the same as GGY 363 and students are not allowed to earn credits for both GGY 361 and GGY 363.

    Interactions of geomorphic processes within the physical and built environments; themes such as geomorphology and environmental change, slope processes and the environment, geomorphic risks and hazards, soil erosion and conservation, geomorphology in environmental management, applied weathering. Practicals involve fieldwork including sampling and mapping and subsequent laboratory analysis.

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  • Module content:

    International political economy
    The nature and functioning of the international contemporary political-economic order are analysed against the background of the process of globalisation. The focus is on the interaction of political and economic trends and issues such as the economic importance and political impact of regional trade blocs; the debt burden of states; international aid; the role and influence of multinational corporations; and the transfer of technology to less-developed countries; the rise of new economic powers in the Global South; and global economic governance.

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  • Module content:

    Security and strategic studies
    A study of traditional and contemporary approaches to security and strategy. Attention is paid to new theories on war, security and strategy; military and non-military security issues and threats; the national security of developing states; as well as the relationship between policy, strategy and tactics. The latter includes an introductory overview of the nature, levels, patterns, forms and instruments of strategy, and the laws of war. The national, regional and continental security situation in Africa and modes of multilateral security cooperation in particular are analysed, also in relation to extra-continental trends. Regarding the aforesaid, emphasis is placed on the legal and institutional framework, national security policy and strategic posture of South Africa.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Theories of crime
    Theories explaining the causes and different aspects of crime.
    Part 2: Psychocriminology
    Nature of human behaviour; aggression and violence; offenders with mental disorders; sexual offences; terrorism and hostage taking.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Female crime
    Nature and extent of female crime; crimes committed by women; theoretical explanations.
    Part 2: Contemporary criminology issues
    Contemporary crime phenomena such as hate crimes, road rage, corruption, white-collar crimes, organised crime, ecological crime as well as the problems associated with contemporary crimes (e.g. babies behind bars and HIV/Aids) are addressed. In conjunction with this, attention is given to forensic report writing, preparation of children and youths to testify in court and restorative justice.

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  • Module content:

    *Quarter module offered over 14 weeks
    Independent research (1)
    An independent research project: students make a choice from the departmental focal areas in consultation with the head of the department.

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  • Module content:

    Language and development In this module the following themes are dealt with: The concept of language and development: the tools languages need for the facilitation of development and use in the public domain; the South African languages as instruments of development; strategies of language promotion.

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  • Module content:

    *Quarter module offered over 14 weeks
    Independent research (2)
    An independent research project: students make a choice from the departmental focal areas in consultation with the head of the department.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Reflecting on religion
    Theories about religion; Religion and ideology; Secularism; Uniqueness; Doctrinal issues, etc.
    Part 2: Topical issues
    The relationship between religion and various topical issues in society will be addressed, like: Religion and society; religion and gender; religion and economics; religion, politics and the state; religion and the environment, etc.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Religions as neighbours
    Plurality; Religious interaction; Practical issues, e.g. Themes to be addressed are: conflict, propaganda, indoctrination, dialogue, syncretism, respect and tolerance. Models of dealing with plurality will be studied, e.g. fundamentalism, relativism, pluralism, inclusivism, exclusivism, secularism and co-responsibility and cooperation.
    Part 2: Religion and the arts
    Iconography; overview on the exposition of biblical themes in the expressive arts and music; religious aspects of well-known artefacts and musical compositions; function of art and music in worship.

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  • Module content:

    Sepedi grammar - Capita selecta
    Aspects of the grammar of Sepedi such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; more intensive study of the structure, meaning and use of the noun (specifically derived nouns) and verb (specifically moods and verbal extensions); an introduction to the sound changes / phonology of Sepedi.
    The acquisition and inculcation of advanced communicative skills within a larger number of social, occupational and educational situations. Awareness of the nature and function of language structures is heightened further. Attention is also paid to cultural phenomena.

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  • Module content:

    Identification of abnormal behaviour in children based on knowledge of normal childhood development; introduction to the study of various models pertaining to abnormal behaviour; understanding and application of basic concepts in child psychopathology. This module also provides an introduction to psychopathology and symptomatology of adult abnormal behaviour. Terminology, definitions of abnormal behaviour, problems in diagnosis, labelling, and myths regarding abnormal behaviour are discussed. Neurosis as a specific mental disorder is studied critically from a multidimensional perspective, including intrapsychic, interpersonal and social-cultural explanations.

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  • Module content:

    This module deals with a community psychological perspective on human behaviour and psychological interventions and also critically explores the contribution of various perspectives in psychology. The module focuses on themes such as definitions of key concepts, principles and aims of community psychology, and the role of the community psychologist as well as the impact of earlier thought frameworks on contemporary perspectives. The implications of these ideas for practical initiatives focussed on mental health in communities, are discussed. The module further focuses on critical psychology. Critical psychology is an orientation towards psychology that is critical towards the assumptions and practices of psychology as it is practiced in the mainstream. It attempts to address power issues as they manifest in the practice of mainstream psychology. The focus is on examining how the practice and theories of mainstream psychology contribute to these power issues impacting on marginalised groups.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Social theory

    This section focuses on contemporary social theory, in order to extend and broaden students’ understanding of social theory beyond the classical canon. Students will be introduced to key conceptual vocabularies, theoretical paradigms and contemporary bodies of work in social theory. In addition, the way in which scholars who work on South Africa have drawn on social theory to inform and enrich their work is emphasized. 

    Part 2: Labour studies

    The section addresses sociological approaches to the workplace. It will critically assess labour market policy and examine issues such as management practice, employment and unemployment, and discrimination and flexibility in the labour market in South Africa.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Rural and urban sociology

    This section considers the relationship between the rural and urban, against the backdrop of the emergence and development of both capitalism in its various guises and globalisation within the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the global North and South. Questions on the nature of social interaction in communities, changing ways of relating, inequality and livelihoods, collective action, local cultures and modernities are considered.

    Part 2: Sociology of religion

    This section looks at religion and secularism in social context. Specific emphasis is placed on religion and secularism as forces for social change.

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  • Module content:

    Political theory
    A theoretical and normative study of political ideas. This includes the study of key political thinkers such as Plato, Thomas Hobbes and John Rawls as well as the contemporary manifestations of ideologies such as liberalism, socialism, conservatism and nationalism. This normative assessment of politics concludes with a critical evaluation of the development, nature and practical value of prominent democratic theories including participatory, legal, and deliberative democracy.

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  • Module content:

    Part 1: Democratic studies
    A high level critical analysis of democratic theory and practice. The analysis of democratic theory will include themes such as classical, radical, deliberative and feminist perspectives. The analysis of democratic practice will include aspects such as democratisation, democratic consolidation, democratic citizenship and society, the role and importance of civil society, the institutions and procedures for democracy and “good governance”.
    Part 2: Political analysis
    The methods and practice of political analysis is the focus of study. The principles and problems underpinning different approaches and methods of political analysis are described and explained. This includes the nature, methods and use of comparative analysis, forecasting, risk analysis, performance evaluation and the political audit. These analytical methods are positioned in a political and policy context, with emphasis on practical application. Applicable examples and case studies are used throughout.

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  • Module content:

    isiZulu grammar -  Capita selecta
    Aspects of the grammar of isiZulu such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; more intensive study of the structure, meaning and use of the noun (specifically derived nouns) and verb (specifically moods and verbal extensions); an introduction to the sound changes/phonology of isiZulu.  The acquisition and inculcation of advanced communicative skills within a larger number of social, occupational and educational situations. Awareness of the nature and function of language structures is heightened further. Attention is also paid to cultural phenomena.

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  • Module content:

    A comprehensive review of Spanish grammar is presented in order to increase language proficiency with special emphasis on the productive activities of the language, namely speaking and writing. It also offers an introductory approach to Hispanic history. This module complies with the requirements for level B2.1 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    This module continues with the presentation of a comprehensive review of Spanish grammar in order to increase language proficiency with special emphasis on the interactive activities of the language, namely spoken and written interaction. It also offers an introductory approach to Hispanic literature. This module complies with the requirements for level B2.2 set by the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

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  • Module content:

    The module conceptually integrates environmental, economic, and social components of sustainable development. Other topics covered include changing perceptions on development and environment, development paradigms, challenges of sustainable development, actors and actions in sustainable development, rural and urban livelihoods, and a Third World assessment of sustainable development in the developing world.

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  • Module content:

    Classic development frameworks. Spatial development history and legacy in South Africa. Overview of contemporary environmental legislation in South Africa. Rural development strategy. Rural and agricultural reconstruction. Land reform. Urban development and strategy. Urban spatial reconstruction. National spatial development frameworks.

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  • Module content:

    Post/Modernities: Contemporary discourses
    This module investigates Modernism and Postmodernism as the dominant aesthetic, discursive and visual paradigms of the 20th and 21st centuries. Key concepts in these discourses and counter-discourses are highlighted and explored, such as the creation of modern subjectivity, the beautiful and the sublime, the avant garde, the metaphysics of presence, originality, authorship, hermeneutics, the “language turn”, différance and the so-called “end of art”. Theorist may include: Kant, Heidegger, Derrida and Foucault.

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  • Module content:

    Visual and virtual spaces 
    Critical decoding of culturally encoded ideas and ideologies embodied in the construction of space, place, and cyberspace in selected Modernist and Postmodernist cultural practices. Topics include spaces of consumption and entertainment such as shopping malls; gender and spatiality; symbolic spaces; surveillance and the architecture of fear. Land art, environmental art and related debates are also addressed. The ways in which real space is virtualised through new technologies; the history and development of virtual reality, virtual communities, the cyborg and cyberpunk, as well as post humanism, are all engaged with specific emphasis on how embodiment and disembodiment are represented visually.

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  • Module content:

    Advanced discourses
    This module considers an array of visual research methods appropriate to the specific disciplines of fine arts, information design and visual studies. In particular, a key focus is on identifying research topics in the visual arts and providing a suitable method for their investigation and/or analysis. The identified research topic will culminate in an independent research project that may be pursued further in postgraduate studies.

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  • Module content:

    The module focuses on contemporary environmental issues in southern Africa. Recent and future impacts of human pressures on natural resources, the state of the environment in South Africa, management of critical resources, population trends, biodiversity loss, pollution, water scarcity, desertification, climate change, waste accumulation and management, environmental management tools, environmental education and environmental management legislation.

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  • Module content:

    The module introduces methods of inquiry in the social sciences and humanities. The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the research process in order to equip them with the necessary competence to:
    identify social problems, formulate research questions and hypotheses;
    have a basic understanding of writing the literature review and research proposal;
    know and select relevant methods of inquiry;
    be aware of the necessity of conducting ethically sound research; and
    interpret and present data graphically.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the literature of isiNdebele/isiZulu/Sepedi such as the critical analysis of a dramatic work and poetry (selected poems).

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  • Module content:

    To gain insight into the global context of the classroom, learners and ideas taught, as well as into the local world and country in which the classroom, learners and school are situated. Diversity and social justice and their importance in the local and global context, as well as their importance for teaching and learning are explored.
    Through individual and group learning tasks, students come to understand the overlapping themes of globalisation; understanding the nation state and its place in the regional and global world; and the role of technology and the media in globalisation and education. Significant social, political, historical and economic factors influencing the classroom are also investigated. Students collect, organise and critically evaluate information; appreciate the value of diversity in various social contexts; apply problem solving skills to learning tasks; and communicate ideas effectively in group tasks.

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  • Module content:

    The module deals with the understanding and application of the Bill of Rights in creating a safe and disciplined classrooms.  The second theme deals with managing a classroom through relationship building, participative decision-making, effective planning and monitoring, motivation and communication.

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  • Module content:

    This module provides an introduction to Portuguese linguistics covering the language's sound system, morphology and syntax. Portuguese semantics and language variations. An in-depth review of grammar is required. This module complies with the requirements for level B2 as set by the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".

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  • Module content:

    A comprehensive review of Portuguese grammar is presented in order to increase language proficiency with special emphasis on productive activities such as speaking and writing. This module offers techniques and current methods of text analysis (which include translation and retroversion from and to Portuguese) as a foreign language acquisition and work instrument. This module complies with the requirements for level B2.1 as set by the "Common European Framework for Reference for Languages".

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